For ST holders who sold tickets through TE the biggest issue is timing. NET profit will (and should) be grabbed but the default plan seems to be to grab the TOTAL PAYOUT from the original deposit source (in my case my checking account) and unless a specific request for a refund is made, for the Bills to sit on the rest of the money until next year.
I sell tickets because I have moved from the area plus my finances are not what they were when I originally became a ST holder. Its the only way I can still afford to buy seasons The DEFAULT plan should have been to give advance notice, grab the PROFITS from the seller and the rest directly from the Bills and return the funds to the buyer. At best a little legwork on the part of myself and my ST rep will prevent me from unwillingly lending money to the Bills (NFL?) but so far the plan doesn't seem to be slanted that way.
If you are a ST holder I suggest you forgo the phone call (or more likely a busy signal or 20 minute wait) and email your rep with your request. Also remember that they are most likely being affected by the storm and are only the messengers, not the policymakers. I'll give the new administration the benefit of the doubt because the issued policy has the stench of the NFL written all over it but for me this is their first true test.