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Everything posted by DieHardFan

  1. Is this the route that is being suggested (Not being a wise guy, just get confused with multi named roads) From: Lancaster Exit to Stadium 1. From Lancaster T-Way exit take Transit Rd (aka Rt 20) South go 12.6 miles 2 Head south on Orchard Park Rd/RT-240/RT-277 toward Reppien Pl go 1.8 miles 3. Turn right at New Taylor Rd go 1.0 miles 4. Slight right at S Taylor Rd go 0.4 miles 5. Turn left at Ellis Rd go 0.4 miles 6. Turn right at California Rd go 0.5 miles 7. Back on Rt 20 within site of Stadium Is so any gotchas to look out for (unnamed intersections, speed traps etc.) ? If so is this faster than taking 20 all the way even when there is no construction?
  2. Sorry, I collect misc jpgs in a folder and it was time for an update; must have grabbed it from there. Didn't remember seeing it here and it's so damn appropriate. I'll change it to another (probably someone else's).
  3. Let me restate: IMO it's BS that they charge $77 for a ticket in sec 109 (not counting the $5.50 extortion fee) when the face value of my season in 114 is $70? 1) Their intent is most likely to lower the resale value of ST which is petty. 2) They are losing 10% of 56K tickets. Should have taken this step prior to exporting the games. 3) If you are going to keep the discount take it off the preseason game (formerly games) so we don't feel so raw about paying full value for a worthless game. Sorry for the hijack taterhiill. Consider it a bump.
  4. Yeah, I'll use that argument on Judgement Day.
  5. Thanks for the heads up. When I checked there were only extreme nosebleeds available for 2 and up but there are some singles in the lowers. BTW how do they charge $77 for a ticket in sec 109 (not counting the $5.50 extortion fee) when the face value of my season in 114 is $70?
  6. They certainly can but that's not the point. Personally I'm still old school enough to believe that you should stand by your word especially since he was a risk to sign. Unfortunately that's not the way the scumbags in the NFL play it. Peter's refusal to negotiate in good faith is the point and the Bills should hang tough until he does.
  7. 63 Dodge Dart (?) [remember it had a pushbutton transmission]; 65 Ford Mustang
  8. I think the results are also skewed by the inability to choose more than one option. For example when looking for out of town games I first check the usual suspects (SH/EBay) for deals and if there is nothing spectacular use the friendly neighborhood scalper man once in town.
  9. You might want to contact Phil Lind. Link
  10. Agreed, Also would lobby for eliminating the point given for the EXACT guess of the MNF score. My preference would be to eliminate it completely but if it does stay it would be much fairer to give it to anyone within 3 or 5 points of the score. An extra point is too meaningful to be given to one player that guesses correctly but not another player that was only a single point off. Plus the MNF-DRT is counted again when it is used as a tiebreaker. Would like to see the MNF differential running total continue to be used as a tiebreaker but the computation needs to be looked at. Last year there were either other factors affecting the ranking or it was incorrect (ie for the same number of points for the MNF-DRT did not linearly follow the ranking; believe it may have been related to preseason values being used).
  11. I conclude from this that you do acknowledge the existence of a higher power. Acknowledged? Actually, the burden of proof is on the Holy Spirit. The Christian's task is to spread the Gospel. I recommend you research the concept of the Great Commision which was extrapolated from Matthew 28:16-20. I personally believe that these acts were initiated by God. My personal belief is that God, although he could be, is not a magician but utilizes the forces of nature to perform the acts known as miracles. And as a matter of fact technically speaking the examples you give can be accomplished with just the limited technology which man understands at this time. I don't profess to know the reason God does the things He does. In fact the Bible (which I believe to be the Word of God and that our power as Christians eminates from this Word; research this if it is facts that you seek) states that we are not meant to understand the reasoning behind God's works. I presume this and the next section were meant as one thought but there is a disconnect. To this point the fact that God knows what we are to decide does not preclude us from having the free will to do what we chose to do. I fail to see the logical connection between your if and then. Not sure where humility fits in here. I would say that using the "we" is the lack of humility. YOU may not know what it is yet or BELIEVE that I know what it is yet but my belief is that I know that God exists and is with us as I have felt His presence. Not cosmic stuff mind you as a am still a pretty carnal Christian. But in my book it's better to be a spittoon cleaner in heaven than a prince in hell. God Bless you in your search for truth.
  12. Before any White advocates advance to the level of media awareness they are summarily snuffed by the hitman division of Jackson, Sharpton and Associates.
  13. Wow, never seen the Rock get so upset. Sad fact is that we are going to continue to get screwed worse and worse by the NFL, Bills, broadcasters, regulators .... Suggest you take Monday off, go the State fair, see The Nitty Grritty Dirt Band (twice if necessary, it's free) and rejuvinate.
  14. To NOT believe that God (or a higher power) exists (or logic could say existed; an unlikely scenario for an omnipotent being) is entirely unreasonable. The fact that we are communicating is evidence that we exist. If there is/was no God please provide any reasonable explanation or good evidence as to how we came to exist. If it is indeed the Big Bang that started the events that led to our existence what supplied the raw materials for the event? Please spare us any flippant responses. The Apostle Paul started out as a fervent persecutor of Christians [1 Timothy 1:12-17]. Consider Christianity with the same zeal you are exhibiting in this thread and with an open mind and there is hope for you also.
  15. Yelled lots of nasty stuff but since it's all about getting into a players head the ones I cherish are when you get the target mad enough to react. Bryan Cox was easy. He'd bite at almost anything. A couple years back got Jason Taylor pissed enough to threaten to come into the stands after me. Also,since I'm right in front of the visitor's kicking practice net, have gotten plenty of reaction from kickers/holders but they have heard so much they usually just laugh. And while not active was proud to have taunted Emmitt "Kelly" Smith enough at last years Cowboys game to have him give me the finger. I HATE the cowgirls.
  16. Questions if you don't mind: I'm moving soon and the area I am going to does not have any locals on the SAT and 2 of the 3 nets don't even have OTA HD. Been thinking about having my brother in Texas sign up and transplanting his dish and receiver. Did you do this to get around blackout rules and if so did you need to plug the units into a landline? (have heard that they don't really check and wondering if it is true). If you didn't plug the units into a landline was there another receiver at the orig location that would have been there to pick up the auth phone call? Thanks. BTW where is Fez, he should be all over this post.
  17. Posted this link during the game on Saturday and got some good responses re OTA around Buffalo but none for SYR/Utica area. Watched the game on TWC on WTVH HD feed and got game but not in HD. Starting this early so maybe it won't get lost in the gametime posts. Wondering if it was a TWC thing or WTVH just didn't bother with the HD feed. Would like to know if you got it in HD on TWC and/or OTA from WTVH. Thanks.
  18. Sorry, watching on TWC in Utica. Didn't lose it, just no HD at all from the start. Hope you've got your HD feed back. Hopefully it's just growing pains for the initial HD broadcast of the Bills Television Network. Thanks Tomcat. You OTA or TWC?
  19. Bills Front Office / TWC / WTVH . It's like a Charlie Chan film. All the usual suspects; who dropped the ball?
  20. Since the post title is essentially settled why not switch the pin from this link to the link quoted?
  21. Wondering how they limit access to just DTV NFL Ticket subs? Assume it is not just (easily shared) user/password combo. Also how do they enforce blackouts? By user or by access area?
  22. Why doesn't a poll bump when someone submit's a vote?
  23. StubHub grabs 15% of the listed sale price from the seller AND charges the buyer the listed sales price PLUS an additional 10% of the sale price PLUS $11.50 for the typical delivery. 25%+ is a considerable amount. Sadly many of those who bought the additional tickets do not post them on TBD before going to SH due to the grief they get from the purists who think that they should be sold at cost. It's a lose (seller gets less) lose (buyer pays more) lose (tickets have a greater chance of going to the opponent fan) situation.
  24. You'd have more time to roast your weenie if you took a flight out of Buffalo instead of going to Manchester to catch it. [Carpool Link]
  25. Also is on American Life Channel (TWC - Digital tier) on Monday nights at 10pm.
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