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Everything posted by faderphreak

  1. How did you get it for less than $200 per season. It was like $189 when I started about five years ago. I'd have to break out my bill but I'd swear it was like $239-249 this year. Not that it isn't still worth it, I'd just like to save the extra $39-$49 for Guinness
  2. Just playing Devils Advocate here, but Shawn Merriman was making the calls as a defensive rookie. Now if the Bills get extremely lucky they could strike that kind of gold. Of course I would like to see Adalius Thomas back there along with a decent rookie to be available, in the event that TKO or Crowell do not make full recoveries. I have not researched enough to suggest the best prospect who would fit our scheme, but I am sure someone with more time on their hads has.
  3. If any team is dumb enough to offer a first or even second round pick for Willis, it would be hard to say no. There are plenty of examples of first year backs drafted as low as the seventh (Terrell Davis) that have made an impact. While the A-train would not be the answer, he could certainly mentor a younger player. The picks could be used to bolster the either the O ir D lines, or to replace Willis or possibly Fletcher.
  4. I'd just like to add two points... Correct me if I am wrong, but it seems to me that Anthony Thomas had back to back 100yd games behind our sub par line. This leads me to my second point; I believe the article said something along the lines that he played through injuries. Of course he did, another 100yd game by the aging A-train, after Willis struggled to get them, would make it obvious that he is not the answer. Then again maybe I am still just pissed about third and one, at the end of the half, against the Bolts. He catches a screen pass. All he has to do is fall forward for the first. If he does the Bills have the option of either trying for another score or sitting on the ball. Instead he dances around, loses yardage, and the Bolts end the half by scoring what amounted to the deciding points. I will not question his talent, but he does not have brains and I am not so sure that he has heart either. Yes he did come back from a devastating injury but his main motivation appears to be money... One of the best in the league? Please. Willis! Let him play out the contract and prove he is one of the best. He hasn't shown me !!!
  5. It is bad enough having to play LT and the Chargers, but we have to play the officials too? BS BS BS!!!!!
  6. I suppose I shouldn't comment since I didn't watch that game. Still, while it does smack of creative play calling and trying to catch the defense napping, it does seem a little risky to put your bread and butter at risk like that. By all accounts the passing game appears to be all the Jets have. What would they do if Chad took a shot and injured his shoulder again? Boy would the NY media have a field day with that one. As it is they seem to have issues with the Greg Williams approach of trying to put square pegs in round holes with regards to the defensive scheme that the Jets are using.
  7. Thanks for saving me some time. I would have wasted an hour of my life waiting for highlights only to be dissapointed as you were. F' em. For $25 you can get the highlights on Itunes for the whole season. There were about 11 min of highlights on the Pats game and a little over eight minutes on the Fins game. You can then take those highlights, burn em to disc, bring em into your NLE and edit them, add your own soundtrack and commentary, etc. As far as I am concerned that beats waiting for the national media to slip in Bills highlights consisting of three plays and some kind of backhanded compliment in between ball washing their darlings. Sure beats the days of waiting to hear Chris Berman's lead in of "No one circles the wagons..." and running to hit record on the VCR.
  8. See what happens when the current puppet of the corporatacracy has to come and invade our escapist distraction? For the record before some of you get your panties in a twist I am not stating that because the current puppet is a republican. I think the democrats are just as bad. I just wish we could keep politicians as far from football as possible and leave us our escape from the BS that we can't control. Granted we can't control what happens on the field but at least we can enjoy the beauty of the game. It's kind of hard to enjoy the beauty of politics. Republicans vs. Democrats is even more divisive than Losman vs. Holcomb Lets save the politics for someplace else because those real issues are just going to get us heated up worse because they are life and death future of humanity issues. Just look at where the conversations on this thread are starting to go already. Though I have to admit I loved the powder joke so much I linked it to some of my Bucs fan friends, some exchanges are already escalating quickly. When I am here I'd rather think about how great the Bills have the potential to be in a few years, not how bad the world has the potential to be. This is as far as I'll get dragged into this discussion here. Thanks for reading. "I'll just hang up and listen."
  9. The safety was dissapointing but overall I was pleased with the way he handled himself. He was composed. Last year that bad shotgun snap is six points for the Pats. He made good decisions for the most part. He had no picks and as far as I noticed he only really gave the opportunity for one but it was dropped. I think he still needs to work on his exchanges with Fowler and McGahee. There were too many times that the ball was on the ground. Also he still needs to watch his grip on those short hops. There were a couple that could have changed the outcome. Overall though he showed glimpses of what he can become on a regular basis if he continues to develop. He connected on 65% of his passes playing an away game against a tough BB defense. That is saying something about his development. What did he have last year 37% completion rate with three pics? It is a step in the right direction and I bet by the end of this season, if the development continues, teams are going to start dreading having to choose between his arm or Mcgahee's legs.
  10. Guinness. I pop the first one as the soon as I see the kicker's foot connect wit the ball on the opening kickoff. I hate it when they wind up with a re-kick because of a penalty or some other snafu. It F's up my mojo.
  11. "C'mon I just got a couple new cycles fellas. Who wants to go from 7th round noboday to superbowl MVP?"
  12. Yeah that is the way it looks all right. Egggcellent.
  13. Anyone else notice that Thomas doesn't wrap up anymore? I used to be impressed with the form tackles he would make early in his career. Last night on play after play I saw him just launching himself rather than tackling. Two things are likely to come of this... Injuries to his old body and big plays to the opposing offense. He was definitely having trouble with the slot on a couple of occasions as well. Just an observation.
  14. well put... *clink
  15. As long as we are throwing around top ten reasons why we can win here is a list. 10. Pats will have little film for BB to use for his legendary game planning. 9. Patriots receivers are ??? with so many new faces I find it easy to believe someone runs a route wrong leading to a turnover. 8. If the Bills backs can get through the D-Line I think the Pats linebacking crew is suspect with "the graduate" in the middle. 7. The Pats had one of the worst pass defenses in the league last year and they lost their best pass rusher (IMO) to the Browns 6. They can't squat on the short routs like they did when they last played Holcomb. 5. Rather than in the past when they had two or three legitimate receiving threats as of right now they have one. Ben Watson. So the bills can game plan to take him away. 4. The Bills have more fast receivers that can make plays than the patriots have DBs to cover them. 3. Losman seems calmer and better at making the reads so he should find the mismatches. 2. Jauron is not going to panic and abandon the game plan. 1. Special Teams
  16. I gotta learn to use the preview geeze! I left a will out. Dyslexic non-english writing mother chicken! Anyway... With that in mind, I think he picked a guy that has seen the good and the bad who he feels will have the neccesary traits to be successful in these circumstances.
  17. Very True. I took that into consideration before coming to my belief that Jauron can turn us around. Some factors I have taken inot consideration is that as many have observed he is like a young Marv Levy in many ways. While many may question Marv as a GM, he knows what it takes to win as a coach in a small market, without a lot of money and marginal talent. He also knows what it takes to make the best of a second chance. With that in mind, I think he picked a guy that has seen the good and the bad who he feels have the neccesary traits to be successful in these circumstances. Also consider that you are hard pressed to find someone at any level in the NFL from players to GMs who speaks ill of him. I still think he his going to have us a contender within two years
  18. While Dick Jauron seems to be growing on some, it is obvious that a lot of the media and even some on this board, seem to think that because he is not a big name and because he had some bad seasons he was not a good choice. Just for the hell of it I thought I would compare Jauron's coaching career to that of a few others. Now before some of you start getting your panties in a twist I am not saying that Jauron is as good as any of these guys yet, just that the jury is still out. Based on certain parallels such as time off between stints and extenuating circumstances ie. playing an entire season on the road (jauron), having serious problems with ownership and management (BB), or having to deal with a strike season (levy/parcells). If you compare where Jauron's first five years to Belichick's first five it is about even. I think within two years Jauron will have us as a legitimate superbowl contender. Rather than spout off on the details of why I believe this I'll just let you look at what I am looking at and draw your own conclusions. Dick Jauron Overall: 36 - 49 Playoffs: 0 - 1 Year Team Season Playoffs 1999 CHI 6 - 10 - 0 - 2000 CHI 5 - 11 - 0 - 2001 CHI 13 - 3 - 0 0 - 1 2002 CHI 4 - 12 - 0 - 2003 CHI 7 - 9 - 0 - 2005 DET 1 - 4 - 0 0 - 0 Bill Belichick Overall: 99 - 77 Playoffs: 11 - 2 Year Team Season Playoffs 1991 CLE 6 - 10 - 0 - 1992 CLE 7 - 9 - 0 - 1993 CLE 7 - 9 - 0 - 1994 CLE 11 - 5 - 0 1 - 1 1995 CLE 5 - 11 - 0 - 2000 NWE 5 - 11 - 0 - 2001 NWE 11 - 5 - 0 3 - 0 2002 NWE 9 - 7 - 0 - 2003 NWE 14 - 2 - 0 3 - 0 2004 NWE 14 - 2 - 0 3 - 0 2005 NEW 10 - 6 - 0 1 - 1 Marv Levy Overall: 143 - 112 Playoffs: 11 - 8 Year Team Season Playoffs 1978 KAN 4 - 12 - 0 - 1979 KAN 7 - 9 - 0 - 1980 KAN 8 - 8 - 0 - 1981 KAN 9 - 7 - 0 - 1982 KAN 3 - 6 - 0 - 1986 BUF 2 - 5 - 0 - 1987 BUF 7 - 8 - 0 - 1988 BUF 12 - 4 - 0 1 - 1 1989 BUF 9 - 7 - 0 0 - 1 1990 BUF 13 - 3 - 0 2 - 1 1991 BUF 13 - 3 - 0 2 - 1 1992 BUF 11 - 5 - 0 3 - 1 1993 BUF 12 - 4 - 0 2 - 1 1994 BUF 7 - 9 - 0 - 1995 BUF 10 - 6 - 0 1 - 1 1996 BUF 10 - 6 - 0 0 - 1 1997 BUF 6 - 10 - 0 - Bill Parcells Overall: 163 - 123 Playoffs: 11 - 7 Year Team Season Playoffs 1983 NYG 3 - 12 - 1 - 1984 NYG 9 - 7 - 0 1 - 1 1985 NYG 10 - 6 - 0 1 - 1 1986 NYG 14 - 2 - 0 3 - 0 1987 NYG 6 - 9 - 0 - 1988 NYG 10 - 6 - 0 - 1989 NYG 12 - 4 - 0 0 - 1 1990 NYG 13 - 3 - 0 3 - 0 1993 NWE 5 - 11 - 0 - 1994 NWE 10 - 6 - 0 0 - 1 1995 NWE 6 - 10 - 0 - 1996 NWE 11 - 5 - 0 2 - 1 1997 NYJ 9 - 7 - 0 - 1998 NYJ 12 - 4 - 0 1 - 1 1999 NYJ 8 - 8 - 0 - 2003 DAL 10 - 6 - 0 0 - 1 2004 DAL 6 - 10 - 0 0 - 0 2005 DAL 9 - 7 - 0 0 - 0
  19. I hadn't even thought of that. Good Point about winning a place in his heart. Under TD with either Mularkey or Williams there probably would have been a lot of public sabre rattling in the media, with Williams possibly even fines for missing such an extended period of time. I wish Willis had this guy's character the Bills took a chance on him and paid him to rehab. Who knows how far he'd have fallen in the draft.
  20. I've never been there though I have gone to Devaney's on University & Goldenrod for years. Even when others don't get games, like for instance that Buffalo vs. Jacksonville that was blacked out, they seem to find a way. I have the Ticket but I may have to check out a game or two at Pipers this season just to check it out.
  21. I am so glad this man is on our team. Hearing what he has done for his family, the way he is looking out for his siblings, and the attitude he has in handling all was refreshing. He is totally representative of the character that Marv has always looked for in his players. If the reports of his talent are accurate he could be a great player and member of the community. You get enough players like that on your roster and good things come from it.
  22. The Patriots... Bills 21 Pats 20 The beginning of a roller coaster season.
  23. You still read the Slantinel? You poor ba$tard. I gave up on the paper after about a two month subscription. I kept thinking "its gotta get better!" I still wish I'd have had the sense to save thier declaration of Gore as the winner. Oh well. Where do you watch the games?
  24. I am not saying that ONLY guys from the U who are Rosenhaus' clients want to get paid. What I am saying is that the payday appears to be Willis' only motivation. He has not shown himself to be a team player. While I know this statement to becoming pretty close to true it is not there yet. The reason I like the sport of football is because it is a team made up of individuals working toward a common goal. In the best of scenarios the sum of all the parts is greater than the whole, Everyone everyone meshes together like the gears in a finely tuned machine. When they are all in sync it is a beautiful thing to watch, from the line play, to the way the recievers run the routes so the quarterbacks seem to hit in stride almost every time. The way the linebackers work together with the line, stunting, blitzing to take away the short part of the field while the d-backs work in unison to take away the pass. When it all becomes seemless it is one of the best things to watch in th world (Except of course, when it is a Bills opponent). That can't be bought too often, if at all, in the modern NFL. Look how many times teams like the Jets, Eagles, Redskins, Raiders, etc. have bought up every big name free agent they could only to fall on thier faces. On the other hand the Colts, Patriots, Bucs, Steelers, Jags, hell even the Bills, have had players take less to stay with a team that they thought there would be the right chemistry to win. The day the "only color that exists is green" in pro football I will stop watching and rooting. I will walk away from it. For some it is still about winning and being the best team on the field. It is those players and teams that make the game of football so fun to watch!
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