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Everything posted by faderphreak

  1. Apparently I had too much time on my hands this morning. Here is a playlist including every track suggested that I could find. I replaced NIN “Hurt” with the Johnny Cash version because even Trent Reznor said “that song isn’t mine anymore” https://music.amazon.com/user-playlists/6447ac750e454515bdc477988b30071fsune?ref=dm_sh_s91imkEn5kYWZBVoWn26gov85
  2. I can’t help myself. As long as Hatebreed is on the table I have one more…
  3. A pretty badass playlist could be made out of this thread. There are a lot of great tracks already but I’I have a couple to add. While perhaps cheesy to those of us who cut our teeth on Slayer, Metallica, RATM, Panera, Obituary, etc. they fit the mood of the game to me and they have a bit of swag…
  4. Yep. It was also brought up by Schrager in the GMFB clip SlimShady'sSpaceForce shared as well, so it was probably fresh in T. Brown's mind after getting his GMFB fix this morning.
  5. Carlton Bailey’s interception return for touchdown in the 1991 AFC Championship game was the first to come to mind. Kelly and Elway on the field yet the hero of that day was what to the casual NFL observer would be a pretty obscure name.
  6. While I try to avoid these types discussions in general, particularly in an election year where the media has everyone all tuned up into one big raw nerve, I have to say I really appreciate the open discourse in this thread. I don't doubt that someone may have said something along the lines of what was reported but if it wasn't caught on tape, or could not be corroborated then it should not be reported. Period. As a child I wanted to as a journalist. Guys like Woodward and Bernstein, Jimmy Breslin, Tom Wolfe, and Edward Murrow inspired me with their writing and investigative work. Even though I went a different direction, today I work with "journalists" within every major print and broadcast company, and it has been an eye opener. I would be a liar if I said I did not admit that dealing with many of these folks didn't leave me saying regularly "Murrow most be rolling over in is grave!" Most of the people in the media should not be called journalists, and even "reporter" is a stretch for a pretty fair number of them. It would be fair to call them nothing more than content providers, or to be generous, writers. Too many are Nothing more than shills or click generators working to generate revenue and make a name for themselves at any cost. At best, those in this category are uniformed and irresponsible. At worst, they are liars who make incendiary comments to meet their narrative with a slash and burn mentality with regard to the consequences. Of course saying all in the media today are hacks and shills based upon the actions of some of the worst in media would be akin to saying all <insert race, religion, ethnicity, sexual preference, etc. here> should be equated to the worst of their demographic. Unfortunately, the bottom line is that true journalism in this country is nearly dead but there are still some working to do it right in a fight that seems as futile as our beloved Bills on their worst day taking on the Pats on their best day. That said, referring to click generators and pot stirrers like this tool Klemko as a journalist is an affront to the true journalists that are left, as well as all of the great men and women that truly practiced the art in the past.
  7. Hahaha. The only thing good I have to say about this game is that it least it is not the Bills. As much as the media was loVing piling on Buffalo last week, they're going to be all over Houston this weekend
  8. JJ Watt looked so disappointed walking off the field just now. Almost sad. Almost
  9. Agree on no need to rush. Besides, I have Bennett so as much as I dislike the Pats* I'LL be happy to see him get his catches
  10. I'LL concede he's getting a few snaps but he is nowhere near 100%, and he's only being played sparingly.
  11. How funny is it going to be if Houston gets shut out playing Pats team using a third string quarterback, missing Gronk, with a defense that looked ripe to give up a lot of passing yards, and coming off a short week?
  12. Looks like the Texans were expecting to mail this one in. That or they are simply throwing the game.
  13. I don't know if it was Kraft but I had the same thought. If there is any truth to the occult someone there surely tooknow a trip to the crossroads. The ball just ALWAYS bounces their way
  14. Are we sure Gilmore doesn't have a concussion?
  15. That's ok Tommy* you can DEFLATE your balls. We'll just Pump Up the VOLUME! PS. I love the asterisk idea and think that one is the clear winner. Simple, elegant, and if the idea to hand it to everyone going to the game was possible, impossible for CBS to avoid showing it on the air.
  16. Great. Now I have to watch the Untouchables. Nice movie bomb.
  17. What would you expect from a bunch of band-wagoners? Every time I have a Patriots* fan my own age talk smack I just ask them to name three players not named Drew Bledsoe from prior to the Era of the Cheats. "uhh, uh, uh..." That's what I thought.
  18. Wow. That defense is truly clueless. I can't even count all of the mistakes on this one play
  19. If the Steelers can put something together here they can at least make it interesting.
  20. I'm having visions of McCoy just tearing it up next week
  21. "if not their leading receiver" - really Chris? Really?
  22. And Chandler gets his first of the year...
  23. Steelers could not cover a jar of mayonnaise. I know Brady* is good, deflated balls or not, but this is just sad to watch.
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