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Everything posted by Realist

  1. One more thing, don't play their receivers 10 yards off the line of scrimmage! They'll kill us with those quick passes just across the LOS and gain 5 yards a pop. Unfortunately that would mean playing a near perfect game and the Bills are far from perfect right now. Buffalo 13 New England 24
  2. I don't see us beating New England either. We may have had two weeks to work out our problems, but so have Bellichek, Weis, and Crennel. We can beat Miami and the Jests, but the Pats are far and above better than Buffalo at this point of the season. I'll be rooting for them and hoping for them to pull the upset. I'll be hopping mad when something bad happens to the Bills and jumping around like crazy when something good happens and I hope they prove me wrong, but I just don't think they have it yet.
  3. I always make my preliminary picks and set a prelim roster for my Fantasy teams on Tuesday just in case I forget or something happens that I can't get to a computer. Later in the week I go back and take a final look at them. Which obviously isn't helping considering I'm in 129th in the pick'em. Out of the Survivor pool last week because of Green Bay, and my fantasy teams are either in last or next to last place in all four leagues I'm in. To top it off, my Bills are 0-2 going against New England. Son of a B word! Now I'm pi$$ed.
  4. My definition of a True Fan: Someone who posts on a message board with total strangers just to talk about their team whether having to say good things or bad things, it doesn't matter.
  5. Have to agree with FM again. If the Bills are going to win this one, it will be with Drew. Bellichek will make sure he shuts down the running game, because he will see that as the only threat. Two weeks to practice shutting down Henry, I don't see that as too much of a problem for the Pats.
  6. It will also be the most boring game in the history of the NFL.
  7. Personally, I don't like the Pass Interference penalty. I think its too harsh. They should go with a 15 yard penalty and automatic first down.
  8. Now that, I agree with you. Between the bad passes, dropped balls, fumbles, etc. It isn't just the OL fault just as its not just Bledsoe's fault. Every offensive player needs to be held accountable for the first two games.
  9. That's the main problem with the players, for some reason they think they should get as much as the other top 3 sports. The owners have nearly no revenue coming in, how can the players justify getting multi million $ contracts (Not talking about the 1 or 2 million). It can't happen and that's what the owners are trying to get across to them. Not that the owners are blameless, but the players have to give in on the salary cap.
  10. I don't think it should have been challenged but as far as giving the ball to McGahee, yes I think they should have. Henry couldn't knock it last week, so I would have said give McGahee a chance.
  11. I haven't heard any players or coaches comment on the bad calls. I think the coaching staff and players know that they have more problems than just referees. Yes, the bad calls cost us the game, but so did bad passes, dropped balls, lack of blocking and other bad penalties. If the Bills played better the outcome would not have been decided by the referees. I think they realize that and will worry about fixing what can be fixed. Still, :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: refs!
  12. They're pretending to be my bank, even though I don't have any accounts there. Pretty swift, huh? I think you're right, that's where I read to send it to. The place they claim to be. Thanks.
  13. Just received one of those emails that asks you to fill out this online form with your accounts and social security # so they can "verify" the information. I know its a fake for identity theft and no I'm not stupid enough to fill it out. I know there is somewhere that you can report this to. Does anyone have any idea where it is I can report this?
  14. This leads to a question that goes back to the Olympics: Should the Raiders give us the win since it was the officials that blew the call. Such as was asked of Paul Hamm to give back the gold because of officials mistake.
  15. According to HS, the NFL will be notifying the Bills that 3 calls were blown on Sunday. 1. Travis Henry's TD was a TD 2. Nate Clements Return, should not have been a holding call 3. Takeo Spikes should have gotten a safety call for the holding in the endzone. Dammit, how can Bledsoe have blown that call!!!!
  16. Yes, Kendall and Fontenot are 2 major things that I'm disappointed with TD about. I don't have any idea why they passed one or both of them up.
  17. But isn't that Shane Matthews? Thats what most people around here think.
  18. Some good news on this board for once!! If the power of TBD prayers worked for you and your family, we better all start praying for the Bills.
  19. Since you want to bench Bledsoe for not playing up to par, I guess I'm for benching the entire offense, because in my opinion, every single one of them sucked the first two games. The hard part to believe is that Bledsoe is actually the best person on our offense now. Name one player on the offense that has played well so far.
  20. There are several I'd like to have as a coach like Bellichek, how could you not want him as your coach after his record, even though I can't stand him. I do like Jeff Fisher, though. Through good times and bad he's had his team up there.
  21. And that is Bledsoe's biggest fault and, even though I think he's the guy for now, he will not be the one to make this team great. I wish Bledsoe would get into the faces of his Lineman, unfortunately, that is not in his nature because he is too much of a nice guy. I'll never forget when Kelly called out Ballard after that one game (Indy?), and everyone was pissed at him for doing it. But Ballard really picked up his game after that.
  22. This is exactly what I've been saying. There are a lot more problems on this offense than Bledsoe. But you gotta blame someone and the QB is the easiest target. I for one would trade our Offensive Line with an OL of nearly any team in the NFL. How often do Receivers such as Moss, Owens and Harrison drop the ball? Maybe once every few games? Our receivers, including Moulds have dropped at least 1 in each of the first two games. Our TE's are just as good as our Offensive Line, meaning they suck. Bledsoe is not the answer, but he is also not the only problem. I would rate Bledsoe as probably the 15th to 20th QB in the league. So he's no better than average. But you put an average QB behind this OLine and we get exactly what we are seeing.
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