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Everything posted by Realist

  1. Not a keeper league and I have Kyle Brady.
  2. I've been offered WR Chambers and TE McMichael of Miami for WR Smith of Jacksonville. I'm thinking no, because Miami's O is so bad right now and those two actually take away stats from each other in that anemic offense. Thoughts? Opinions? Anyone? ... Bueller
  3. Drew has always placed blame on himself. In fact, IIRC, that's one of the things that pissed off Pats fans. DB always blamed himself and wouldn't call anyone out. I'm actually glad he finally said something. The OLine has played like stevestojan. Lets just hope that this helps motivate them, because God knows they need motivation. Bledsoe hasn't played great, but he's not the sole reason for this offense's lack of production. I still would like to see a change at QB when JP is healthy, if for nothing else than just a change that might spark this team. But I have no problem at all with what Drew said, just wished he said it sooner.
  4. Thats what I thought when I heard his pc yesterday. It sounds like the change is inevitable. The question is just, when is JP 100% heatlhy?
  5. The Sox this year were not really a shocker, they were one of the favorites. The only thing shocking about it, is how they won 8 straight, and shut down the Cardinals high powered offense.
  6. I agree he hasn't had many "bad" games, so, no its not all his fault. But he hasn't lifted his game up to put this team on his shoulders and win a game for us. He is no longer capable of doing that. His era in Buffalo has come to an end, right now he is just keeping the seat warm for Losman. In the beginning of the year I thought differently, but it has become quite obvious that he through here.
  7. I'll go by what I heard him say in the press conference than what is written on the website. You can listen to the archived pc from bb.com too, I believe they have it up there.
  8. Pisses me off how the media puts words into coaches mouths and start all kinds of crap. MM made it quite clear what he said.
  9. LOL I was wondering who would be the first person to say something about that phrase. But those are Mularkey's words, not mine.
  10. In fact a reporter asked him (not exact quotes, but along those lines) "Why don't you just come right out and name one as your starter instead of saying both are starting?" MM said quite clearly, "I just did. Willis is starting."
  11. Mularkey said that the Bills have 2 quality starters, but this week McGahee will get the start with Travis coming in to give him a blow when he needs it. He did NOT say next week Henry would start.
  12. The dolphins used to be the laughing stock of the league, now I fear it is us. This is the football gods getting back at us for making fun of miami all off season. UGH!
  13. The only way I would agree with this is if they are both in together. If he just means they'll get approximately the same number of carries throughout the game, I don't like that. You need one back to carry the bulk of the load so he can build a rhythm.
  14. Agree R.Rich, Moulds of course isn't solely to blame, but every single player on the offense has made plently of mistakes to take credit for this horrible season so far, including Moulds. Just because he ran down the guy on the INT return doesn't make him immune to criticism.
  15. We absolutely MUST go Offensive Line with our 1st pick, no kickers, no DL, only OL.
  17. If we lose to Arizona, he'll start Nov 21 at home against St. Louis.
  18. Who knows, maybe once we change QB's he will play better. It could be Bledsoe just makes him look bad (Although, the penalties really gotta stop).
  19. If the Bills want to prove they aren't the worst, how about starting a winning streak of more than one game. Whether they are 30 or 32 it doesn't matter once you get down that far in those polls, if you're below 25 thats pretty much saying "You Suck!" Guess what Rudy, they do suck.
  20. Yes, I am one of the slow learners. Now I am all for JP as soon as he's healthy. However, I am not so bad off to want Matthews in there.
  21. Hell with that, if Losman's healthy enough start him against New England. It may give the Line an attitude to protect the young guy and New England has never seen JP before, so who knows maybe we actually end the Pats winning streak. Wishful thinking, but isn't that what this year has turned into?
  22. Not going to get any Joe is a Moron reply from me, it seems he's right on.
  23. I'd have to say the Bears right now, but I think that is only because Grossman is out. Our defense is still pretty good, so even with Grossman back Buffalo may be better...only slightly.
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