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Everything posted by Realist

  1. Thanks Scott. Had to use the one with Bush as my avatar.
  2. A good portion of their clients are the rapists and murderers.
  3. Of course, you know we'll need details the next day.
  4. On NFL Network Tonight at 7:00 with Mike Mayock. Just got a Bills Direct notice.
  5. Thanks for keeping us out of towners informed with all the Bills talk. Good luck with your new gig on GR. Please, Please, Please convince management to start streaming over the net.
  6. Cowart is nothing like he used to be. He's not the one I'm afraid of on the Jests.
  7. Bills 17 Jets 26 Jets were very impressive against a tough miami defense Monday.
  8. Yep, sucks royally for us. Now we have to depend on all the morons on this board for our news. Good Luck Howard. I enjoyed tuning in via the internet everyday.
  9. I'm probably one of the few that doesn't have too much of a problem with TD. My biggest problem was with the hiring of GW. But if someone does a great job in an interview and is very well prepared tell me that you wouldn't hire a candidate like that. So its even hard to blame him for that. I just think the first head coach should have been someone with experience. He did a great job in bringing in players for the Defense and I think he's getting the offense together slowly but surely. At the time of the Bledsoe deal it was pretty much either Bledsoe or Jeff Blake, let me think hard on that one. This offseason work on the OLine and I think we'll be okay depending on how JP pans out. So I wouldn't mind if he stayed on as GM for another year. And I don't think you'll see much difference in Modrak and TD as a GM.
  10. I voted. Waited in line for over two hours and thought about leaving several times, but I voted.
  11. Once the Jests see Bannan on tape they're going to know which plays may be run. Using Bannan may already have run its course, unless he knows more than those few plays.
  12. BF, before you get to 8-8 or 9-7 you have to get to 2-5, so yes, yesterday's win was important.
  13. Excellent ExWNYer. The thing I was most impressed with was the Red Zone offense against the best Red Zone Defense as Rock pointed out. We haven't exactly been lighting up the board lately so putting up those kind of points against a pretty good defense is impressive. The only thing not very impressive in yesterday's game was Bledsoe. But he didn't do anything to kill us. Before the season everyone was saying we just need a QB that can manage the game and not lose it. Well that's the kind of game DB had yesterday. If he can do that, just a little bit better than yesterday, we'll be okay until JP is ready enough to step in (and don't forget that may not be in 2 or 3 weeks like we all would like, but could be late in the season depending on what Mularkey thinks.)
  14. Was there a football post lost somewhere in all of these cat recipes?
  15. 30+ mph winds, how are you going to go deep in that? Why the hell am I replying to Rudy's posts?
  16. If DG honestly felt like he was beaten by a terrible team he probably would have said something like, 'We just had an off day, every team has 'em. The weather made it very difficult to get anything going this afternoon.' I'm not saying we're better than Seattle, we're not, but you have to give this team some credit. ps...Of course any credit that I'm giving the team this week, goes completely out the window if they come out and play like stevestojan next week against the Jests.
  17. Not quite true, we would've beaten San Fran, Chicago, possibly Cincinnati, Carolina, and maybe Washington. See, we're not quite that bad.
  18. Gotta start somewhere Ice. If we beat up on two of the worst teams in the league, thats fine by me. Especially, since we're considered one of the worst teams in the league too.
  19. Personally, I'd rather have him hurt his knee again than be on the banner! How could you do this SDS? You just single-handedly ruined Willis!
  20. I understand that the Titans are in a whole heap of trouble this offseason with the cap.
  21. How's Tra Thomas been? Ogden just signed an extension with Baltimore. Saw it in this morning's paper.
  22. Bills can't be bad forever...I hope. Bills 24 Cardinals 16
  23. I voted for other...I'd rather see the Jills up there than any of these morons.
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