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Everything posted by Realist

  1. Instead of doing some thinking at the end of the season, I wish Moulds would do some thinking about either ripping Bledsoe (Does not have to be publicly) or getting on Mularkey's case to start the kid. For a team leader, he has been way too silent. He might also think about improving his game a little, he hasn't really helped matters all that much this year.
  2. Thats it right there ICE, I will support the Bills no matter what. I'll B word and complain when they play like they did Sunday, but I will always root for them. I had season tickets when they were 2-14 for two years in a row, I'm not going to stop cheering them on now. If I could afford to go to Buffalo 8 times a year I'd still have season tickets.
  3. There's a radio station down here that is already playing 24 hours a day Christmas music.
  4. That N'awlins game sounds interseting. My wife always wanted to go there. She's not much of a football fan, so if I get the plane tix to NO after the schedule is released and surprise her with that, I'll wait until we get down there to tell her I also have tix for the game.
  5. Thats how I look at it now too. This is basically training camp for next year and you would think the coaches think that too, since they are making changes constantly now. Except for the one change that needs to be done. At this point, you might as well see what everyone can do and get the team ready for next year.
  6. How in the hell can we give you guys a hard time? We laughed at the phins all offseason and look what happened to us! We only have 2 more wins than you do and I don't think we will win in Miami, especially if DB is still leading the team. Don't be a stranger. Good to hear from you again.
  7. Its obvious Drew doesn't have it anymore, but for some reason MM refuses to start JP. My thinking is he is waiting until we are mathmatically out of the hunt. I don't understand what other reason there could be. This season is nearly lost, so we have to think about the future, since the future is JP he needs to get playing time in the game. Practice is great but there is nothing like game speed. Losman needs to get in there Sunday if we are getting killed, or doing the killing..HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA ...sorry, lost it there a minute, or even if its a close game at the half but Bledose has proven ineffective in the first half.
  8. Thats the one that kills me. People complaining Mularkey hasn't given up on the season yet, but the same ones bitching that Wade did.
  9. TD will not be fired, if anything happens at all, he was just lose his GM title and remain President. Everyone is kidding themselves if they think TD will be leaving the Buffalo Bills anytime soon.
  10. Think Scott will sell out? I mean, now that he has another child, he's probably desperate for money and the Bills probably want to squelch all the criticism coming at them. For the Bills and Scott its a win - win situation.
  11. I agree AKC. Yesterday was my venting day, today I'm trying to look at things more logically. I'm looking at Sunday as just a total meltdown. I sure don't see this team playing like this every week, we've seen evidence that this can be a good team. I predicted before the game that we would lost by a fair margin. People got way to optimistic in thinking this game was a win. We weren't going to end our road losing streak in NE against a Bellicheck team. We just aren't that good yet. However I expected more out of the Bills. Personally, I believe Bledsoe puts too much pressure on himself against the Pats at Foxboro, thus all the bad games there. He'll bounce back some this week, although I still believe that we should go with Losman. Many here are bitching about Mularkey not admitting its over and just making the QB switch, but last time a Buffalo Bills HC admitted it was over he got roasted by everyone and pretty much run out of town. I'm glad MM refuses to give up until we are mathmatically eliminated. Whoever is on the field on Sunday, I'll be rooting hard for them to have a great game against the Rams. I don't care if Billy Joe comes back at QB, I'll be cheering just as hard for him as I would for Bledsoe or Losman.
  12. Thats why I don't read his stuff anymore.
  13. We used to be classy fans that would never do that. Now, we would burn his fuggin' house down.
  14. Yep, we don't buy tix, when there is a new owner he's going to say "What the hell do I want to stay in Buffalo for." If I could afford to get up to Buffalo 8 times during the fall/winter I would buy Season Tix and be happy to cheer the Bills on every game. I had season tix back in 84-85 when we went 2-14 and had absolutely no talent on the team. It was all worth it, when I had season tix for the next 8 years after that.
  15. I'm all for fan venting and offering up possible solutions among other fans and all of the various discussions. But I can tell you if we have a GM or a head coach that actually starts to listen to us morons (including myself there too), I don't want them anywhere near our team. The last thing I want is a coach that makes some drastic change just because it will make the fans happy. Saying that, I STILL WANT JP TO START SUNDAY!!! DAMMIT MULARKEY, WHY WON'T YOU LISTEN!
  16. That about covers it. I just don't know why Ralph Wilson doesn't make us the collective GM. Just imagine what this team would be if we all had control! ... ...
  17. Woo Hoo!!! Congrats Scott! Glad to hear all went well. And Paige, welcome to the world. By the time you're old enough to care, maybe, just maybe, the Bills might be playing better by then.
  18. I think MM makes the switch when we are mathmatically eliminated.
  19. Don't know why that is a surprise, he said it in all the papers this morning that he will continue with Drew and Losman may be the #2 man. Still, I can't wait to hear at the stadium if Drew starts to suck, all the fans start chanting JP! JP! JP!
  20. What, exactly do you expect to hear. Of course they are going to give the same ole cliches. Don't they alway? When was the last time you heard anything of interest at a press conference? If you want a good listen and someone to tell it like it is, listen to Bill Parcells. All other coaches give the same coach speak and its not going to change.
  21. Actually I predicted a loss by 24-13 mid last week. I'm just pissed at how bad they looked in losing. I really did expect a better effort, especially by the Defense. BTW BillsFanNC, did you happen to have a huge inflatable Buffalo Bills player on your front lawn yesterday? I gotta get me one of those.
  22. Actually I do have a second team and like you and Deeray, its Carolina. I am also kind of rooting for Pittsburgh, because their system is how ours is supposed to work, so if it goes well for them, maybe, just maybe there is hope the Bills in the future.
  23. stevestojan! I thought this was the whiner forum.
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