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Everything posted by Realist

  1. Especially behind that offensive line.
  2. Sister-in-law and her family are coming into town tomorrow for the weekend. I do my travelling at Christmas.
  3. That was really a stupid question. He's played all of 4-5 plays and he's wondering if he's the answer? Let him play in an entire game at least.
  4. Exactly. Who gives a stevestojan about the Pats now? Its not like we're going to beat them out for the division title now. I could care less if they win or lose. I have a couple of them on my fantasy teams, so I was actually hoping they would do well offensively.
  5. Look for the guy from Utah to take the Florida job.
  6. I had a chuckle at that too. At least he admits to making mistakes, no matter which coach or coaches he meant.
  7. No, I need more points on my Fantasy teams. I have Dillon, Green, and Viniateri.
  8. If Drew beats Seattle (which I don't think he can and I don't think JP would be any better), then there will be more of a chance of him coming back as a starter next year. But I still think that remains doubtful. He would have to play lights out the rest of the season for it to be anything more than an open competition in next year's training camp.
  9. Interesting theory and could possibly be true. That would explain why MM just threw JP in there with no forewarning whatsoever.
  10. I no longer give a stevestojan, I just want to win.
  11. Thanks for the great analysis. But I don't want to get my hopes up until after the Seattle game. I'd still like to see them win a big road game before any mention of the playoffs comes into play. Especially, since if we miraculously get into the playoffs, guess where that first game is...on the road against a difficult team.
  12. Actually I agree, I thought there were probably 20-30 players ahead of Bledsoe for that honor this week. He must have given him extra consideration for how horrible he played last week and the criticism he went through during the week leading up to the game. No way was Bledsoe Offensive POW.
  13. That's it! I want all the Bledsoe haters out there to write to King and tell him how bad Drew played and he had nothing to do with the win. It was all Special Teams and Defense! <sarcasm/off>
  14. The Bills on the road and the Bills at home are two entirely different teams. They don't even compare. If we played Seattle at home, I'd say we have a pretty good shot at beating them.
  15. I think all of our wishes come to a close next week. Don't forget, its a road game out west. The other 3 road games a real possibilities for wins but not next week. I wish I had more confidence, but there's almost no way.
  16. He's basically getting 6M a year for his name. Mularkey said this was supposed to be a smash mouth offense where it is not won by the QB. I'm happy with Bledsoe's performance, he did rather well yesterday. We'll never see the Bledsoe of old again, so if that's what you're looking for give up on your tirade. I'm by no means a Bledsoe apologist, I root for whoever is behind center for the Bills. But give credit where credit is due, he kept us in the game in the first half. Save your tirade against Bledsoe for next week when he will undoubtedly suck on the road. How about enjoy this week's win for a couple of days.
  17. They said he played on Special teams and made some key blocks.
  18. Clayton wasn't an option when we needed a receiver.
  19. Dammit! I just said Happy Birthday to you on the Happy Birthday NG thread! Okay, ignore that one and accept this one. Happy Birthday MikeG!
  20. Happy B-Day Mike G! I'll add a HB to NG tomorrow!
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