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Everything posted by Realist

  1. I don't know if I'd want him for 10 years. There's something about him I don't like. I know everyone's on his bandwagon but I just don't care for those kind of QB's that run more than pass.
  2. How many QB's hit every receiver in stride every time? That's what makes a good receiver, one that can adjust to a ball not thrown in the numbers every time.
  3. Just glad the players and coaches don't think like that.
  4. What do you care what the Bills do anyway? I still can't figure that out.
  5. I think everyone here knows that the Bills don't have a great shot at the playoffs, But isn't it at least great to have any hope at all with only 2 games left in the regular season? Would you rather the team be 5-9 now, so you don't have to get your hopes up?
  6. Were you juggling them at the time? Because you have to be quick, that hair burns quick and can catch your hands when you're not ready.
  7. They should make "Drops" part of a Wide Receiver's stats. That way they come into negotiations and say 'Look what I've done for this team the past 3 years!' and GM counters, 'Yeah, you dropped 15 easy catches last year, 5 would've been TD's. How much did you say you wanted?'
  8. They all beat us before we started playing well. And I don't recall the Jaguars or Jets actually "Kicking our asses."
  9. Seriously? sh--, I always wondered what I would do in that situation if it was a strangers house (family I'd be in there in a second), I hope I would do the same as you. Nice going, glad you're okay and the house was empty.
  10. NE can screw him up like Baltimore did, but I don't think they have the talent to stop them totally anymore.
  11. Agree, if they hit that 10-6 record and not make the playoffs I'll still be ecstatic. The playoffs would just be a huge bonus.
  12. Bossman, have you even watched this team the past 8 weeks? You seem to be stuck back in week 5 because thats really where your post belongs. We've been winning with solid Defense, solid Special teams and a steady offense, that's not what I would call smoke and mirrors. Bledsoe and the OLine have been playing pretty steady, doing what they need to win. McGahee has been better than we believed he would be at this time, sure he may not play this weekend, but hopefully we won't need him against the 'niners. Personally, I don't think they'll be in the playoffs either, but not because they suck, only because I don't see Jax losing against Houston and Oakland. Whether, we finish 10-6 or 9-7 I'll still be very happy with how this team has turned out this year especially after such a miserable start then a putrid showing against NE in front of a national TV audience.
  13. Definitely Reed. Moulds is just too inconsistent. You could always count on Reed to make the big catch.
  14. Holy sh--! I never saw this thread! I probably saw the title and figured it was another Bledsoe bashing post and ignored it. Anyway, Congrats LA and family! A wonderful time to have a new baby, well maybe its a little bit of a hectic time to have a baby. This probably means that you're doing all the running around for Christmas gifts and everything and getting really tired and cranky acting like a pregnant woman. Maybe this isn't the best time of year to have a new baby. Anyway, caongrats again and have a wonderful Christmas season with the new member of the family...don't corrupt him too much.
  15. This past Sunday could have been the greatest weekend of football...if not for the fuggin' PACKERS! :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:
  16. Shouldn't be as tough as Bengals could have been. But with McGahee possibly out, it may be closer than it should. Bills 102 49ers 3 j/k Bills 27 49ers 13
  17. I think you should be banned then!!! Get with the program!
  18. Unfortunately, I doubt if they can. They would probably have to get special permission from Saturday Night Live and NBC.
  19. I made the change... More Cowbell!!! Had to make it a bit different though.
  20. I never forced music on my son, but I couldn't believe when him and his friend were buying cd's once and asked me what the best AC/DC cd was. They also listen to Rush, Pink Floyd, and many others, I almost fell out of my chair when he asked about the best Fleetwood Mac cd.
  21. I don't think anyone is that confident about this game. Everything I've been reading seems to be how we're all scared to death about this one. Sure a lot of us are predicting a win but I think that's more optimism and hope than overconfidence. Its going to be a hard fought game and very close, I think the Bills win it in the end 26-23. By the way, as someone else said, it doesn't matter what we think of this game, only what the players think and I bet they are taking this very seriously. It seems thats what Mularkey does best, keeping this team focused.
  22. Yep, this is it. Cincy is also playing for their playoff life, they don't have much of a chance, but if they win they may still be alive if they lose they're out. This game is just as important to them as it is to us. If we win, we should be okay for the last two games. Then all we can do is scoreboard watch.
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