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Everything posted by Realist

  1. So I go to bed last night at 11:15 according to my bedroom clock, and it was 11:15, I was just watching the local news. Alarm goes off at 5:50 am, hit the snooze as usual. Get up about 6:00, I noticed its a little dark, so I sit there for a second thinking about the time switch, yes, it would be darker after turning the clock ahead. I take shower, shave and all that fun stuff, go downstairs, thinking, it still seems a little darker than I thought it would. Open up the fridge to make my lunch, turn the light on and look at the clock...5:45 am?! WTF? I look over at the microwave clock, 5:45, stove clock 5:45 (Too many damn clocks in the kitchen.) Turn the TV on to the Weather Channel and it says 5:46 am, Son of a B....! Run back upstairs and look at the bedroom clock, 6:48 am. WTF!!! At this point, I'm totally confused knowing that I went to bed at 11:15 pm. Turn the light on (pissing off my wife in the process, who is not going to work today), look closely at the clock. It turns out this clock is some stupid new fangled POS, that keeps track of the date, day of the week, and automatically sets the clock ahead one hour and the fuggin' thing was set a day behind so it thought today was Sunday the 3rd instead of Monday the 4th. TWO Fuggin' days in a row I lost an hour of sleep.
  2. Why didn't LABillzfan show up after he said he would? LOSER!
  3. Then what the hell are you doing posting on a message board? Get back to work!
  4. Rivers is more known than any QB in the draft.
  5. "The network said that when it contacted Sauerbrun by phone, and asked him about Shortt, the punter said, ``I like the guy very much.'' Ten minutes later, CBS said, Sauerbrun called back to say he had been confused and that he did not know Shortt."
  6. Not really anymore in this day and age. If a GM starts to see a flaw in a players' ability he will immediately look for someone cheaper that looks like he may be able to play at a high level sometime in the near future. Is it the best way? Probably not in the short term, but for long term success its the only way.
  7. Thats pretty much how I see it playing out. A lot more excitement than with Bledsoe, but there will be plenty of 1st year starter mistakes. One thing I differ in is the number of wins I see more like 8 or 9 wins and that would be acceptable to me.
  8. Isn't that the case with any GM...except for Washington that is.
  9. The problem is not the 2nd rounder, the problem is the salary he's going to demand and/or has. Teams don't want to blow that kind of salary at the expense of other needed positions.
  10. This from MSNBC.com "The only tsunami reported within four hours was a tiny one — less than 4 inches — at the Cocos Islands, 1,400 miles west of Australia, meteorologists in Sydney said." Surfers heaven. Seriously though, several hundred reported dead from the quake.
  11. I'd have to agree with the Rothlisberger comment above, I saw several Steeler games and very few did he actually impress me in. The Pittsburgh defense was stellar all year. Big Ben just didn't make many boneheaded mistakes (which is great for a rookie). The truth, I think JP needs to play better than Ben did last year.
  12. I'm working and it sucks, the only time my phone rang so far was when my wife called. We're a Global company, our Asia, South American and European regions have off today and Monday, Canadian has off today, but good old US of A has to work both days.
  13. As House says, McClendon has a tough time staying healthy. He's been injured several times over his college career that caused him to miss quite a few games the last couple of years. If he's still there in the 4th or higher I might take him, but I wouldn't be pi$$ed if he wasn't available any more.
  14. Right now, I'd say the Jests are just a little bit ahead, but I also think thats because of an unproven QB for the Bills. However, Pennington was hurt and he has a bit of a recovery to do. I guess we should ask this question at the end of Training Camp when we get to see the teams in action.
  15. For some reason we always start at home. I'll say home against the Jets.
  16. This is the way to go. Get a price on everything you're going to need to fix in the "older" home then compare it to the "newer" one. Until you do that, you're not really comparing Apples to Apples. Personally I would go with the newer one, because as others said there will always be things that need to get done in a house. If you get the fixer-upper most likely everything will never get done or you just may feel that things are never getting done.
  17. Forget it...Give up now, there's no way you're going to win. Your season is DOOOOMMMED!
  18. Whoever did this is probably a future serial killer, I guess they have to practice on something. What a f'n bastard! The story doesn't say anything about the person who did it.
  19. I guess I'm one of the few that actually thinks this has been a good offseason. To make a an offseason successful does not mean you have to go out and spend tons of cash to bring in name free agents just to pacify the fans. Management is looking not only at 2005 but also the seasons beyond. How would like a team liek the Redskins? They go out and sign everyone and the fans are ecstatic, then they suck the next season and their dead weight keeps adding on each season. Management (not just TD, he doesn't make the decisions on his own), has gotten rid of a liability at QB and also heads off any QB controversy by not just demoting him, but getting rid of DB. They refuse to overpay for an AVERAGE OL, refuse to overpay for a part-time DL, Edwards has shown a lot of promise last year which made PW expendable. We still have 4 months til training camp when I'm sure we'll have all of our starters on the team, whether we'll know they are going to be our starters or not at the time. Lighten up, put your feet up, half drink of green beer and enjoy the offseason.
  20. I would think that for your number 3, you'd want a young late rounder. Grab a QB in the 5th through 7th and maybe he becomes serviceable in the future after Holcomb is done.
  21. Ray Lewis in the trunk? Wasn't that Rae Carruth after he had someone shoot his girlfriend and unborn child?
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