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Everything posted by Realist

  1. I don't think anyone has yet. We're all upbeat because of what the players and coaches have been saying about him and his work ethic. I think we all know he has a chance of being a failure. I sure don't remember coaches and players talking about Todd Collins like this.
  2. Aahh...Maybe thats why I have to go through 30 of them...
  3. I take Benadryl at night and when my allergies are really bad during the day I take Walmart's Equate brand.
  4. I first came to TBD because you could find all the articles about the Bills right there in one place, without searching all day for them. Only later did I discover the message board and was pleasantly surprised at how everyone seemed to get along (yes there are always a few that don't but thats what a community is) and were pretty friendly with each other. The people welcomed in strangers and you can talk about almost anything. I looked at a couple of the other sites and it just didn't do it for me. I don't know what this guy's criteria was, but to me, the articles on TBD and the community on TSW is what makes me come here day in and day out.
  5. BINGO! Thats what I did. I don't need one every weekend or anything, so for the few times I need to use one, I just rented. If you only need it for a few hours its even cheaper than the $50. They give you a nice powerful one too, one that could probably cut through the house.
  6. There's no way he'll see prison. If he's found guilty, he'll go to some sort of easy going "Mental Isntitution".
  7. 1. NHL Hockey 2. NCAA Basketball Tournament 3. MLB Playoffs 4. Golf
  8. If thats how they're getting their ratings, then that is what they will continue to do. Its all about the ratings.
  9. My guess would be the serpentine belt, but there are probably more people on this board better qualified than me to answer that one. I'm not an auto mechanic at all and I didn't stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night either.
  10. MMQ Although the entire MMQ is quite a bore. About an imaginary SuperBowl Victory for the Patriots and a Brady Lovefest. The top 10 Things I think I think have a couple of Bills' related things in it. 7. I think Travis Henry will end up in Tennessee, unless he's still on the market in mid-July, which I doubt, and Fred Taylor's still slowed by injury. If Taylo'rs hurt, I think Jacksonville gets him. I've said it all along: Henry will end up being moved for a first-day draft pick in the 2006 draft, which would be a good deal for both sides. He'd be a head case if he stayed in Buffalo, and he's still got a couple of 1,300-yard years left in him. 10. I think the NFL rushing leader this year will be Willis McGahee.
  11. Here's a good link on the latest rumors. I check it everyday. Someone here posted this link a week or so ago. Very informative. NHL Update
  12. There was actually a story here in Raleigh last night on the news about a guy who did just that.
  13. Thats exactly it. If everyone that was pulled over just did what you're supposed to; "Yes, sir", "No, sir" etc. There wouldn't be this kind of trouble. What the hell do people think is going to happen when they act like that.
  14. I guess that's the ad we'll see on the cup, or the ass.
  15. God I hope this doesn't happen and I don't think it will, but if it did, the players would look like friggin' NASCAR drivers (eventually).
  16. Jerry Sullivan already has his Monday September 12 article written in case the Bills blow the opener: "Another Donahoe mistake; throwing away so many draft picks to move up to take a guy that has no idea what he's doing on the football field. Losman will not be starting by week 3 and Donahoe should be fired by the bye week. Why doesn't anyone listen to me, I should be the President and GM of the Buffalo Bills."
  17. It really doesn't matter, if he's found guilty, he's not going to end up in prison. They'll end up putting him in a "Hospital" because he's not mentally stable enough to be in a real prison or his back is in such terrible shape that he needs years of "rehab" at said "hospital."
  18. Prayers for the little guy.
  19. Erie County is so bad right now, that the only way to make any changes is to get rid of whoever is in there and vote for someone different. At this point, if I still lived there, I'd vote for a bum off the streets.
  20. As much as I like Reich and what he did for the Bills, not necessarily accomplishments, but attitude and everything, there are plenty of other players that deserve to be up there before him.
  21. Thats exactly what I thought...
  22. You and Mary have my prayers.
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