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Everything posted by Realist

  1. I was thinking he was aboriginese too. Sawyer mumbled something along the lines of "...and you lost your Tracker." That's what made me think of Aboriginese.
  2. I hope he's right! Because that means we just went deep into the playoffs!
  3. Maybe thats why OJ was in town the past couple of games. OK, now that just wasn't right.....
  4. I don't know who you are calling an expert on this board, but just because someone has a differing opinion than you or the Bills organization should not mean that you can ridicule them. Everyone here is a fan and if you spend time and money rooting for a team than you have the right to second guess what is happening with the organization both on and off the field. I'm as happy as a pig in ...slop, that we won the last two games, but I wouldn't go annointing us a great team yet. We just beat (and had some problems beating) two teams that have many question marks themselves, plus we beat the worst team in football earlier this year. Even though the Bills have won the last two, there are many questions that are still out there. Sure our OLine played a good game yesterday against what was supposed to be a formidable defense. Now they need to take the next step, can they produce for a second straight game and on the road no less. The QB position has improved under KH, but he isn't exactly lighting things up to where we should feel he can do this against anyone. The Defense is not really playing well at all. They came up with some big plays yesterday, but they still let Martin run through them like a hot knife through butter. Some of the play calling, though improved yesterday, has had me dumbfounded at times this year. Penalties have also been horrendous this year. If that doesn't improve, we will get lambasted in the coming weeks. However, I am very pleased by McGahee and Rian Lindell. Lindell was a big question mark coming into this season, but has proved himself thus far. I am also very happy to see McGee and the Special Teams doing a great job. I couldn't be happier that we are in first place right now, but it is a very tentative first place to be sure. We are about to start the brutal part of this schedule, I believe our next "easy" game is the final game of the season against the Jets. But if we play against them like we played against the Dolphins last week and possibly even yesterday, we will get beat in NY. Being in first place is great, but there is a lot that this team should be criticized for. My first Fake Fat Sunny post...I'm exhausted.
  5. That sounds about right, I can't think of any QB's on our roster, at least any that can do much.
  6. And nobody posted a picture of her yet. What's this board coming to?
  7. I like what the Gints did with Eli last year. Through thick and thin they through him in there. They sacrificed the season to groom their QB of the future. By the end of the year, you could see Eli was doing better even though he sucked the first several games.
  8. We haven't been able to stope the run since Houston, and its obvious now that Houston is horrendous this year. There is no way we are going to completely stop the run, the only way we win no matter who is QB is with turnovers. The defense must get some TO's because the offense isn't going to help much. That being said, the 12th man makes the difference: Bills 16 Jets 13
  9. You guys have got to be freakin' kidding to be talking playoffs already. Thank God we won yesterday, but that was damn ugly! Our schedule is brutal after the Jests game next week. We absolutely must win next week, because after that, we may never see another until the last game of the season if we continue to play like we did against miami.
  10. If the Bills play like this against the Jets next week, we may win. However, play like this against the Raiders, Patriots, Chiefs, Chargers, Panthers, Dolphins in Miami, Patriots, Broncos, Bengals - we lose. Jets the last game of the season, 50/50. Horrible game, thank God we won or I'd really be pi$$ed today.
  11. I thought it was pretty obvious she was a plant too. Her story about surviving on the island all that time by herself was lame.
  12. We should stay with Losman, I'll be disappointed if Holcomb walks out with the offense on Sunday.
  13. I'd have to agree with this, other than the first drive, weren't we inside our 20 for almost the entire first half?
  14. I thought that was a great article. A change of QB's is not going to turnaround what is happening on the field. Other than McGahee, every part of that team is playing putrid right now. Give the kid a chance, if the other parts of the team start clicking, so will JP.
  15. I agree, considering we were only one score down, that was stupid. JP's confidence is already waning, pull him when you're still within reach...yeah that will do wonders for the kid.
  16. From what has happened so far this year, I would agree.
  17. Thats exactly my point, the difference from the 1st game to the next three has been the inability of the defense to come up with any big plays. Hence, the pressure is put on your young QB to make things happen. The defense needs to help out.
  18. Exactly, the only way this team gets better is by getting quality players for the trenches, not corners, rb's, wr's, etc.
  19. The main difference is our defense. If the D was playing even remotely as well as it did last year. We'd at least 2-2 if not 3-1 right now. The games against Atlanta and NO were definitely within our grasp if the defense came up big only once or twice in those games. JP was not very good in the first game either. The difference was, the Defense came up big and turned the field in our favor. You're not going to win many games on the road if your offense is starting inside the 10 yard line nearly the entire first half.
  20. No, Tidy Bowl refers to a clean toilet. I would say they haven't looked that good.
  21. This team is starting to remind me of the 3-13 team under GW. The offense can't move and the defense can't stop a damn thing.
  22. I can't stand Adam Sandler movies, but this one was playing on the plane on the way home from Phoenix, so I had to watch. Although, I would never compare it to the original it was pretty good for an AS movie. He wasn't walking around acting like an idiot the entire time. I was actually pleasantly surprised.
  23. As long as we're throwing nicknames out there, there has been a long standing argument as to what to call our defense, I'd like to dub them The Sieve Defense.
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