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Everything posted by Realist

  1. Actually, with the defense playing like it is right now, it wouldn't surprise me if we didn't win another game. They had trouble containing the fleet of foot Patrick Pass before his injury, then a one-legged Dillon comes in and gains 72 in 3 quarters. Just look at the running backs Buffalo faces coming up. I don't see us stopping any of them. Miami got a great game yesterday out of both Williams and Brown, it will be very difficult to win against a pumped up Miami team in South Florida.
  2. Yeah, I realize that. I'm still pissed that it was that short and what he was expected to do. If not 7 yards out, he should been a few yards closer to the first down marker. At least within a body length where he may be able to stretch out and get the first.
  3. If I'm MM, there is no way JP goes back in there yet. Look at the game Moulds had. As long as KH is getting him the ball, he won't go whining to the coaches, so Mularkey will keep KH in there. However, if I'm me, I'd send JP out there.
  4. There is no reason that any receiver should have been inside 7 yards. The only one that should have been closer would be an outlet receiver such as Shelton (if he was even in there, I don't recall), not your No. 1 guy. Every other receiver should have been beyond 7 yards out. Terrible play call and terrible play by Holcomb to not realize you must throw it beyond 7, even if it risks an INT.
  5. I'm really starting to hate this caoching staff. If they feel Adams wasn't making any plays, I wonder what their thought on Holcomb is now?
  6. To think this team can win 6 or 7 games out of the last 8 is ridiculous. We went 3-5 on the easy part of the schedule, we are not going 6-2 or 7-1 in a very difficult schedule. This team is done.
  7. Holcomb should be benched for that play alone! The second that ball left his hand and I saw the 3 Patriots converging on Moulds, I was cursing KH before the ball ever even got to Moulds. That's a pass I do not expect a 10 year vet to make! The KH experience has got to be over. Only 16 points when you dominate the clock like that, McGahee has a good game and Moulds actually shows up again. I'm sorry, but I think JP could have managed 16 points last night too.
  8. I hate to agree with that, but I do. I'm looking for something like 43-13 or so.
  9. Good to know your okay! Hope everyone else down in that area are hanging in there too.
  10. I take it you're the designated driver, then?
  11. I think you just described every member of our current offensive line.
  12. Thats absolutely correct, the problem is not KH and JP, its the line in front of them. Look how much better Bledsoe is in Dallas with a halfway decent line in front of him (nevermind the dumbass throw he had to end the game this week). If the line could just hold their blocks during pass plays either KH or JP would be adequate. The defensive line just needs to get some kind of penetration and getsome pressure on the QB or disrupt the running game. The Bills problems don't have anything to do with any of the so called "skill" positions (not that they're perfect by any stretch of the imagination).
  13. I did not want that guy from the beginning, but at this point, maybe we need a little bit of a bad attitude on the OLine now.
  14. Its not that I love JP and hate Holcomb, the QB is not the problem. Yes, KH is a little better, and I mean "a little", the problem is the OL is not giving KH anytime to do anything back there and he has absolutely no mobility. We're not going to lose because of KH, we're going to lose (and yes, I do hope very much that I am wrong), because the OL is not giving the QB any time back there and our defense is so freakin' bad right now. They couldn't stop Collins and Jordan, you think they will stop Dillon and Brady? You might as well put JP in and give him his on the job training because there is too much wrong with this team to think that they are going to be anywhere near the playoffs. If we have a miracle game and somehow beat the Pats, look at the remainder of the schedule. There is no way we're going to come out of that with more wins than losses. Believe me, I hope I am horribly wrong, but that defense was extremely disappointing and disturbing last week.
  15. The Lines are the top needs. Anything else can wait. If we do nothing but draft all OL and DL and do the same in Free Agency, I'd be happy. Also, the coaching staff has got stop getting cute. Play to your strengths...thats all they should be doing.
  16. Unfortunately, this team is not ready for the playoffs. We kept saying that are pass defense was pretty good even though the run defense was lousy. Well, before Sunday, we haven't played one team that had much of a passing game. The Raiders showed just how bad we are as a total defense. Most of the teams we play here on out can both run the ball and pass. We are in a heap of trouble the rest of the season. I say we go the route the Giants did last year and put Losman in right away. Mularkey claimed JP has taken the high road and prepares every week like he's the starter. Well, let him start now. We know we are going to get crushed at NE on Sunday, so its not going to hurt him any. Let him learn how to handle something like this, right now.
  17. Who the hell cares what the final score was and if they ran up the score. Buffalo got crushed and the way they played, they deserved it. I can't believe people are whining about running up the score.
  18. Thats exactly why they did it. I don't see a problem with that, they probably said give it to him one more time, see if he can get in, if not, games over, he does good for him, nice running on that drive. Maybe the defense should stop them, then they wouldn't have to worry about anyone running up the score on them.
  19. I'm trying to figure out where you're counting 6 wins?
  20. And they did a wonderful job of trying to tire out Crocket, too. See, the defense is doing something right.
  21. You can hardly blame Willis on this one. He only ran the ball 16 times and that was because the defense gave up so many, we no longer could run the ball because we needed to play catch-up. Someone please tell me why on earth when we get to the goal line we come up with the dumbest plays instead of just running Willis? I agreed with going for it on 4th, but when I heard Shelton getting the ball, I was like "What the F___?" Clements is always trying to outsmart the opponent and ends up hurting us, its unbelievable.
  22. I thought the Bills would be 9-7 this year. The offense is playing pretty much how I thought they would, whether its JP or Holcomb. The huge disappointment has been the defense, never would I have thought they were this bad. We are now in the toughest stretch of the schedule and it doesn't end until the last game of the season, I'd hate to even guess at what their record is going to be now.
  23. Definitely do not start him next week, no reason to throw him against Bellichek. I would start KH next week and after we're 3-5, Losman starts for good no matter how bad he or the offense plays. Thats all I thought of watching the Denver game is how bad Eli was and thinking that is what we should be doing. Start Losman, let him learn this year and hopefully he'll be better next year. As bad as this defense is, there is no way we are going to see the playoffs this year. I knew the D was bad before this game, but that was just unbelievable.
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