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Everything posted by Realist

  1. If the vets want to win now, maybe they should start playing to win. I hate statements like this, we are not losing just because of the QB. The veterans on this team need to start worrying about their jobs and not the QB job. If they don't want to be on a team with JP as the starter, pack your bags and get the hell out.
  2. I really doubt thats true, Mularkey would never show his hand this early. With NE losing I'm really up in the air about who should start. We have a very tough schedule remaining compared to the other teams in the division, so I really don't think we'll come out on top.
  3. Well its a start anyway. Anderson has been a terrible liability. I hope this move pans out.
  4. You guys do realize that every NFL team brings in quite a few players each and every week for tryouts, don't you? This means about as much as the other 20 to 30 players the Bills have tried out this year.
  5. Hasn't this been covered already in about 100 other threads?
  6. They're just telling us the company line. Even though I believe and many others here believe the season's history, don't expect them to come out and say it. One thing I liked about that article was he said JP was looking better in practice.
  7. I can't see getting rid of Gray after one bad defensive season. He should be around next year, too. If the problems persist next year, then he better start getting his resume up to date.
  8. A 59 is bad, but it will never get better sitting on the bench of a bad team. He needs to play to improve that.
  9. No, I actually believe Holcomb had half way decent games in both, but nothing to write home about. Holcomb's best game was against NE, at least until THE play. If the coaching staff was as dedicated to McGahee when JP was in there, I believe we would have beaten at least the Saints, if not the Falcons also. I'm not arguing that KH isn't the best option to win now. Unfortunately the entire team is doing bad, especially the defense. We are not going to the playoffs, so that is why I am arguing to play JP now. Let him learn. You are the only one that believes KH is our future QB, even Mularkey in his ask the coach forum said that JP will play again this year, he just won't say when.
  10. Who cares if his QB rating is 92. We are still 2-2 under KH and the 2 we won were against bad teams at home, when the coaching staff finally got their S%$# together and utilized McGahee to his potential.
  11. I was thinking the outspoken one he was talking about was Reuben Brown. I never thought Tucker was very outspoken.
  12. I never understood why we got rid of Tucker. I always thought with our line as bad as it is, he'd still be a good backup if not a decent starter.
  13. you just don't get it, do you? I have this strange feeling that you are a Holcomb groupie and you used to follow him as a Brown, too and used to have these same arguments with people that thought Couch should start.
  14. I say 4-4, KH may have won the Saints game. To be honest, if JP was in there for all 8 I also believe we'd be 4-4. The coaching staff had a much better game plan against the Jets and phins. I also think if the coaches left JP in the game against the Saints he may have done something to pull it out. In my opinion, I don't think it matters who is behind center, the TEAM is not good, not just the QB.
  15. We'll never know unless he's given enough time to start. The defense isn't good enough for this team to get in the playoffs against the competition we will be facing. Its time to see what Losman can do in the long haul. I have nothing against Holcomb, I just think we need to give Losman a chance since the playoffs are all but gone.
  16. To tell you the truth, if Moulds was a decoy out there, he never should have been an option let alone the second read. If Williams was the main target, all his other reads should have been players beyond the first down marker. Moulds should not even have been considered. You're right KH blew that one.
  17. Raiders was worse because I thought going in that we had a chance in that game. Then to have the team not even show up and the Jills dress in the players uniforms was horrible. At least in the Pats game, I wan't expecting a win and to be frank, with only a 3-0 lead at the half that should have been like 17-0, I had no thought that they may actually pull out that game.
  18. My point exactly, Losman could have produced the 9 points also, for the same reasons. KH's passer rating is very good because rarely does he throw for more than 10 yards, a 10 year vet better complete those short passes. You may argue that JP has had trouble with those same less than 10 yard passes, my point is he can't learn how to put the right touch on those passes in a game situation by sitting on the bench.
  19. I think I'm being a little hard on him because 3 times in the red zone and we still only get 3 figgies (against the worst Red Zone defense in the league). I just think that JP could have done that too. Holcomb moved the offense pretty well but then stalled when it mattered most. He did make pretty good decisions for most of the game, unfortunately the one bad decision at the end is the one that stands out the most. Because of our remaining schedule, I doubt very much that we are going to the playoffs, we can have 8 almost wins but they'll still count as losses. I say put JP in there and see what he can do from here on out. The NE defense is not that good, the god-like Bruschi didn't make it all that much better. KC's defense is not that good, KH should look decent in that game too, but our D is so bad we will probably still lose. If KH looks decent in that game, when will JP start? The more games he starts this year, the better he will be next year. I think the coaching staff is just stunting his growth now.
  20. Bingo! If you want him as a reall decoy, send him out where he could cause the most trouble, a game winning touchdown, not an out in the flat where he has to beat 2 to 3 guys to get even close to a first down. A dumbass play call by TC and a dumbass decision to throw by KH.
  21. If he knows anything about football and a salary cap, I'd be all for it. Unfortunately, Boston is just as bad as the Yankees as far as spending ridiculous amounts of cash on players. I could see us in Salary cap hell after 2 years.
  22. LOL! I'm sorry but I have to steal that and plug it in to my sig. Thats exactly what I thought!
  23. It will be interesting to see how ABC plays it next week. I'm sure ESPN got a lot of negative calls, emails, and press after that one. Bruschi's brushing off of Kobler may have been the clue that "maybe we over did it". I bet there are a couple of mentions of it, but it will be nothing like Sunday night.
  24. The Shining is still the scariest for me. That one was awesome.
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