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Everything posted by Realist

  1. Actually, I think we're much better. The team was in total disarray after the season. This is a chance to start over. What exactly has TD done for us? We were only 1 or 2 seasons out of the playoffs when he got here and we only sniffed the playoffs once while he was here. And that one year, the team showed its true colors by getting wholluped by Pittsburgh's second and 3rd stringers when the playoffs were on the line. I don't know what the future holds for this team, but I don't think it will be much worse than the last five years.
  2. I'd like to see Caldwell as OC, maybe even Wyche. On the defensive side, obviously would love to see Bates. I wouldn't mind Haslett either for that matter. He had pretty good defenses in his Pittsburgh days.
  3. Don't worry Bill, there was no criticism whatsoever about Vermiel or any of the other coaches Marv mentioned. He was simply contrasting how different personalities can also be great coaches, thus the comparison of Ditka/Vermeil.
  4. The question something along the lines of "Did you learn anything since your time in Chicago about hiring Coordinators, such as Schoop." It was pretty close to that. His answer wasn't really defending Schoop but it also wasn't a ringing endorsement. Typical coachspeak and political correctness.
  5. I would say thats kind of BS. They are all under contract yet, so they are still with the team. However, DJ just said the the press conference that they will talk with all of them before any decisions are made.
  6. Yeah, like Greg Williams and Mike Mularkey.
  7. I can't say I'm really happy about DJ. But I'm delaying my vote until I hear who makes up his coaching staff. If he comes in with a good staff then, yes, I'll be happy. If he comes in with guys like he had in Chicago...I'll be pi$$ed!
  8. Did the baggage handler see him back at the airport?
  9. The main thing that worries me about Jauron is his choice of offensive coaches. I'm sure the defense will be a lot better than last year, but his offensive assistant choices have been rather, well, offensive.
  10. He couldn't fix the OLine in Houston, I doubt he would fix it in Buffalo.
  11. I can't believe some of you hate the Pats so much that you won't admit how good they really have been. I can't stand the Patriots, hate 'em more than I hate the 'phins, and yes I was around in the '70's. But you have to give credit where credit is due. What team have we been striving to beat the past several years, what coach have we all wished we had for the past several years? The pats have been the best team in the league easily, until finally, the injuries caught up to them this year. Still, next year, who do you think is going to be the favorite in the AFC East. Its still going to be the Patriots, although they will be pushed by the 'phins. Each one of us Bills' fans wishes what happened to NE the last four years actually happened to the Bills. We would be just as cocky and arrogant as a pats fan if it did. Admit it, they are a dynasty whether we like it or not. If we can argue that the loser of 4 straight Superbowls was a dynasty, you have to admit the winner of 3 out of 4 is a dynasty, even if they were only by 3 points. Now, F___ the Pats!!! Bills in '06!
  12. 1. Fisher 2. Sherman 3. Saunders I wish we really could get Fisher. That would be awesome!
  13. I wouldn't break the bank for Mawae, but I would go after him for the right price. Even an old and banged up Mawae is better than what we have now.
  14. You really can't make comparisons like this because there are a very limited number of 1st round QBs. But there are dozens and dozens of QBS from the "4th round and beyond". So of course there will be more QB's from the latter part of the drafts and UDFA to make the SB than 1st rounders. What % of 1st round QB's become starters? What % of late round and UDFA QB's even make the NFL let alone become starters? There are a multitue of reasons why your argument really doesn't fly.
  15. That was the plan for the season and most of us thought the same thing. I don't think anyone thought our offense was going to light up the board, but most of us did expect the defense to stop someone. If the defense played as a top 10 unit this year, even with this offense, we could have won 8-10 games.
  16. I think they blew the entire JP thing. Thats why I can't stand this coaching staff any longer.
  17. I'd like to see him stay, as long as he quits his whining about the QB's. Obviously he is going to have to take a pay cut, but our WR corps is very young, we need a veteran presence here.
  18. The biggest disappointment this year is easily the vaunted defense. The loss of one player, even if he was our main run stopper, should not have brought this defense down from number 2 to number 28, or whatever the hell we are now. I expected a dopoff, but nothing remotely like what we have witnessed this year. Next year, these guys better shut the fug up about how great they are going to be and just go out and play some damn football. I'm disappointed in the offense, in the coaching staff, in the front offices inability to get good players for the OL, but I am absolutely DISGUSTED with the play of the defense.
  19. If we're not going to get anyone better, we're in trouble.
  20. Over the last couple of weeks I have lost all respect for this team and realy can't stand MM. This whole thing about JP's injury sounds way off base.
  21. I like Chad Johnson and his celebrations. He doesn't do them to rub it into the opponent's faces, he's celebrating for fun. I can't wait to see what he does this weekend.
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