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Everything posted by Realist

  1. Congrats for your son! Reminds of the times when my kids were younger and played. Great Times. Except for the 5:00 AM practices, of course.
  2. Actually I get 10 a year. After 5 years with the company I think I have about 48 days left.
  3. I will be in Section 129, with my wife and two boys. Won't be there for tailgating though. I'll probably wear a Bills cap.
  4. Yeah, he shouldn't have been so cheap and bought a no name brand. Should have went out and got an halogen bulb.
  5. You may be right on that. Both teams actually did look like crap.
  6. I'm not a fan of either team, but as a football fan, I actually feel cheated out of what could have been a great game. The officials should never be part of the outcome and they put themselves at the forefront. I have no problem with the Big Ben TD, and I can't believe so many people do have a problem with it, that call could have went either way. The replay was inconclusive so he made the only call he could, the play stands. My problem was with the Pass Interference on the TD, the penalty for going at the knees of a blocker, WTF? The phantom holding call on the pass play to the 2. These were obvious incorrect calls that should have been overturned by the other officials after a brief conference. And all of them had a huge impact on the game.
  7. The reason they passed on Kelsay at the time was because looking at the teams ahead of them before their second round pick, the Bills had a very strong feeling that Kelsay would still be there.
  8. AMEN! Finally a voice of reason about the QB situation. We need to get the line fixed first, no matter who is behind center.
  9. If we don't upgrade the lines with that first draft pick, I'm gonna be pissed! It doesn't matter what QB you put behind the current OL, he isn't going to do a damn thing, until its fixed. We need jsut as much help on the DLine too. If we pick a QB, RB, or WR, I'm going ballistic.
  10. I still can't believe that was 20 years ago. It sure doesn't seem that long ago.
  11. I don't suppose this could have been said in one of the other 500 threads about Bates.
  12. This team has been so bad recently, I'm not sorry to see any of them go. The only coach I want to stay is April. He was the only one doing anything worth a damn. This team needs to leave behind all traces of its losing ways.
  13. I'm not worried at all about the 'phins next year. What worries me the most about next season is the Buffalo Bills.
  14. Henderson has signed with the Lions. From KFFL: Lions | Henderson brought on to serve as defensive coordinator Tue, 24 Jan 2006 10:58:48 -0800 Sirius NFL Radio reports the Detroit Lions have signed Donnie Henderson to take over as their defensive coordinator.
  15. Just heard on Sirius NFL Radio, Henderson is going to sign with the Lions.
  16. Thin skinned or not, that teacher was way out of line, especially since the kid was taking a test.
  17. I was reading Sullivans article...why, I have no idea...and it got me thinking about DJ's feeling regarding the starting QB. I have a feeling that after DJ and the new staff study the films of last year QB debacle, that he will decide on Holcomb penciled in as the starter at the beginning of mini-camps and training camp. This team is going to have to go into the camps with a win now attitude and technically KH was better than JP. Although only marginally, I would think a ten year vet should have been much better than an eratic first year starter, but I'll save that for another time. Last year is only part of that decision, the other part is DJ is going to want to see how JP reacts to being number two and what kind of competitive fire he has in him. In other words, DJ will want to see if JP can earn the job rather than just having it handed over to him. If he shows that kind of fire and earns the job that would go a long way in earning back the respect he may have lost from the veterans last year. I do believe that there will be another veteran QB in here also, that he must compete with. Its not going to be an easy training camp for JP and if he can get through that and is named the starter by September, it will go a long way in his development.
  18. I don't know why everyone is so high on McNally. He hasn't done crap with our OLine. I'd almost like to see him gone.
  19. I wouldn't call it boring, I'd call it more of a "What the F__K?! ", kind of offense.
  20. The thing is, I don't think Saban would allow that.
  21. This is the one thing I have to really criticize about this quote. How often does an interim HC actually get the job at the end of the season? I can't think of one recently. Maybe the guy from Washington several years back, but I don't really recall and frankly, I'm too lazy to go look it up.
  22. He's under contract, exactly how can he do this?
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