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Everything posted by Realist

  1. I don't think it will happen, but, if Ferguson falls to us at 8, no matter who is still on the board, its a no brainer...we take Ferguson. My heart would stop right then and there if we let him go. The OL is where we need the most help, if you have a chance to improve it with someone like that, you take it.
  2. I'm not a Holcomb fan at all, but he should be given just as much of a chance. The more that compete for the starting position, the better. If Holcomb is clearly outplaying the other two in practice and preseason games, I want him starting. Anything that will get this team some wins. I really don't think Holcomb will beat out JP or Nall, but if he does, so be it.
  3. And I'm sure many here would like to pet it...forget I said that, move along...nothing to see here...
  4. If Boston College and UCLA can reach the Final 4 with UConn the overall winner, then I'll be in great shape for a victory!
  5. You may be right, but Owens is one guy that I would definitely not want around this team. He does have great talent to really help a team, but he has just as much potential to really destroy a team. Besides, we would never have outbid Dallas, Denver, or Miami for his services. Why the hell would TO want to come to Buffalo?
  6. Sorry, Joe, but at this time, I don't want an !@#$ receiver. I want someone that will start on this putrid offensive line.
  7. Buffalo hasn't had an OLine since the Kelly years. When the Line started getting worse in the mid 90's, Kelly started getting worse. It all starts with the OLine, if we don't have an OL, we don't have an offense. It's pretty simple and I am getting as anxious as everyone else waiting for that to be addressed.
  8. Owens is exactly the type of character guy that Levy and company are looking for for. What were you thinking Marv?
  9. The problem with trading Moulds is his salary. I'm no genius on the NFL financial side of things, but wouldn't the other team then be responsible for his current salary? Which is way to high to be of any value to the trading team. Thats exactly why everyone wants to get rid of him, to save salary space. Another team is not going to get themselves in the same situation. At this time, his trade value is nil.
  10. Thanks! Already drinking the green beer and no, not genny screamers.
  11. Very sorry to hear that Guff. My prayers go out to you and the family.
  12. What about the Easter Bunny? Please tell me he's still coming this year!!
  13. I'm changing my answer. I said Jessica, but I'd go with Brooke Burns!
  14. I wouldn't trust sending my kids into the woods because of the lunatics out there these days, not the animals.
  15. I had a husky that had small cataracts its entire life and never got bad, so we never had to do anything about them. How serious is your dog's case, are they visible with just a casual glance?
  16. There's going to be about 25 other teams hot on the trail of Bentley, the chances of us getting him, even if Marv went all out for him, are very small.
  17. Most of the action for FA takes place in the first couple of weeks anyway, so I don't think it will effect it that way. The main problem is teams won't have as long to come up with a draft strategy after free agency.
  18. I'm hoping that it turns out something like that. Kind of like the Rams with Holt and Bruce. Bruce was #1 for the first couple of years but it has changed over the last couple of seasons (Although, Bruce did have injury problems).
  19. There's no way you can say that without him ever having faced NFL defenses. USC is a tough team, but to say they are NFL caliber and Young will do just as well in the NFL is ridiculous. Besides, with our OLine he won't do any better than JP.
  20. The game is actually on MSNBC. It didn't look too bad, he got up a little slow and continued, but at the next whistle he went off walking at a fairly brisk pace on his own. So I don't think its bad.
  21. It also sounds like he's not afraid to speak candidly. He came right out and said the OLine needs work. Can you hear the previous regime calling out any position like that, even though everyone knew what the problem was.
  22. Before you continue on with the your opinion of non-impact Miami players, please do the same analysis of other major schools players now in the NFL, then compare that to what has come out of Miami. I have no idea what the outcome of that analysis might be, but it could back up your claim or, maybe not.
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