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Everything posted by Realist

  1. I said earlier this year that Buffalo would be a good bet to lose a home game next year because we couldn't sell out near the end of the season.
  2. Not happy Fletcher, Clements, and Evans were left out. But it is nice to see Schoebel get his due. Next year will be the year of the Bills in the Pro Bowl!
  3. Exactly, just because the Salary Cap is going to be an ungodly amount, doesn't mean that all teams can really afford to payout that much.
  4. Or, that Nate really doesn't want to be here.
  5. I said 6-10, so I'm very pleased to see them where they are now.
  6. Hey, for once I agree with Bill! It's way too early to think about dumping TKO and Bill has nailed all the reasons. This defense is going to need leaders and it is going to start with TKO next year.
  7. Before the Superbowl, they are going to announce teams for a game to be played outside the US. With the trouble of selling out for Buffalo this year, I think the Bills are a prime candidate to play a regular season game in Toronto next year. In fact, I'd almost say its a foregone conclusion.
  8. What's wrong with being a bandwagon fan for a second NFL team. Its not like your going to go out and buy merchandise for that team or go on the team's message boards and say how great they are. Other NFL teams this year: Saints - how could you not like their story, and Chargers - watched Rivers at NC State for 4 years, kind of cool seeing him have a good season in San Diego; of course it helps with LT running the ball. Sabres and Mets are my non-football favorites.
  9. I live in NC, not going to the 'phins game, but I am going to the Tennessee game on Christmas Eve!
  10. Actually, in the last few weeks, he has had several good things to say about the Bills.
  11. After the Sabres finally scored, you could tell there were a ton of Buffalo fans. Thats the worst I've seen them play in a long time. They were beaten in all facets of the game, except goaltending. If it wasn't for Miller, it would have been like 9-1.
  12. Damn Max, lighten up. OK, so you're not impressed they beat the Texans. Well guess what, this team has been playing so bad this year that any win is impressive. Cable was just stating that she liked the game enough to watch it over and over. If you don't like the way she said it, simply ignore the post. Personally, I liked the post. Simple and to the point, it brought a smile to my face on a board that usually just bitches and complains.
  13. Evans seems to be pretty happy with Losman too. "When you ask him about the team's future he's encouraged; when you ask him about Losman he's positively ebullient. "He's a very special player," he said. "
  14. Based on those comments, its sounding like the coaching staff is taking a Pre-season type of approach to the remainder of the season. It looks like its going to be evaluations from here, on out
  15. I happen to agree with the column 100%. We need some solid OLine and DLine in the next draft, forget the "skill" positions. Maybe a good WR. Flutie did ok behind those bad Olines because he ran around back there to create plays. He only did ok, he wasn't anything special. Fix the OLine first then grab a qb the following year. If we grab Quinn or any other QB early in the draft, that QB is guaranteed to suck, too.
  16. Holy Sh**!! We'd be mired at 0-16 year after year with this crowd.
  17. Just got back from the game and didn't want to start a new Sabres thread here. I know how some of the Bills only people tend to get. I don't know if anyone saw this on TV, but there were only about 11,000 people there. I thought these guys were the Stanley Cup Champions? No one goes to the freakin' games? I was absolutely shocked. I didn't expect a full house, but I thought it would be close to full. What a pathetic excuse for a fan base!!! How do you win the Stanley Cup and not show up to a game like this?!! On the flip side, great contingent of Sabres fans! Easily drowned out the Lets Go Canes chant with the "Lets Go Buffalo" chant. Sabres played absolutely fantastic in that first period. The three goals were great, finally able to put in a few during the first. I was getting worried about the way they would outplay the other team in the first and not be able to score. I was worried after Carolina tied it, but after Mair scored, you could see the 'canes deflate some. They weren't playing nearly as well after that. Biron looked a lot better tonight than his last couple of starts. My newest most hated player in the NHL...Eric Cole, what freakin' loser. Whines and cries all the time when anyone comes near him, but will give out any cheap shot he possibly can. I didn't realize he was that dirty of a player, just as bad as Darcy Tucker.
  18. Great post, zonabb!! It makes me sick after nine games, we still don't know anything about Losman. Is he the answer or not? Who knows, because its obvious that he can't be truly evaluated until he has something in front of him. With horrible OL and playcalling so conservative, we are going to go through this entire season knowing nothing new about JP. I was getting so tired of hearing yesterday, "3rd and long draw play to Thomas". You just knew what was going to happen the entire game. Not once did I think Buffalo had a chance in that game. This offseason, the scouting department must be overhauled and McNally needs to be sent packing. For an OLine genius, he has done nothing in his time here.
  19. Please stop comparing JP to guys like Rivers and Palmer. If you're going to do a fair comparison, use the likes of Alex Smith and David Carr, talented guys with no team around them.
  20. Sorry, I would worry another second about it. He screwed himself over. Any friend or coworker that was worth a damn would have been helping out with no questions asked. I would have been royally pissed and wouldn't give it another thought.
  21. Which is exactly why the Bills offensive gameplan this week will be to let Losman go crazy and pass all day.
  22. I'll be there!! My wife's boss came through with some great seats.
  23. Yes, actually I've somewhat agreed with your theory for quite awhile now.
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