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Everything posted by Realist

  1. Thats what I'm thinking too. In that last scene where she and Ben were talking about what she was supposed to do, Ben left the gas mask (I believe it was a gas mask) and got up and left. The way she put her hand down on the mask, it looked like she was about to fling it off the table in rage.
  2. Went to Topsail Island a few of years ago, turned on the 11:00 news and there was Wes. I was surprised because at the time I didn't even know he left Buffalo.
  3. Why am I not surprised? Hell, that may be what's keeping Richards alive.
  4. Apparently she didn't want any pantylines.
  5. Donahoe just wanted to be the guy that made the big splash in the draft that year and the way it was talked about during the entire offseason, TD made the impact he wanted to. Thank God that era is over and we can get back to trying to build a team that cares about football, each other, and the fans.
  6. This was a long time in coming, I couldn't stand JT. Jaworski did a great job when they gave him a chance last year. Hopefully the announcing team is actaully worth listening to this year. Last year, I thought JT and Kornheiser were too argumentive.
  7. If he wins out the competition in training camp, why not. We drafted him for a reason, get him out there if he's good enough.
  8. Definitely stay on property, that way you can take full advantage of the resort transportation. The All Star Sports/Music I believe is cheapest. We stayed at the Carribean Resort and it was great we had a blast, price wasn't too bad. We did the meal plan too.
  9. Having EM back would not be a bad thing as long as he patched things up with JP. As mentioned by others, he is the type of receiver we are lacking at this time. Unfortunately, I don't see him signing for the vet minimum. If he signs, look for a contract similar to Price's. There is no way he is going to play for minimum when Peerless is making, what, $2M a season.
  10. Of course you do, nut we obviously need some pictures.
  11. I've actually run into Jim Ritcher quite a few times down here in Raleigh since I've been here, real nice guy. Met several of the 90's Bills. But the one that stands out at the most was when I worked at Athlete's Den in the Como/Appletree Mall in Cheektowaga, Darryl Talley came in and I talked to him for about 45 minutes to an hour. Very down to earth person and didn't act like I was wasting his time or anything.
  12. 82% scored higher (more nerdy), 1% scored the same, and 17% scored lower (less nerdy). What does this mean? Your nerdiness is: Not nerdy, but then again maybe not all that cool either. What the hell does that mean? I'm not a nerd but not cool either. Dammit, left out again!
  13. Just paid $2.43 in Raleigh, NC.
  14. I can't see him doing anything with the Raiders. Their offensive line isn't even good enough to start for a high school team. Bledsoe would literally get killed out there.
  15. Its nice to see someone out there likes the direction the Bills are going.
  16. Its official, Turner is the HC of the Chargers on ESPN.com.
  17. Interesting how so many people want to get rid of Spikes for the same injury, now there's talk of going after Arrington. The only one worth a look out of those is Pettigout. Wouldn't mind seeing a solid veteran either at RT or backing up at LT.
  18. I think I heard the the teams that travel will have a bye the following week. So no one will catch them with jet lag.
  19. I actually met Martina back in 94 just as her career really took off. She and her husband talked to my wife and I for nearly a half hour. Very down to earth people at the time and I'd like to think they are still like that. You can't take your eyes off of her's at all when talking to her.
  20. "Why Do People Think The Patriots Will Always Fade?" Wishful thinking. Personally, I don't think it will happen next year either. They were 12-4 this year and the Bills and Jets struggled against good teams. Its going to take another year for them to learn how to beat the better teams consistently, so the Pats will probably take the division again.
  21. Couldn't agree more Bill! We have the cap space, its a definite need...do it. We don't need another second tier guard like Andreson, Gandy, and Reyes. This will shore up the offensive line and then we can concentrate on defensive line, linebackers and fullback.
  22. I was leary about Marv, I wasn't sure if he was GM material. I was pretty happy with the Jauron pick at the time and after one year I'm pleased to see that I still like the pick for Head Coach. There's one plus for Marv, and his draft turned out to be better than anyone would have guessed at the time. So, I'm pleased where we are right now, we'll see how Marv does this offseason.
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