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Everything posted by Realist

  1. Yeah, I'm so pissed at this Front Office right now! If that's what you have to B word about so far this season, then the Bills must be doing pretty good. To me, its a good thing McKelvin's not starting. Let him learn and in a couple of years it'll be McKelvin and Youboty as our starting corners.
  2. It was about which team is likely to fade. Wilbon doesn't think either will fade but if he had to pick one, he'd pick the Bills only because they're young and new at this. He still thinks the Bills will win the division.
  3. The Bills are a top 10 team, but 3 is a little high, maybe in the 6-8 range. Anyone is nuts if they think the Pats* are a top 10 team anymore without Brady. They have a lot of work to do to get back to that level.
  4. Doesn't matter, that's in the past and has nothing to do with the current team. I'd rather forget about those years.
  5. What he said... The Bills cannot come out like that anymore and expect to win. The Rams look horrendous on both sides of the ball, but that offense can explode at any time. If we don't get pressure on Bulger, he can pick us apart. We're not good enough yet to even start thinking about 16-0, we're not good enough to look past the bad teams yet.
  6. That was Edwards' coming of age game, he's now the QB of the future!
  7. I used this site last week (thanks Dean! ). I didn't get home until almost 2pm and the link showed up almost immediately in the chat when I brought up the website. So, even if you don't get there right at 1 pm, you should still be able to get on.
  8. Are we in a time warp? That article is from 2006.
  9. I guess I'm delusional too. The game I saw, saw the Jests barely beating a not very good Dolphin team. I was not impressed with the Jets at all. Favre is up to his old, "Just Wing it" style. The Jets will take some time to get better. The Pats* will win this week, just not by 14.
  10. I got lucky last week picking the Pats*, good thing they held on to beat the Chiefs. I ended up going with the Giants, this week. Stay away from TB with Griese starting.
  11. Never thought much of her, although that picture just might change my mind. Kate Beckinsale and Alyssa Milano are my favorites.
  12. Peter King is picking the Jags to slaughter the Bills. Peter King Not too many media types lined up on the Bills Bandwagon yet. If we win this one, expect it to be different next week.
  13. I feel bad for Brady on a personal level, but as far as the football sense goes, I don't feel anything. Injuries happen every year in the NFL, teams get crushed when their guys go down, the Pats* are no different. the Bills had to deal with big names going down over the years, now the Pats* have to. sh-- happens. Besides, I hardly think NE is going to just lay down and die. They still have good players left, are they going to win the Superbowl? Probably not, but I still think they will contend all year for the division. Cassel can't be in the NE system for 4 years and not learn anything, Bellichek kept him for a reason. We cannot take the Pats* lightly this year.
  14. the game time temps is what worries me about this game. I hope these guys are ready for the heat. Peters will need to play to at least give Walker a break. But I think he gets a lot more playing time than just that.
  15. FYI...the writer is from Minnesota, not Boston.
  16. We're getting the Indy - Minnesota game here in Raleigh, too. According to the Distribution maps, nearly everyone is. That must be their national game and all of the others are regional and only the local areas are getting different games. However, a hell of a lot of places are getting KC in the Midwest, so maybe you folks in Albany have a shot at getting it changed. I think here, we're stuck.
  17. I voted 7-9, but I think its going to be 9 or 10. Brady is a great QB, but NE* does have a pretty good team out there. If Cassel can just be a decent manager and not make the big mistake, NE* is still a playoff contender.
  18. He should be switching allegiances, right...about...now.
  19. This may sound callous, but I don't feel bad about Brady. Season ending injuries happen all the time in football, this time it happened to him, just because he is a name player doesn't make me feel sorry for him. An injury like Kevin Everett had last year that ends your career, yeah, I feel horrible for Everett. But Brady will be back next year. How many players are on the Bills IR this year or IR's around the league.
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