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Everything posted by Realist

  1. One thing Kelly did not lack was confidence. When he threw an INT, he didn't give a sh*t. He went right on throwing and willed the Bills to victory.
  2. I'm really starting to hate Jauron. I used to not have any feelings for the guy, but now I just can't stand looking at the walking corpse, showing no emotion whatsoever on the sideline, then his press conferences acting like its no big deal.
  3. TE totally lacks any kind of confidence in himself right now. He no longer he believes he can do anything right. He's just going to have to work through this. But right now that's the worst part of the team. The OL actually had a decent game yesterday.
  4. Another great job by the coaching staff. If you're going to bench someone, let him know why, especially a kid. He's just going to get down on himself now instead of trying harder to fix his mistakes.
  5. This Bills team has the capability of winning out and going 11-5, however, they also have the capability of dropping all of them and ending 5-11. If I was forced to make a wager, it would be for the latter. Edwards has no confidence in himself anymore and the coaching staff is pathetic.
  6. He's still our best option and will be for years to come. But he was horrible today and the overall game rests on his shoulders. The last drive though...that's all on the coaches.
  7. A 47 yarder against the wind is not a gimme. If they would have gotten 5-10 more yards then that is on the kicker.
  8. For those that want the Bills to move, you know, no one is forcing you to be a fan of this team. If you're so sick of it that you want the team to move, how about just being a fan of a different team! No matter how many times this team rips my heart out, I will NEVER wish they leave Buffalo.
  9. Edwards just made a great throw to Royal and then they run, run, run. Stupid.
  10. That was Trent's best throw of the night and instead of going with that momentum we run. **** caoching staff.
  11. Three more years of 8-8, just good enough to tease us into thinking the next year may be better.
  12. Bears fans were right, Jauron will never take us anywhere.
  13. At least it was a good throw. Nice play by Corto there.
  14. Buffalo hasn't been to the playoffs in nearly 10 years. If we are win again the free agents will come here. Continue the abysmal effort week after week and no way will the big names want to go to Buffalo.
  15. The Bills wouldn't hurt themselves if they spent all draft picks on OL and DL next year.
  16. This board is both hilarious and frightening at the same time after a losing streak. Benching Edwards for Losman right now would be the worst thing imaginable right now. Whether you want to believe it or not, Edwards is the future of this team. Yes, he's played poorly the past three games, but remember he is only in his second year and first as a full time starter. This is the first rough patch he has gone through, he needs to bring himself and his team out of it. But he can't do it alone, he has no running game to complement his passing game whatsoever. The opponent only needs to rush four and they still get to Edwards consistently. His very offensive offensive line is killing him during this losing streak. If he doesn't get anymore help from the 5 fat slobs in front of him, we'll be lucky to win two more games this year. The Bills have not had an OLine since the superbowl years and funny how that corresponds with the last time we were any threat in the playoffs too. And don't even get me started on the DLine and the rest of those idiots. A 19 play 9 minute drive when you're only down by ten with nearly the entire fourth quarter to go is absolutely pathetic.
  17. I just love the Buffalo Bend-But-Don't Break Defense. Try getting an occasional three and out. Back in the days of Walt Corey, we didn't have a great defense but at least it was an attacking defense and when they knew the offense needed the ball back, they would put an immediate stop to the opponent to give Kelly and Co. a chance to get back in the game.
  18. Yeah, right. Bills will win next week because of the raucous crowd and maybe beat the 49ers, and thats about it.
  19. Terrible, just terrible. What the hell happened to this team?
  20. Defense is not a problem? Warner 33 of 42, 2 TD's 79% Completions Rivers 22 of 29, 2 TD's 1 Int, 76% Completions Pennington 22 or 30, 1 TD, 73% Completions Favre 19 of 28, 1 Int, 68% Completions When the defense is giving up Completion percentages of nearly 70% or higher game in and game out, defense IS a problem. They cannot stop the opposing offense when they absolutley have to. As I said, we're down by 7 after the Greer TD and just let Favre cut us up to put up more points and take away any momentum that we had at that point.
  21. Problem is, I haven't seen any holes that he or Jackson can hit.
  22. The problem is the D can't come up with the big stop when they need it the most. After Greer ran back the INT for a TD, it was right there for the Defense to come up big. The crowd was back into the game, we were within one score and the defense wilts as Favre takes the Jets down the field rather easily for more points to pretty much kill any chance the Bills had.
  23. The Bills can't run the ball and the D can't stop the short passing game. 4-4 in the last half to fiinish 9-7 and out of the playoffs.
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