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Everything posted by Realist

  1. Perfect analysis, couldn't have said it better myself.
  2. I wasn't even talking about preseason, I was talking about last year.
  3. Our defense is solid? No QB pressures, no picks, can't stop anyone on third down, how exactly is this a solid defense?
  4. +1 Walker sucked the entire preseason, now we B word when he's cut. Bad timing, but good riddance, should have been cut a couple of weeks ago. Maybe they just kept him on until the knew if Bell was going to be ready.
  5. Actually this isn't entirely true, when asked about the move he didn't necessarily complain but he sure wasn't to thrilled about it, as he said something like "I'll just do what they tell me to do..."
  6. Newsflash... We were in deep schitt before the firing.
  7. It actually sounds like Jauron was upset it wasn't fast enough. According to Tim Graham's report, Jauron still likes the no huddle and they're keeping it.
  8. I didn't read the entire thread but there is no way I want the arsehole on this team. Big time head case, if he paid us to play here, I still wouldn't want him.
  9. That's what I was wondering, did DJ and Schonert discuss before hand who they think is going to be let go, or are they going to go with what AVP thinks? Wonder how all this is going to effect the decisions.
  10. This is one game of the year when who the hell cares about anything that happened. Half the guys that played tonight will no longer be on the team Saturday night.
  11. VJ is right, there hasn't been much of a rivalry since the early 90's. The only ones keeping it alive now are fans that are still pissed about "0 for the 70's". When you look at it, that's pretty much where the Bills are at with the Patriots* now, what did they do, win once in the last 6 or 7 years against the Pats*?
  12. I think it ended at like Halloween 45 or something, now, lucky us, Zombie is going back and making remakes! Isn't that awesome!!!
  13. This is exactly what I hope TO does and why I'm glad the Bills went out to get TO.
  14. Injured players do not travel with the team in the preseason and very seldom in the regular season, he's free to do as he pleases.
  15. There aren't that many really good players on this team. they can't just let them all walk because the player is "getting old". You have to keep some of those players around. That's the problem, we have way too many young players on this team that are average. I would like to see McGee stay (with a reasonable contract, of course).
  16. This is where I disagree about TO and I know most people are like you and are afraid of this. This team has been so laid back and uncaring whether they win or lose for so long, its become ingrained in them that it's no big deal to lose. I want TO to rip the sh*t out of the players and/or coaches if they continue to perform like they usually do. This team needs emotion, that's what I'm hoping TO brings with him...the desire to win and be the best.
  17. I'd much rather get rid of Kelsay than Denney. They are basically the same player but Denney is better at batting down passes, that's a plus for him.
  18. Tiger didn't play bad, but he really didn't do anything special. I was really impressed with how Yang played and how composed he was throughout the day. He was smiling a whole lot.
  19. Thanks for that, I was pissed ESPN's highlights were all Cutler.
  20. I think this is well beyond the Cutler crap.
  21. Even if the Bills were to sign Vick, I think the smart thing would be to wait until after Saturday's game if at all possible. The backlash would be huge and I don't think they would want protesters outside the Ralph it being Kids Day and all. I'll stick with JW, this is all crap that is just flying around the internet and picking up steam.
  22. Thats what scares me about this defense, I was not that impressed with them last year as many of you were. The offense took most of the criticism (justifiably so), but the defense was not that much better. You say its only the first preseason game, however, that is exactly how they played last year in the regular season. Last night, Collins looked like he was a future hall of famer out there, but that's how the Buffalo defense makes every QB look.
  23. The only thing I heard was Baltimore showed very slight interest. That was in the Raleigh News and Observer this morning.
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