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Everything posted by Realist

  1. Are you saying you want April back, please. This entire staff needs to go. When a new coach is hired at the end of the year he will bring in his own guys not what we have.
  2. I'm not convinced that Edwards is done yet, however with this coaching staff he is. I'd like to see him with a different coaching staff and OLine. Maybe compete for the starting job next year with a new staff.
  3. No way is Hardy ready to start. He hasn't done anything to even make anyone think he could start. It would probably be Reed with Johnson as the 3rd.
  4. Very well said, Beerball. I can be a die hard fan and still see this team sucks. I'll be rooting for them Sunday, but come 4:15 pm I'm sure I'll be pissed.
  5. Who the hell keeps voting for him? I don't think I've seen any supporters of his here on TBD. It must be an inside job of the Bills, getting all of their employees to vote for him.
  6. If you take the entire team into account, I'd go with Flutie even though I couldn't stand his attitude. This OLine would get anyone killed and you need someone to move around back there. I don't think even Kelly would do anything behind this line. Although, I would love to see Kelly screaming at the OLine. He's the only QB we had that made everyone accountable for what they did on the field.
  7. Holy ****! No way, I think he's the one coach I would rather have Jauron.
  8. I want to know how the hell his approval rating got up to 18% after the Carolina game? Those two wins were simply because of INT's and nothing else, they had absolutely nothing to do with Jauron's coaching.
  9. Can we please stop bashing Wilson for being in the HOF. For what Wilson has done for the game, he deserves to be in the HOF. Remember, he is in there for what he has done for the NFL over the past 50 years, he is not in there for being owner of the Buffalo Bills. It might be easier to think of Ralph as two different people, one, an NFL Businessman who has done great things for the league. Person number two, owner of the Buffalo Bills, who hasn't done a damn thing for this team in the last 15 years.
  10. There is far more wrong with this team than just the qb.
  11. Basically, Fitzpatrick won two games where the opposing QB was actually worse than he was. Does anyone really think Schaub is going to throw the game like Sanchez and Delhomme did? Fitzpatrick is going to have to have a much better game this Sunday than he did the previous two week, (or Byrd must keep his INT streak going).
  12. Buffalo's on track for another 7-9 or so season, which means Ralph has his excuse to keep Jauron around. Ralph will keep him at least through next year if at all possible. He does not want to eat 2 years of the new contract he gave DJ.
  13. We should have destroyed the Jets with 5 regulation interceptions, we barely squeaked by in OT. The Jets gained over 300 yards on the ground on us and I would say the Panthers running backs are even better. I don't see the Bills as having much of a chance in this one. Bills 17 Panthers 27
  14. Being short on LB's I would take him. Will the Bills? Probably not, "We're happy with what we have here," is the usual line.
  15. I thought Fitz was terrible yesterday with the exception of only 2 or 3 passes. Fitz did not win that game for the Bills yesterday, Sanchez and Ryan won that game for Buffalo. Sanchez was even worse than Fitzpatrick and Ryan for some reason stopped running the ball and put it in Sanchez' hands. When you get five INT's in regulation there is no reason the game should have went into OT.
  16. You do realize that each of those teams is looking at their schedule and saying, "Bills, that should be an easy win."
  17. When I saw the replay, I immediately said No Catch. Correct call was made.
  18. He saved his job til at least the bye week, but most likely for the year. Still think he goes at the end of the season.
  19. That was a great article by Tucker. If you ask me half this team has already mailed it in.
  20. I really have no opinion on Edwards at this time no matter how bad he looks. It's too hard to tell if the problem is Edwards with the horrible coaching and horrible OLine (which I blame on the coaching, too.)
  21. +1 Although I would love to see a coaching change no later than the bye week, this is the most likely scenario.
  22. If they're going to get rid of him during the season (which I doubt), I think it wouldn't be until after the Houston game.
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