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Everything posted by Realist

  1. Gailey said he'd be out a few weeks and Easley will not be ready this week, refusing to say what the "illness" is. per Paul Hamilton.
  2. That's the play? Sorry didn't see the game, but from what I was hearing everywhere it sounded like it was a cheap shot. That block is in no way illegal or cheap. That is a legit block that ALL receivers use. Berry definitely saw him coming and even slowed up as Johnson closed in on him.
  3. It was a fantastic read. Sorry to see Everett doesn't seem to talk to his former teammates anymore, I'm sure they would be a great support group.
  4. Please watch Aaron Rodgers, Drew Brees, Tom Brady, Philip Rivers, et al., and tell me they don't have three or four WTF passes in a game. I'm definitely not saying Fitz is in their league, but all QB's have those terrible throws nearly every game. Fitz is just fine.
  5. You do realize that its not the fans that play the game. The fans can get as excited and cocky as they want, its the players that can't get overconfident. Senator can justifiably continue his 19-0 mantra and he has every right to. This is what the fans need, it gets them excited possibly buying more tickets and merchandise. Let the fans gloat and cheer all they want, it will not effect the outcome of any game in the future because the fans were overconfident. And its the job of the coaching staff to make sure the players don't act like that. Hell the Bills crushed someone on opening day on the road, enjoy it, have fun with it. Yell at the top of your lungs the Bills are going to the Superbowl, we as fans need this. If we lose the next fifteen, so be it. We still got to enjoy a great win for 1 week.
  6. I went with Bell, but its really Bell and the rest of the OL. This OLine got trashed constantly in the preseason and they came out and did a great job giving Fitz just enough time to get things done.
  7. Not really sure what the problem is, KC did lay an egg at home for division winner last year.
  8. Dallas D was pathetic in second half. I could have thrown on them all night.
  9. Apparently you missed it, eball. They already gave the Lombardi trophy to the Dream Team, Philadelphia Eagles this year. Not even sure why they are playing the season.
  10. I love the all white look, very classic. I hope never to see the blue pants.
  11. Colts Statement Statement from the Colts concerning Surgery this AM.
  12. Maybe they wanted to give him a chance to catch on with another team?
  13. If you admit they look better, how can that not add up to a few additional wins. They lost some very close games last year.
  14. I would rather have the Bills old uniforms.
  15. I'd expect Cassell to play Sunday with a heavy flak jacket on. That means a lot of Charles down our throats, stop the run, we stop KC.
  16. Thought of that too, for not covering sports anymore, why is he the one breaking the cuts?
  17. Never expected that from you, bastard! Well played though!
  18. Personally, I'd keep Levi over Thigpen, to me Brown has more upside while Thigpen isn't going to get any better. But, because of Gailey's past experience with Thigpen, Brown is the odd man out.
  19. I love it that the season hasn't even started yet and "fans" are already hoping we lose out just so we can get Andrew Luck.
  20. It seems everyone is caught up in some QB pressures Moats had last year. There's more to playing LB than pressure on the qb, how did he do in coverage, how did he do against the run? Obviously, the coaches feel he wasn't progressing enough in that area.
  21. Have the Bills ever sold out a preseason game?
  22. I swear after the Denver pre-season game, we were going 0-16 and the front runners for Luck in the draft. Wonder what's going to happen if we suck in the first series against Detroit tomorrow.
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