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Everything posted by Realist

  1. Why not? Is it actually going to hurt our playoff chances?
  2. I've been waiting for Welker to come out and say "I executed that pick play just like I was taught in my days in New England."
  3. Had me pegged for Buffalo, the next two closest were Milwaukee and Aurora. Been in Raleigh for 17 years now and that's entirely blue.
  4. Still think the best thing the Bills could have done last offseason, was keep Fitz. Don't understand why they dumped Fitz for Kolb. Fitz was a serviceable, smart QB that could have helped out Manuel. He probably would have been the starter for the early part of the year and given way to Manuel later in the season.
  5. Welcome aboard and get ready for a wild ride from now until at least the draft!
  6. Exactly, anyone thinking QB in round 1 for the Bills is nuts. Not because I think EJ is going to be great, I'd like to give him another year, but because it just doesn't happen. In no way will OBD take a QB after taking one last year. I don't care if Bridgewater is still available, they are committed to EJ for next year and that's that. Backup QB is still open, but a round one QB isn't on their list.
  7. Chiefs @ Colts...Think the Chiefs take this one just because of the defense, but it will be close. Saints @ Eagles...Saints are a different team on the road, Eagles just seem to have something going right now with Foles. Eagles at home. Chargers @ Bengals...Would love to take the Chargers here, but man, they barely beat the Chiefs with no one playing in a game they had to have, that scares me. Bengals win this one. 49ers @ Packers...Rodgers back, January in Lambeau field, have to go with the Packers.
  8. Obviously be pissed if it happened to Buffalo, but Pittsburgh should never have put themselves in that position this year. They sucked most of the year.
  9. Hate to break it to half you guys, but apparently Marrone has informed EJ that he will start in 2014.
  10. Hoping the Panthers pull it out, but I'm thinking its going to be Denver and Seattle in the Superbowl. If that's the case then I would go for Denver, really don't like Seattle.
  11. Very well said. This is exactly what I saw. I was generally unimpressed with Lewis as I have been in all his games. He'll make a fine backup, but I would never want him as a starting QB. Right now there is a lot more upside in EJ, I've seen some really good things out of EJ this year and, yes, a couple of absolutely horrible games, but as a rookie project, and that was what he was drafted for, a project, he's doing pretty well. If you replace Thad with EJ in that game playing exactly the same way, EJ gets crucified on this board.
  12. I can't say I love what I see, but I am slightly encouraged. He was taken as a project, so that's what we should expect. Hopefully we'll all be higher on him this time next year. But right now, I'm a little more optimistic than you, I'd say about 50-60%.
  13. No one on this board wants to hear, but EJ was taken as a project. It was said all along he wasn't NFL ready yet, unfortunately Kolb got hurt and forced EJ in early. As has been stated in several posts in this thread, he has actually done pretty well for a rookie that has missed some of TC and 5 games during the season. Just give him time, there are no Andrew Lucks in this upcoming draft, we can see what he does in year two. Besides, how many of you wanted EJ to start immediately after he was drafted no matter what to give him experience? Well this is what happens when you go that route with a rookie QB, that obviously needs work.
  14. I hope Marrone is here in 5 years. To last that long, that would mean the Bills are actually doing good, otherwise he's done before that.
  15. Two things: 1: If this was a non call against the Bills, we would all be having a fit right now. 2: It happened to the Pats*, so I'm okay with it.
  16. He should get a chance to prove himself as a receiver this week with Woods and probably Stevie out.
  17. You guys who are expecting big things from EJ against the Jets or at least better things against them, do realize who his starting receivers are likely to be? The starting WR's are probably TJ, Goodwin, and Hogan/Easley. I'm sure EJ will be lighting the place on fire Sunday with them.
  18. Great interview with London Fletcher on the subject. http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/football-insider/wp/2013/11/05/london-fletcher-dolphins-veteran-players-failed-to-properly-police-their-locker-room/
  19. You can only beat the teams the schedule gives you and they beat the teams they should.
  20. Playing at NOLA, we just won our first game on the road in what, 4 years? Won't win two in a row on the road. Saints 30-20.
  21. I prefer to look at this team like the 1986 Bills, you can almost feel something happening. There's a different feel to these losses. But if you want to have a negative look at it, that's your prerogative.
  22. My thoughts exactly. I don't see anything changing with Lewis in there either.
  23. Did anyone mention Geno's 11 turnovers? He had one good game, the only thing he has over EJ right now is probably a better long ball.
  24. I think the big question is, if Thad lights it up, is he better than Geno? (sarcasm)
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