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Everything posted by K-No

  1. Season ticket holders were only allowed 6 additional tickets for individual games this year. The limit used to be 10.
  2. End of July? We've had them earlier than that in the past....
  3. Season ticket holders have had over a week to gobble up extra tickets. In previous years, some games are sold out by the time tickets go on sale to the general public. Not much word about how ticket sales are progressing this year.
  4. Does NFL have same custom scoring options as CBSSportsline?
  5. Every team on our schedule will have Buffalo pegged as a win!
  6. They're hoping the coffee will keep you awake when the offense is on the field.
  7. FWIW....Today I noticed on Bills Daily website that Schobel is not listed on the depth chart.
  8. My! So many posts with the 20-20 hindsight about what the Bills 'coulda done' in the draft based on the final results. No team knows what good players will fall to them with the pick after the one they are about to make. Not a bad draft IMO
  9. No, he was Mongo on Blazing Saddles
  10. Ahhhh. So is that what it's all about? Someone's grade. And who's grade are we concerned about?
  11. Exactly! Unfortunately we're the ones doing all the punting.
  12. If you are letting your season tickets go, I may be interested in picking them up. Please send a message with seat location. Thank You
  13. +1 It's about the only national attention we get all year
  14. We must be really sold on this guy.... I like it. He'll add some long missed excitement.
  15. None....they won't need to pass to beat us.
  16. Too funny!
  17. I find myself switching to it early in the Bills game during comercials but then I see there is actually some exciting football being played on Sundays, and I end up seeing less of the Bills game. Bills are getting tougher to watch.
  18. Yup....Another Sunday afternoon wasted !
  19. I hope the QM in your ID (ishouldbeqm) stands for Quickly Medicated....
  20. Why protect the short middle passes? We will gladly give up 8-10 yards in exchange for the clock ticking away 20-25 seconds when we're up 2 touchdowns....we should be focused on protecting against the sideline passes and of course the deep throw.
  21. Just so you don't feel cheated: SuzyBitch: Tom, how does it feel to pull out a victory like this? Tommyboy: Uhm, it feels great. They gave us an opportunity and we were lucky enough to take advantage of it. SuzyBitch: That's great Tom. Thanks. There you have it folks...now back to you guys in the booth. Everyone feel better now?
  22. Big difference between a winning veteran team taking a few tune-up series and this younger struggling team that can't move the ball. And if you're not smart enough to see the difference between those pre-season games and these, you need to ask the wizard for a brain scarecrow.
  23. Still won't be enough with this lame offense......
  24. Ya mean it worked?
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