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Everything posted by K-No

  1. As far as being a Bills fan...When does it stop being loyalty and start to be stupidity? I gotta know??
  2. Hmm... what has Haslett done in Nawlins... let me see... underachieve, underachieve...
  3. Every year the Saints are noted as being one of the most talented teams in the NFL and Haslett has consistently gone nowhere.... This is not good news if he signs on....
  4. I think MM showed significant improvement this year and I believe he will have a decent 2006 year provided he gets improvements on the lines. I'm not surprised if he finishes 2006 and maybe beyond.
  5. Any way to add the names of who is in these pictures?
  6. Another great report... I check for your reports daily...as I'm sure the other out of towners do. Much Appreciated !!
  7. Great Report... A+...
  8. Last year when the autograph sessions were after practice, many of the players stayed around to sign for an extra half hour or so..... Now the players can't give any extended signing time because they'd be late for practice !! That might not go over too big with the coaches.
  9. No, there is no other option. This is what you must do..
  10. The TBD training camp reports become more valuable than ever... Any other suggestions? YIKES ... I need my fix
  11. I wouldn't trade for TO until a cure for cancer is discovered.... because that's all he is. What a POS, and the agent who represents him..getting a steal of a deal just last year and demanding a contract rework this year??? Stay out of this town !!
  12. These are season ticket holders....
  13. The Bills have made single game tickets available to season ticket holders in the 1st week in May for the last couple of years. Season ticket holders have their 3 payments due on March 1, April 1, and May 1. To motivate everyone to be prompt on that last payment, they make the single game tickets available in the 1st week in May and you may only purchase them if your season ticket account is fully paid.... (Ralph wants to earn as much interest with your money as he can ) So be prepared in the next couple of weeks for the notice !!
  14. OK... I'll be the dummy..... What's a Gmail account ?
  15. I don't know where you are now but VA salaries for the education profession are very poor. That's why they recruit so heavily...most good educators have gone to other areas. A good friend of mine here in central Va was the head of the school guidance dept. for 8 years and just last year his salary hit 40K. Yikes... and the price of housing is high... The counties and cities have special programs starting in the area trying to make housing affordable for city workers such as policemen, firemen & teachers etc. because those folks can't afford to live in the towns they work in and are moving away. So, when you interview, I advise you to check the payscale and have discussions with local realtor. But hey, the weather is great and there are several Bills fans in the area and they don't black out the Bills on DirecTV here !!
  16. Male nursing enrollment just doubled
  17. When the book finally arrives, check the postmark for the date, use that to decide if you leave + or - feedback.
  18. I can't believe you wrote that....
  19. Not so fast.... We had an expensive camera with nice detachable lens... we were not allowed to bring it in.... they said it was a professional quality camera and not allowed.... Ouch... and we tried getting in several different gates... no luck
  20. This is the funniest thread I have ever read !! Some creative people prowl here B)
  21. I drafted Jones and Pinner. I thought Jones was starter but have been told otherwise. Anybody know for sure?
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