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The AntiFin

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Posts posted by The AntiFin

  1. RB's taken in the top 10 should never need 2 seasons to adjust to the NFL. Ever. If that's the case, I seriously question the draft strategy and personnel evaluation of that team.

    I couldn't agree more. Why blame Spiller, then? Chan made him sit for the better part of a year and a half. That's not CJ's fault.


    Spiller would not have played much beyond the first 10 weeks had FJ not been injured.

    Coach's decision.


    And now, the GM declares the guy is as talented as they thought and the HC says he will split carries with a more well-rounded RB in FJ.

    Amazing what some REAL play time and experience can do for a talented running back, huh?

  2. Defensive? It's my first post in this thread that is about the Spiller pick.


    Pardon me for thinking that you were on topic.

    Then how could you possibly comment? You'd need to see the context of the other posts -- and there are MANY -- to see what I was getting at. Point being, many other posters jumped on the bandwagon stating that RBs do not win championships. I believe that was a direct quote. I was speaking to them. I was not comparing CJ to those two guys.


    Now, to answer your question: I truly believe Nix did not want Marshawn on this team, and drafted accordingly. His run-ins with the law were the icing on the cake. I remember when so many people last year griped that Best (Detroit) was "bester" than Spiller. He hasn't been healthy enough to prove it.


    I don't mind the Spiller pick at all, and I think many in this thread will be eating their words after next season. The ONLY player I really wanted in Round 1 of that draft was Rolando McClain. Of course, he wasn't available. I truly believe he would have been our pick had he been on the board.


    Last year, Spiller wasn't given ANY chance to find his rhythm. This year, he was forced into it -- and he preformed tremendously under a ton of pressure. I think that speaks to his character and poise, as well as his talent. He just needs to get the ball more.

  3. Spiller is not Rice or Foster. He showed that he is a pretty good rb this year. Prior to that?


    Rice was a second round pick, Foster UDFA.


    I'd love to hear your thoughts on taking a RB with your top pick when your team is devoid of talent except at the RB position.

    My, MY, Mr. Moderator. Aren't WE getting defensive?


    My question was to those who said RBs don't mean much to an offense. It had NOTHING to do with Spiller. And you couldn't answer it.


    Thank you.

  4. There would be way too many people to quote here, so I'll just put it out there.


    For all of you who say that "running backs don't win games" or are "not important" ... Please answer me these two questions.


    1). Would Baltimore have made the playoffs this year without Ray Rice?

    2). Would Houston have made the playoffs this year without Arian Foster?


    I'd love to hear your thoughts on this -- the people who claim RB is not important. Please tell me who else of substance EITHER team has on offense. (And don't bother including people who were injured most of the year and did not contribute).

  5. Disagree. I too live in S. Fla and listen to 560wqam , 790 the ticket and actually find him to be quite humble yet firm. His players loved him and played hard for the guy. I don't know how he will be as OC but I guarantee he will get the best out of O-line talent.

    He was humble this year because he was 0-7. Not so much in the past. We must not have listened to the same interviews. He's a whiner on the field, yelling at officials and crying when he doesn't get his way. I maintain my opinion. And it'll come out for all to see now that he's officially A$$ociated with one of the biggest a$$es in the game.

  6. Ive never seen sparano as a loudmouth...

    Next to Ryan -- and this past year -- No. But when the Dolphins were semi-decent, he was extremely pompous, especially during his interviews on WQAM. (I live in South Florida, and listen to that trash station every now and again for laughs).

  7. Because they have great offensive lines and 2 of 3 maybe 4 elite QBs in the league.

    I don't disagree. I'm just sick of hearing every analyst on the planet say "defense wins championships." New England and Green Bay have two of the worst Ds in the league. New Orleans' defense is "meh." As I wrote in another post, I think the league is entering a new era. There are some AMAZING QBs playing these days, with 4 of them "elite." Three of those almost surely will be first-ballot HOFers (Brees, Brady, Manning -- with Rodgers definitely on pace). I don't think we had this much QB talent since the late '80s or early '90s. Actually, factor in Vick, Newton, Stafford, Ryan, Schaub, Roethlisberger. (Some might argue Rivers and Romo, but I'm not in that camp). Aside from Newton, rookies Dalton and Ponder have shown promise. That's almost half of the league with good/great/elite QBs. Contrast that to defenses this year -- well, they've mostly been inconsistent, including the mighty Ravens.


    Unlike most on this board, I don't think we've got a ton of holes. Get our guys healthy -- Keep them healthy -- factor in the "depth" we'll have from the rookies who started half this season out of necessity -- spend a little cash in free agency -- resign Johnson and extend Freddie -- don't draft like boneheads (this is the tough part) -- and we're contenders next season. As for our defense, if we go 4-3, we've got the building blocks in place. We do need corners BADLY (but not in the first two rounds, Buddy... Please).

  8. Defense, defense, and more defense.

    If "defense wins championships," how are New England and Green Bay #1 seeds?


    Which of these WRs do you want?

    As stated repeatedly, Blackmon will be long gone. I can't see Cryami passing on a receiver. If we go WR, we could get "the other guy" -- either Jeffrey or Floyd. I honestly don't have a problem with either, though I think we could trade down a few spots and still get Floyd.

  9. Not a whole lot since Rodgers is a God like figure here. Everyone is already talking playoffs and still nervous about the defense.

    So many people say "defense wins championships." I feel like the NFL is entering a new era. Green Bay/New England would be an interesting Super Bowl. I believe both are in the bottom 3, defense-wise.

  10. I guess I'm not clear on the analogy?

    At the point where NO signed Brees, he had led SD to two winning seasons and was a 2x Probowl selection.

    SD had offered him a contract despite having Rivers on the roster, indicating some confidence in his likely recovery from surgery.


    Flynn has thrown less than 100 passes in the NFL in 4 years. He may be God's gift to QB but there's a lot less data on him than there was on Brees.


    It wouldn't upset me if we tried to sign him, but I think he will go for far bigger $$$$$$ than Ralph would be willing to pay. I would say Seattle, Washington, or Minnesota - teams that historically seem to prefer to buy their QB than draft them and are willing to pay silly money for players they want.

    I took the analogy to mean that a good QB could become a GREAT QB on another team someday. (Favre comes to mind). But you'd have to ask the poster, I just speculated.


    Your point is very valid, if that's what was meant.

  11. This sure does remind me of a Rob Johnson-Kevin Kolb situation.

    Apples to apples, there are a few glaring differences in comparing Rob Johnson to Matt Flynn, imo.


    1. Johnson played college ball in California, and came from the Jaguars (warm weather). Though Flynn went to LSU, he is used cold weather in Green Bay.
    2. Johnson backed up Steve Beuerlein and Mark Brunell, while Flynn has studied under (arguably) one of the top two QBs in the league today. An Elite QB.
    3. Statistically, Johnson's debut doesn't hold a candle to what we saw yesterday from Flynn against a very good (albeit dirty) Lions defense. We're talking franchise records for passing yards and touchdowns -- for one of the most storied franchises in NFL history. That's amazing regardless of the circumstances of any game.
    4. Flynn will become a free agent this year unless the Packers pay a boatload of money to franchise him -- and trade him. I read somewhere that it'll cost them a small fortune either way. As part owner of the Packers, I don't want to spend that kind of money. ;)

    Flynn has been well coached, and if our OL comes back healthy, and we surround him with a true weapon (preferably one who don't flash a "Happy New Year" T-shirt) -- I would love to have him.


    Oh, then there's Ralph and the money issue. Never mind...


    He'll likely be a Redskin or a Seahawk.

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