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Everything posted by BRAWNDO

  1. April 25, 2013
  2. Nice read by Sheppard
  3. One horrible call deserves another
  4. What was TJ looking at?
  5. Holding on Williams???
  6. So it is only interference when we do it?
  7. Great job by the O Line!!
  8. Separated shoulder?
  9. Tommy Boy is going to need a restraining order.
  10. Have any of them asked for autographs yet?
  11. How about the the Buffalo Stampede Scenes from Dancing with Wolves? Girl Drummer always equals Cool Band!!
  12. A couple of thoughts, Milstein is has not done much with the land that he owns in Niagara Falls in the years that he has owned it, which the Niagara Gazette brings up. http://niagara-gazette.com/local/x1700247745/Niagara-Falls-not-a-topic-of-discussion-for-Howard-Milstein Now if building a stadium and entertainment complex with the land is part of his plan, that sounds great. Also the completion of International Rail Passenger Station a couple miles north of the rumored stadium would help make it easier to get Canadian Fans there. http://www.buffalonews.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20120906/CITYANDREGION/120909762 All and all I am not too keen about Gillett or Milstein as future owners of the team.
  13. 'Like, the water that comes from the toilet?
  14. We need something to talk about during the week.
  15. Two things, the Raiders should sign the guy in beige jacket, he was getting hit with with a baton and still going to town on the guy. Second the Raiders should create a more fan friendly environment and move to Los Angeles.
  16. IIRC Jim Kelly was booed as well.
  17. Only one of two teams in town Chef, would you still be a fan if they were a few hours south of you in L.A.? I was a llttle kid when the Buffalo Braves moved to San Diego and I have not watched the NBA since. I will be honest with you I have two season tickets in the Club Level and would be willing to pay the same amount for six games as I do seven. It is that foolish? Probably, but that is the price fans have to pay for having a NFL Team in a small market. Unfortunately WNY does not have one tenth of the wealth that is concentrated in the Bay Area. Are we hostage to the Bills and any rules or demands that set? If we want to keep the team in WNY, yes. Why do I put up with it? I guess I have Stockholm Syndrome.
  18. Never leave before the two minute warning.
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