Good stuff Rob.
I would like to add a few more points.
Find the best candidates to run in different parts of the country. The Democrats have excelled in finding candidates that can win elections in Republican Areas. See Jim Matheson in Utah, as well as Tester in Montana and Heitkamp in North Dakota, Romney won those states by 50, 13 and 20 points. Stop demonizing candidates who some they feel are RINOs or not conservative enough. If they had done that in the past two elections Lugar would have cruised in Indiana, Castle would have won in Delaware in 2010.
The Hispanic Vote is the key to the party's future. In the House of Representatives Jamie Herrera Beulter with Marco Rubio as a Senate Co Sponsor should introduce a comprehensive immigration reform bill, including amnesty and a guest worker program for the 113th Congress to vote on. Make this the most important issue for Republicans in the next Congress.
Finally if you want to stop being labeled as the party of the White Guy, stop nominating them. The Republicans have two Hispanic Governors Susan Martinez of New Mexico and Brian Sandoval of Nevada. The same number of Hispanic Senators, one a piece and more female Governors. Yet most of the general population only sees two white guys on the ticket. In 2016 the Republicans should nominate the first completely non white presidential ticket in history. Some ideas would be Rubio/Martinez or Rubio/Sandoval.
The party needs to adapt before they go the way of the Whigs.