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Everything posted by BRAWNDO

  1. This. And I could see them pushing for a Niagara Falls, NY Stadium in five to seven years I still am a huge Pegula Fan.
  2. Final say on football decisions? Really?
  3. Kirby beautiful job throughout this whole process.
  5. Tim Graham did a podcast with Buffalo Rumblings tonight. Mentioned there is a lot more that he knows, but cannot divulge at present. Still thinks Pegula is frontrunner and that the JBJ Group is still around to drive interest. Speculates JBJ maybe in line for the next team which becomes available. http://www.buffalorumblings.com/2014/8/11/5990563/buffalo-rumblings-live-buffalo-bills-bid-process-tim-graham
  6. IIRC Tim Graham mentioned they can vote on the sale in December if need be.
  7. Here is why one bidder with local ties did not bid....concussions http://fortune.com/2014/08/11/why-chris-sacca-isnt-buying-the-buffalo-bills/ Not a fan of JBJ though
  8. Based on the Forbes Article, I doubt any group is eliminated until Morgan Stanley gets into the price range it wants
  9. No it has not I have a feeling they are going to wait until the ownership situation becomes more settled and possibly get some input from them prior to releasing it. Based on the estimates coming out that the Bills make 30 Million per season, but could make 60 Million in a new stadium, I have a feeling on which direction the new owner will be leaning.
  10. I agree wholeheartedly. Plus NYS and Erie County would look bad if they contributed to spending 110 Million to fix up RWS only to have a new stadium built in three years. 2019 would probably be the earliest a new stadium would be built.
  11. Nice find. Nice first post.
  12. Sounds like the NFL is going to insist on a new stadium http://www.buffalonews.com/sports/bills-nfl/nfl-renews-push-for-a-new-bills-stadium-20140809
  13. Would anybody be interested in trading Spiller for SF Guard Alex Boone? http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2014/08/09/trade-a-possibility-for-holdout-guard-alex-boone/ Rated in the Top Ten for Guards last season.
  14. Tim Graham ‏@ByTimGraham 6m I've been reporting about 16 parties signed Bills nondisclosure agrmnt. But I'm told number has grown to at least 20 over past couple weeks. Tim Graham ‏@ByTimGraham 5m Further indication that Morgan Stanley is priming the pump to get whatever it can out of the Bills sale.Expand
  15. If Pegula is successful in purchasing the Bills and a new stadium gets built downtown, I am sure he could arrange a few Sabres Home Games against the Maple Leafs on a Friday/Saturday Night, when the Bills have a home game on Sunday. Downtown would be fun place on those weekends. Another great site would be on an area near FNC. Move HSBC out, place a Hotel with Convention Center there with a new stadium bordered by Mississippi Street/SouthPark/Michigan/Scott Streets. A parking garage could be built to accommodate the lost of the surface parking. This would be an incentive for the Senecas to build a similar hotel/casino structure to the one in NF.
  16. Probably a few blocks away near the casino. The site of the current Perry Housing Development seems to be popular.
  17. GREAT NEWS!!!!
  18. I guess we can count out Bitove John Kryk ‏@JohnKryk 1m Kind spin: I'm told John Bitove, who briefly controlled #Raptors to '96, would need a lot of investment help in any #Bills bid.
  19. Cuomo did talk about a new stadium today. http://m.espn.go.com/nfl/story?storyId=11328308&src=desktop&rand=ref~%7B%22ref%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fm.facebook.com%22%7D Nothing earth shattering
  20. He was at a PC in the Falls today, maybe there?
  21. Dan Carpenter is playing receiver for the Panthers?
  22. Searcy!!! Smart play by Hogan
  23. Nice play Powell!!
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