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Everything posted by BRAWNDO

  1. I wonder if the Israeli Defense Forces will now open up recruiting stations in the U.S.?
  2. Calls him one of the best CBs in the game. Nice breakdown of each game from his rookie season http://presnapreads.com/2013/06/04/stephon-gilmore-an-elite-cornerback-lost-in-the-failings-of-the-buffalo-bills/
  3. So is the yo quiero taco bell slogan going to be replaced with Our employees have personally taste tested your food to ensure its freshness!!
  4. As a UB Alumni I think this is a great idea. White is doing a great job in transforming the athletic dept thus far.
  5. Oops sorry about that http://www.et3.com/
  6. Clever I am glad to see the Bills get a coach that will set the tone for his players
  7. Interesting way to travel, 4000 mph NYC to LA in 45 mins. I always wondered what it would be like to go for a ride in the tube at the drive thru teller.
  8. They will probably choose the five years in jail and 500,000 fine instead. More humane.
  9. A television reporter in Maine was preparing for a live report about a missing 73 year old man with dementia when he walks right on by. http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/sideshow/news-crew-reporting-missing-man-finds-him-during-144040400.html?vp=1
  10. I think this one is worse... https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=474175022659741&set=a.133475800063000.32624.109423129134934&type=1&theater
  11. Does he post here? http://blogs.buffalonews.com/press-coverage/2013/05/we-found-the-oj-simpson-tattoo-dude-its-not-a-joke.html
  12. Murder suspects butt dials 911 and is heard talking about Murder Plot shortly before it happens. http://blogs.browardpalmbeach.com/pulp/2013/05/florida_man_butt-dials_911_his.php
  13. I was never a fan of Star Trek until I saw Abrams reboot in 2009. I cannot wait to see what he does with Star Wars.
  14. Not sure if this has been posted but I love Marrone's confidence while speaking to fans in Rochester. john_kucko ‏@john_kucko 17 May Was totally WOWED by #Bills coach Doug Marrone today here in #roc. Told players "the least we're gonna do is make the playoffs" #billsmafia john_kucko ‏@john_kucko 17 May Marrone also said these are "not the same old BB, things have changed." This organization has an energy I haven't seen in ages #billsmafia john_kucko ‏@john_kucko 17 May Coach Marrone did 20 minute power point on his vision for team. Off the charts energy! This is gonna be a fun season #billsmafia #roc john_kucko ‏@john_kucko 17 May Coach Marrone quote from today in message to rookies: "Don't let anyone give you #?!* for being a Bill #billsmafia pic.twitter.com/3wEwx8AqLM john_kucko ‏@john_kucko 18 May The #Bills Sept 8 season opener vs. Patriots is sold out! Coach Marrone yesterday: "our offense will be up tempo, attack-style." #billsmafia john_kucko ‏@john_kucko 18 May Bills rooks at #nfl rookie premiere. Marrone told guys: "stay together, out of trouble and don't let anyone give ya *?!# about being a BB." john_kucko ‏@john_kucko 12h After listening to Coach Marrone for 90 minutes Friday, I am convinced he can connect with the players in a way we haven't seen. #billsmafia john_kucko ‏@john_kucko 22m One last Doug Marrone item from Friday. He said on December 29th at season finale in Foxboro, he fully expects #bills season to NOT be over
  15. He did as a summer job in college for his Dad's Company paving roads.
  16. https://soundcloud.com/siriusxmsports/bills-qb-e-j-manuel-on-nfl The interview with him.
  17. As long as Tuel does not believe he will be named the starting QB the week of the Bills Next Wildcard Playoff Game.
  18. I had to share this tweet Rich Eisen ‏@richeisen 1h If Gronk has any more procedures, his nose with light up red and buzz every time the surgeon touches the sides.
  19. At least the granddaughter has her priorities straight.
  20. As per text Whaley takes over as GM and Nix as a special asst.
  21. I agree with this Marrone does not seem like a big fan of the wild cat
  22. Looks like NBC found a replacement for Faith Hill to sing the opening of SNF. Carrie Underwood. I for one give this a big thumbs up. http://fangsbites.com/2013/05/report-carrie-underwood-to-replace-faith-hill-on-sunday-night-football/
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