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Everything posted by BRAWNDO

  1. I am all for due diligence on every prospect.
  2. This is not the first game I expected the Bills to be out of it this year
  3. Is the field dirt painted green?
  4. He did, Timmons head snapped forward and EJs snapped back
  5. Unfortunately it has continued from last week
  6. I think a TE should be at the top of the Bills Offseason Wish List
  7. I guess The Legend of Kiko Alonso was not the only thing to grow this past Sunday
  8. http://deadspin.com/report-from-buffalo-kiko-alonso-jersey-traded-for-blow-1459749225?utm_campaign=socialflow_deadspin_twitter&utm_source=deadspin_twitter&utm_medium=socialflow
  9. Considering that their only two losses came against the fourth and fifth ranked teams in the nation, I think they are pretty good
  10. A large part. She probably developed a Subdural Hematoma, which eventually increased the pressure inside her skull until it impaired her brain functions to the point she passed.
  11. My fear is that the playing surface at Heinz Field is not the best to begin with and Pitt has a game the day before, so what is the condition of the field going to be like? Then again is it better to get EJ out there to continue his development?
  12. Any info on the FB they bought in?
  13. He broke some tackles on that play Dan!!
  14. It least the defense is well rested
  15. Are you freaking kidding me
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