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Everything posted by 1gap2gap

  1. I did not here that Jonathan Scott OT from Texas hurt his knee but it doesn't matter. He didn't play well enough with two good knees anyway.
  2. AJ is a criminal and Scott is an underachiver. Nagta has some personal problems and did not play well this year. He has to prove a lot in his workouts. Blue might be gone by the latter part of the first or in the 2nd but you never know he is a good player.
  3. Well then what are you waiting for? Jump ship now- quick before it gets worse!
  4. Chi- town radio are the new experts. I swear do you guys have any thoughts of your own at all?
  5. You guys kill me. Take a hint all you should care about is if this team can win and how long it will take. The money is not an issue. Your never going to get any of it so why are you so worried about it.
  6. There is only one answer for you. If you are that mad-- then find another team to root for! I'm only being fair to you. It's sad to see you so upset.
  7. Yes! He got hired and if he doesn't win in a certain period of time he will be fired! What difference does it make? Do you want to know how many bowl movements he has a day also? The answer--- I don't know!
  8. Pretty dam shamefull if you ask me. I love to see some of these guys start a job and have everybody jump all over them as they walk through the door. Tonight this board is embarrassing!
  9. He is as good as any other pick. Let him come in and do the job.
  10. Good turn them in. Back up your mouth!
  11. A big Amen here. Could not agree with you more.
  12. The guy could not change his diaper without Farve helping him. You guys are a joke. You don't even know why he was fired. He was like a deer in the headlights this year. He was just like Malarky and he has been a HC for 5 years. Jauron is fine. At least he has already handled adversity and a team without a QB. He also got the Bears to be respectable and play hard without any talent. You guys are a joke!
  13. Oh yea I forgot. At the next level he has to be moved to the right side. He is not a left tackle for the pro's.
  14. He grows on you and works well with lineman that he knows. He a solid player that will get better and better. He is not a 1 st rounder but is a first day pick.
  15. A well thought out answer
  16. I guess the question I have, What makes everbody think that because Lofton is being interviewd that it is for The HC job. I'm sure Lofton was told up front what job he was being interviewed for HC, OC or any other. He has the right to choose if he wants to be included in the interview procees or not. If you are a monority coach and the Bills contact you- you just ask for what position are you interested in interviewing me for. If you do not like the answer or feel it is a token interview then you have the right to say no. It's as simple as that. Maybe just maybe Lofton is being interview for one of the other positions. My qusetion then is it a token interview then?
  17. I rest my case. Your everthing I thought you would be.
  18. Everytime a quailified assistent minority coach is being interviewed everbody automaticaly says its just a Rooney Rule pick? I guess my question to those on this board that feel that way--- is it because you don't feel that they are quailfied in the first place to warrent an interview. And if you think that about them, would you hire them anyway? Or is it because they are interviewed and are not picked? If they are not picked does it automaticaly mean that the owner or GM is a racist pig and that is the only reason the Qualified enough to get an interview assistant minority coach--- was brought in to interview in the first place---- was NOT to hire him? So I guess everybody who interviews a minority a coach is only doing it because they are a racist. Anybody that hires a minority coach did it because they were forced to--- and they are racist. And anybody that fires a minority coach only hired that coach in the first place to prove to the football world that they were right and that every minority coach is dumb. So they sign him to a million dollor contract a year just to prove their point. I don't think so! I just wanted to make sure I understand the thinking of the people on the board who are upset and think the Rooney Rule is a joke. Personally for me if I'm hiring a coach I hire the one I think can make my franchise a winner and can handle the ups and downs of the position. I interview anybody that is refered to me by the people I know in the business and I don't waste my time or money on token interviews. I suspect that most if not all of the owners and GM's feel the same way. Detroit thought they had thier coach and hired him. I do not believe that makes them racist. Maybe stupid because if they had gone through the process they might not have had to fire the guy. But they are not racist for hiring the guy they thought that they wanted and would do the job. Good teams that are trying to make good decisions will use the process that is in place. And if they do then just maybe then they won't have to fire the coach they hired so quickly. The teams that are not true to the process will be punished by hiring bad coaches and having loosing teams. The Bills are taking their time and it is frustrating but I think and hope that in the long run they will pick the right coach that can turn this team around. I just hope that if they do not pick a minority coach that you guys won't go nuts on this board with the garbage about minority hiring and token Rooney Rule interviews. Believe me it makes no sense to do token interviews. It cost too much money and waste too much time especially for two over 80 year old guys.
  19. I'm not sure what your point is. Are you saying that Black coaches are not as good as white coaches and that's why they aren't getting hired this year? Are you suggestiong that GM's and Owners are going out of thier way to make sure that they do not hire Black Head Coaches? Are you suggesting that Black coaches are going out of their way to turn down head coaching jobs? Are you suggesting that if a white Head Coach is hired then a Black head coach must be hired? Are you saying that no matter how many Head Coaches are in the NFL that nothing will be fair until there are more Black Head Coaches then White head coaches because it has been unfair for too many years. Personal I believe that bigotry knows no one color or nationality and if a person is so preoccupied in noticing what they consider to be bigotry that in most cases they become one themselves.
  20. I wonder who leaked that information? Ralph or Marv ??????? What a joke !
  21. That would be correct. He uses his long arms to direct and keep players away from getting into his body. He is very effective. He will struggle at first doing this in the NFL but as he gets even stronger he will gain the advantage back. IMO
  22. You do realise that Ferguson had a knee injury this year and stayed out of a few games? I watched him last year and this year. He was slowed by the knee injury but he also got better as the year went on. He is a lot stronger then you think and because of his body type he will never be a player that goes much over the 300 lb area. He has a body type like Bruce Smith and Bruce was plenty strong enough. You better go back to the tapes from the 2004 season. If you do you will see that he is a very good run blocker but not the type that pancakes. His combo blocks are excelent and he can pull and block in open space with the best of them. Well that's my take on him and I'm sticking to it!
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