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Mr. T

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Everything posted by Mr. T

  1. When he was born his momma slapped his uncle. He passed all of his high school classes without ever stepping into a classroom. He once told a friend what a Hokie really was, than he killed it. While in jail he once read an entire readers digest, without ever learning to read. For his birthday he charged admission for others to attend and be shot, and they came. He is....the most interesting man in the world. Alright, let's get some stuff from you guys.
  2. My response to your 7 reasons. 1. The law of averages is heavily on our side. 2. For every rookie phenom QB of the future there are 20 busts. Brady Quinn anyone? 3. What does that have to do with our team? When did jealousy become a part of being a fan of your team? 4. Aahhh, when was Sanchez a sensation last year? 5. Are you kidding me about Fitzpatrick? Trent may never be as good as we thought he might be a couple of years ago, but come on already, Fitzpatrick? 6. And T.O. has signed with who after being released? Not very much in demand is he? 7. Yeah, I'd much rather have a coach who stands up during OTAs and declares, "Ya know, we suck, so don't expect much, ok?"
  3. And another thing. The original thread asked why some are so pessimistic. Nothing wrong with being honest and objective. Personnaly, I'm not expecting a great deal from the Bills this year. But, I won't write them completely off either. If they have a good year I'll simply enjoy the ride. If they have a bad year, even though I expect they might, I'll still be disappointed. Just like the last 11 years. I promise you I won't come back on here either way to proclaim "See I told ya so." I have a life that has a few more higher priorities.
  4. Yeah, you're right. For the past 11 years I decided to take that 1% chance that the Bills would be good just so I could say that I was right. What a glutton for pain I must be. Look, I've been around the perverable pessimists for a long time. We all probable can recall that uncle, brother, father, or friend that had to constantly bad mouth the Bills. Even during the Super Bowl runs, I'd notice them concealing a smile when the Bills were on a role, but when the Super Bowls were done and the Bills came away as the loser they would proudly proclaim "See I told ya they sucked! They'll never when win!" And what's with the high-minded comment? I don't believe I was refering to you personally, or was I?
  5. I think many of the perpetual pessimists just choose to take the easy way out. They want to feel good no matter what the team does. If the team does poorly, they will be the first to say, "See I told you." "If they would have done like I said they would be much better, but no one would listen to me." Takes the sting away from the team doing poorly. Now, if the team does better than expected, they can go along and enjoy the ride. No one will likely remember that they bad mouthed the team before the season. And if someone does, who cares, because everyone else is too focused on enjoying the ride also.
  6. He will start as the one of three rbs that play in the game.
  7. Ummmmmm, sh.t happens. For example......Kurt Warner
  8. Not heavily military? Let's see, Norfolk Naval Facility is second only to San Diego in size. Langley Air Force, and Air Combat Command Headquarters in Hampton. Oceana Naval Station, Fort Eustis just north of Hampton, Fort Monroe in Hampton. Being in Richmond I can see why it may seem like there are no military around but come down I-64 about 60 miles and you will feel differently. Richmond will never see a team because it is too close to DC. However, the Hampton Roads Area, a radius of approx. 50 miles, has a population of over 2 million people. As far as people traveling to watch NFL games, I've been to DC to watch the Redskins, been to Baltimore to watch the Ravens, and been to NC to watch the Panthers. Each time I was asked to go with other people who do this regularily.
  9. Your absolutely correct on both accounts. I'm still a big Bills fan, and the population around here is very heavily military. However, most military, active and retired, are usually great sports fans. If this area got a legit pro team, aka NFL, I think they would sell most games out, simply because its NFL. A lot of people from this area travel to DC, Baltimore, and even Carolina to watch NFL games.
  10. I live in Hampton, VA just 15 miles south of Williamsburg. The Redskins would do everything they could to keep this from ever happening. I've been here for the past 11 years, retired from the Air Force. Grew up in Buffalo until joining the Air Force. This place doesn't feel at all like Buffalo as far as the support for pro sports. All we have are the Norfolk Admirals (minor league hockey), and Norfolk Tides (Triple A baseball). Neither gets a great deal of fan support. There certainly is the population to support a team, but something is difinitely missing. Maybe that would change if we ever got a pro team of any sort.
  11. What a difference between this piece of S..t and some of our own Bills. We switch to a 3-4 and you see Stroud, who has not played DE come to OTAs having lost weight so he can transition to a new position. We move Kelsey from DE, which he wasn't that good at, to OLB, he takes it in stride and will bust his ass to make the transition. Kyle Williams goes to the probowl as an alternate as a DT, we draft a natural NT, who will take some plays from Williams, yet we haven't heard Williams B word a bit. We may not win as many games this year as we all want them to, but I really like the attitude of a lot of our players. In the immortal words of Darryl Talley, "This is a team dammit!"
  12. Before I say anything, let me say I love Buffalo. I grew up there and most of my family still lives there. I love to come home and spend time with them and visit places I used to hang out. But it's the attitude that this guy (the poster) seems to have that I'm glad I'm not around anymore. Do the least amount of work that I need to do to get by. Don't ask, or expect me to do more. Take evry sick day that is coming to me, whether I'm sick or not. Quitin time is 4:30, don't expect me to be around at 4:31. Matter of fact I'll start shuttin down at 3:30 to me sure I'm out the door at 4:30. It's an attitude, or lazyness, that gets you nowhere. I guess that's why he has no problem with Lynch. To answer the question, again, yeah, I would most likely show up on Saturday if asked. Doesn't get me anymore money, but most of the people I work with would also do it, and not complain.
  13. OK, let's clarify something. If I'm an hourly employee, and I'm asked to come to work, without pay, I don't come to work. In my case, and Marshawn's, we are salaried. I'm paid the same amount each year, whether I work 14 hours a day, or 8 hours. If I choose to come in on a Saturday every now and than, my pay stays the same. Marshawn gets paid the same whether he shows up or not. Don't make this a pay issue, it's not. It's about being commited, or not being commited to his profession.
  14. "If Lynch is gone in 2 years and broke, it won't be because he didn't show up to voluntary workouts." That's where we don't agree, I do believe it will be very much a major reason why he could possibly be out of the league. It's about a lack of commitment to giving his best, all the time. All he has to do is look at what just happened to Lendale White.
  15. So, let's see if I get this right. A player should sit out of OTAs because he might get hurt, and his career would come to a screeching halt. Well, we better not have any of them play preseason games because there is even a greater chance of getting hurt in those games. And when the season starts, and bodies are really flying around we better make sure our best players stay on the side lines where it is safe. Bottom line, these players, especially the top ones, are paid more in a single season than most of us would make in a lifetime. Don't let them risk getting paid more than they already have by doing something as risky as practiceing in shorts, without pads.
  16. To answer your question. Yes, I would show up, if I felt it would help the company be successful. And I have "voluntarily" worked on some holidays when I did not have to. It's called being commited to your profession. Some people are still "strange" in that way. When Marshawn is out of the league, and broke, he'll likely look back with regret and wish he had done things differently. But, he'll feel better because you'll be there for him, right?
  17. I don't get people that excuse an absence by calling this a "Voluntary" offseason drill, when the vast majority of players are attending. As far as I'm concerned it's more about commitment or not. Players who are paid as much as these players are and still choose to not attend a "voluntary" event are demonstrating a clear lack of commitment.
  18. And you base that on what? Stats? Have you watched him play on a regular basis? I have, and he offers the Bills NOTHING that we already don't have. Lacks touch, lacks presence in the pocket, lacks quick decisions, lacks leadership. This in no way suggests that I think any of our current QBs are better, but Campbell is just more of the same.
  19. Folks, I live in Virginia where the Redskins are on every week. I still am a die hard Bills fan and always will be. I've watched Campbell play since he became a starter. I've watched Edwards, and painfully watched Fritz anytime a Bills game is aired down here. I'm here to tell ya Campbell is better than Fritz, but is absolutely no better than Edwards. I don't care what his stats from last year may "suggest". The Redskins got McNabb because they know Campbell offers them nothing more than what he has shown already, and that ain't much. Bottom line as far as I'm concerned is if we want the Bills to stay where they are at and get no better than Campbell is the right choice. If we want our team to get better than we need someone better than Campbell, Edwards, and Fritz. I purposefully left Brohm out because he is the only one I haven't seen play, so the jury is still out on him.
  20. Once again, this mindset that this week's game is anything more than an exhibition game to close out the end of a miserable season is comical. The reality is the only one who benefits, if any, is Fewell. I guess he can say that he took a terrible team and somehow managed a .500 record of the games he coached. How does that help this team prepare for next season in answering one of the most important issues that MUST be addressed. Does Brohm offer ANY promise, or is he just another flake no better then what we already have?
  21. Come on!! If people are that concerned about this kid's confidence that he might see his self-esteem hurt in a meaningless game at the tail end of season, than he should NEVER play in an NFL game. Play him, see if he has anything to build upon. Keeping into perspective that he is playing behind a bad line, within a bad system. And I disagree also that Fewell owes nothing to the next regime. The future of the Bills is bigger than whether Fewell wins another game and pads his resume.
  22. You are kidding, right? Let's throw the Falcons a curve ball and keep em guessing on whether Fitzpatrick or Brohm will be starting? I'm sure this is keeping their defensive coordinator up ALL night!
  23. The Bills have really sunk to an unbelievable level. Why is Fitzpatrick a gametime decision? 1. He stinks when healthy, so why even consider playing him when he is dinged. 2. The Bills have nothing to play for other than finishing out the season. 3. Fewell is not coming back as head coach next year, so give it up Perry. 4. Brohm is healthy, so why is there any other option. If he does poorly the Bills can, and will, spin it that he was put in a bad position - oline devastated, new to the system, timing with wr. Like many times this year, I find my self saying - "I just don't get it!"
  24. I think all us fans have come to the clear conclusion that this season is "OVER". It's just a matter of how bad it will be. I also think that most of us would rather it be a complete disaster, instead of another sub-par year. My concern at this point is there are so many terrible teams right now that we can finish with 4 or 5 wins and still have a draft position similiar to the last few years. I've always been a quiet supporter of Trent Edwards and have been waiting for him to prove all his critics wrong. I'm convinced that the hit he took last year at Arizona, and terrible coaching have destroyed his confidence to a point where he won't recover. He is JP part #2. Time to start Fitspatrick and let him play it out the rest of the way. I'd hate to see Trent "turn it around" and play just good enough to win 4 or 5 more games. The only solution for this team is to draft the next franchise QB high in the draft next year. For that to having any chance of happening the Modrak, Guy, Jauron and probably Brandon need to be out of the picture. I'd also love to see this years roster blown up and we trade some of the few "underachieving" tradeable players for the best draft picks we can get. Evans - gone, maybe for a 2nd rounder (forget getting a 1st round, it just won't happen). Lynch or Jackson - gone, maybe a third or fourth rounder (anything higher won't happen). Stroud - gone, maybe a 3rd rounder. He has played very well this year but he is getting older and only has so much tread left. Package a couple of these picks next year and either pick up a top notch left tackle by way of trade, or a higher draft choice. Some of you may feel these are absurd suggestions, but this team is going nowhere the way they are now. Drastic times require drastic measures. I'm sick of less than average football, and that was the past three years. Now we simply stink!
  25. Saw it and felt exactly the same.
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