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The Jokeman

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Everything posted by The Jokeman

  1. And there in lies the problem with human officiating, it's all in eye of the beholder and not everyone sees and analyzing things the same. There should be some accountability and more than red flags which can only called in certain plays. All plays should be reviewable imo.
  2. The coaching staff could be different, the roster might be different. It's hard to say as until we know what we'll have it's hard to predict.
  3. The defense gave him chances in the first half with the turnovers. That said it was bad in the 2nd half. If I'm blaming one guy though it's Bass. He's been inconsistent this season.
  4. I can't see the Bills ever letting him go unless Josh says he's done here.
  5. Bass had 2 missed FGs, either one is made and we win.
  6. Why not Joe Brady? He's got offense back on track and has a Carolina connection....then Eric Washington can step in as DC...
  7. Not as big as the Flutie nostalgia by some.
  8. Because Frank was a good HC in Indy or Carolina? Please he's horrible.
  9. Team loss. I can see blaming coaches and players. Offense minus the Allen interception was as good as you could want. Defense had struggles at the end but without their turnovers in the 1st half we might not have gotten the points we got. Kicker had one blocked and one missed FG, easy to blame him for the loss. Refs, I just can't. The no horse collar/intentional grounding is just inexcusable on every level. 30 yard difference maker as it could be debated lead to the blocked FG. It's frustrating as a fan. I get why people want changes but too many questions what a new coaching staff could do to improve this team as there could be a major influx of change next year due to aging players, guys we can't afford to re-sign etc.
  10. Did you hear Daboll having issues with his DC?
  11. Critical turning point in the game. Listen others deserve blame too. I'm not saying it's all on Josh.
  12. His interception hurt. Yes, he played well but again turnovers don't help his cause.
  13. The Bills get one more score in regulation they win.
  14. But a call did decide it, intentional grounding my butt if anything a fumble that we recovered but in reality it was a horse collar.
  15. Good game, if Bass makes one we win. If the refs call an obvious call we win. Team loss though.
  16. So are missed calls by refs. We'd likely get points on that missed horse collar series.
  17. Yeah and sometimes players have to make plays they failed on. See Cook and Bass.
  18. Then the intentional grounding with no flag on the field makes no sense.
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