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The Jokeman

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Posts posted by The Jokeman

  1. What's so bad about Denney & Kelsay??  Between them you have 78 tackles, 5.5 sacks and 1 fumble recovery. Having a rotation often works better, in today's NFL.


    Their numbers are nice but to me with the Bills lacking a consistant pass rush threat outside Aaron Schobel is why this defense is good and not great. I really felt the Bills should have gone after James Hall or Lance Johnstone this offseason. Both have over 9 sacks this season. You can't tell me that added pass rush wouldn't improve this defense. That's while I'll call for us to go after Darren Howard or John Abraham in this coming offseason. As if the defense was slightly better we might be on the better side of .500 about now. I know the offense deserves some blame too as not saying we have a bad defense but feel it could be improved with a pass rusher.

  2. I like it. They need a RB and QB, we have extra's at both.


    We need a young Moulds type, Boldin fits that Bill, And we replace our 1st rounder to be used on the o-line!


    Arizona might be dumb but with Dennis Green there don't think they're that dumb. I can see shipping Henry there for a 3rd.

  3. I gotta go with Tawny Kitaen. BTW it IS Tawny Kitaen revamping her role on the hood of that car in the bowling for soup video '1985'!!!


    Insert Janet Leigh is dead joke here. I think Anne Heche played her in the remake but she might actually be psycho with her Straight/Lesbian/Straight confusion not to mention that time they found her walking in the fields a few years ago.

  4. When Vincent goes to FS and McGee permanently moves to CB it might be that TD will pick a CB to be the eventual replacement for Nate, seeing how he might cost quite a bit to keep when his contract comes up, ala Winfield.


    Good points. Not to mention Kevin Thomas is due to become a UFA with Nate following next season, which would leave us with Baker and McGee at CB. As a result I would not be surprised at all if we take a CB with our top pick in next year's draft. Carlos Rogers from Auburn is a guy I could see us taking with the pick.

  5. Could be 19 is the Seahawks lose tonight.


    The Bills picked Losman at 22.  So, as long as they at least hold their position TDs decision is looking to be at least a break even one.


    Now that I think about it, as WM and LE have played well, DB winning games, and the teams draft position dropping the number of posts slamming TD seems to have dropped significantly ....


    hmmm.  <_<


    It's unfair to evaluate the trade right now. However if we're going to evaluate it you have to take all parts and variables involved. Case in point the question will remain will Julius Jones, Sean Ryan and the player drafted by the Cowboys prove to be worth more then JP Losman?


    Now that is only one evaluation, as we could also look at a scenario others have brought up. That being had the Bills taken JP with the 13th pick and instead of trading up taken a WR in the 2nd Round. One WR that could be considered was Keary Colbert, who's produced well for Carolina thus far. In terms of the 5th Round pick who know what the Bills have selected. For sake of arguement I'll stay OG Jeb Terry, a guy I liked coming out of the draft who's been a reserve with the Tampa Bay Bucs. The NFL Experts ranks Jimmy Williams as the 18th best prospect in the draft. Ironically he's a FS, which is a need position for the Bills. The question is again would this combination of players be better then JP and Evans?


    Also factoring in the Cowboys, is the combination of whomever they select, Julius Jones and again Sean Ryan going to be better then Steven Jackson or Kevin Jones (two RBs they could have selected had they not traded down)?


    Time will tell how everything sorts out. As looking back I think everyone will agree the trade for Rob Johnson that let Jacksonville get Fred Taylor was a mistake. However I think it was a mistake not so much because we didn't get Fred Taylor (as at the time Antowain Smith was our RB of the future) but because we didn't get LOT Tra Thomas, whom the Eagles took two picks after Taylor.

  6. Polian would NEVER swing that deal.  Not in a million years.


    There's even a question if Donahoe would swing it as let's not forget we took McGahee and passed on Clark (who went 1 pick later). Not to mention I don't see Donahoe trading Henry to a Conference rival. If Henry's traded anywhere this offseason I think Seattle and Arizona be the team's I'd consider moving him to the most.

  7. I second that one.  It makes me sick to think the Bills missed out on that guy when he was basically free for the taking, and even sicker that AJerk Smith signed him.  Gates is a game changer with more talent than Gonzalez, Shockey or Winslow.  Without Gates, the 2004 Chargers are not good AT ALL on offense.  With him they are dominant.


    Yeah imagine that the Bills passed on signing a future Pro Bowl TE that never played a down of college football and despite being a great basketball player at Kent State went undrafted by the NBA as well.


    That said I think if we had a Pro Bowl TE this team would definately be better. I know he's been hurt most of the season but Todd Heap definately should be on this list.

  8. As already noted: Joe Burns never played in NFL Europe. The guy who did - Ken Simonton (who won the Offensive MVP over there, IIRC) - is currently out of the league.


    And if y'all would be happy with Joe Burns as your starter if anything happened to Willis, I want some of what you're smoking. Personally, I'm still shocked he survived the final cutdown in training camp.


    Correction on Simonton's status, he's currently on the 49ers Practice Squad.


    I was surprised that Burns made the final cut as well. Though in reading his bio at BB.com I saw he was second on the team last year in special teams tackles with 34 and am sure that caught Bobby April's eye and why he's probably still here. As Burns is not a guy I want getting 20 carries a game. He showed when Henry got hurt last year he couldn't be depended on.

  9. Buffalos' run defense will be key in each of these games.  If it holds up, Feeley, Stouffer, Palmer, Rattay, and Roethlisberger will have to beat the Bills.  I like those odds.




    Wrong QB for the Browns, the guy playing in Cleveland is Kelly Holcomb. Stouffer played with the Seahawks in the late 80s/early 90s.

  10. Officially:

    One entry found for cakewalk.



    Main Entry: cake·walk

    Pronunciation: 'kAk-"wok

    Function: noun

    1 : a black American entertainment having a cake as prize for the most accomplished steps and figures in walking

    2 : a stage dance developed from walking steps and figures typically involving a high prance with backward tilt

    3 a : a one-sided contest b : an easy task

    - cakewalk intransitive verb

    - cake·walk·er noun

    Courtesy of http://www.m-w.com/cgi-bin/dictionary?va=cakewalk

  11. With all this trickery going on lately, you think Mularky and crew have some things up their sleeves for Miami?


    I'd say with the onside kick, they have to wait till next season before teams will not be prepared for that...


    Fake punt this game?

    Test McGahees throwing arm?


    From the Miami 5. Bills in the I formation, Sam Adams in at FB, Bannan in at LG. Bledsoe goes back to pass, he hands off to Adams, but here comes Jonathan Smith who takes the reverse, wait no Smith holds up and is looking to pass, he throws in the back of the endzone and it's caught by Jason Peters who reported as an eligble tackle.


    Instead he did nothing, no doubt thinking it would save his job.  In the end it cost him his job anyway.


    What cost Green his job was a lack of defense. As good as the Vikings offense has/is they don't have the defense to put them over the top. Even with "The Great" Ted Cottrell the Vikings defense this season ranks 27th this season. This with 9 of their 11 starters being selected in either the 1st or 2nd Round of the draft.


    Second, getting ready for 2005 with Shaun King? Who prepares for 2005 with Shaun King?


    Third, Green had a shot at Roethlisberger and Rivers in the draft this year, he took Larry Fitzgerald instead, which meant that he had confidence in McCown.  Less than 10 games later, McCown is benched?  It makes Green look bad.




    King got a raw deal in Tampa Bay. While the Bucs did eventually win a Super Bowl with Brad Johnson who's to say King couldn't have done the same. That said I think King is a career NFL Backup One thing to remember though King was far more successful at Tulane then Losman was.


    That said Dennis Green might not look so foolish if he can manage to get a veteran QB this offseason. I'm pretty sure Arizona a team that has the cap room that could afford to trade for Drew Brees this offseason. They may even pursue someone like Quincy Carter, as part of Green's success was more with the long passing game vs the short.

  14. We might end up beating Pitt if they've wrapped up home field through out the playoffs and want to bench some starters. There's a chance we could beat them all but it will again come down to how the offense performs on the road. It comes down to what I said in the preseason, if we can score an average of 17 points a game there's a chance we can win each week but of course the offense hasn't been able to do that as of yet. Here's how I see it turning out:


    Sun 11/28 @ Seattle Seahawks L

    Sun 12/05 @ Miami Dolphins W

    Sun 12/12 Cleveland Browns W

    Sun 12/19 @ Cincinnati Bengals W

    Sun 12/26 @ San Francisco W

    Sun 01/02 Pittsburgh Steelers L

  15. What is the logic behind the 3rd string quarterback rule where your number 1 and 2 cant come back into the game if your 3rd is in before the 4th quarter.


    I pretty sure it's because the 3rd team QB is deemed the "emergency QB" and as a result not officially counted in the list of 45 dressed players that can be used anytime in the game. As a result of being one of the 8 non actives for the games, the emergeny QB should only be used in "emergency situations" ie late in the game. Of course if you are late in a game and an injury occurs to your 3rd string QB occurs you'd be able to replace him with another QB and not forced to move someone out of their natural position. Of course if you want to cirumvent this you can always put your 3rd string QB amongest your 45 dressed but prevents you for dresssing someone else that might be better served being dressed. Such as a backup DB, WR, Lineman or LB ie someone that can contribute on special teams/ or 5 Wide Out formations or nickel or dime situations on defense etc. In terms why the NFL insists that only 45 of the 53 on the active roster can be dressed on game days is a whole other question.

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