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The Jokeman

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Posts posted by The Jokeman

  1. Seems to be slim pickings. Westbrook will cash in as an RFA. The Eagles will be forced to match any offer. Any opinions on the rest ?


    J. R. Redmond might be a good 3rd down back, he had a career high 32 catches last season. I also posted in another thread that if the rumors of the Vikings having any interest in Henry that we should ship Henry to Minny for Mewelde Moore and low (5th/6th) pick. Of course I thought Jonathan "Fast Freddie" Smith was going to end up with this role during the preseason when we had him listed as a HB on the preseason roster.

  2. So, if I get this thing working, which games should I get?  I have about 30 games, but I think I'm going to get Contra, Ivan Stewarts Super Off Road, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtels, & Maniac Mansion.



    I didn't see Tecmo Super Bowl on your list of haves and feel this a must have, if can find a copy. Contra and Maniac Mansion are two others I think that belong in the must have category. The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle game(s) were fun too but don't belong with the other categories. Of course it all depends what type of gamer you are, me I like adventure and RPGs first and foremost then I usually side with sports games and don't mind an entertaining action game now and again.

  3. Well, it also depends on the talent available in a year, your case in point.  2002 was weak as all get-out, and our two picks there look serviceable at best.  In '01 we got two quality starters.  I think this year the talent is not impressive enough to merit the spending another Round 1 pick would necessitate.  And, if one of those round 2 guys was the Nuge, it's not like kickers command crazy dollar amounts.


    True but one thing about this draft is it isn't overly deep at the top, (ie there's no clear cut #1 overall guy) I think we could land two quality guys in Round 2 based on our only glaring needs being a starting LG and nickel CB (of course if we lose Jonas than I would focus on trying to get an OT such as Adam Terry at the end of the 1st). Of course that is if Henry nets us a 2nd Round pick which at this point is iffy, right now could see us with Tampa's 3rd Rounder. Although I have read that the Vikings like Henry and I'd be more then willing to ship Henry for Mewelde Moore and a later (5th/6th) Round pick.

  4. Two 2nd Rounders, Look at the 2001 and 2002 draft as examples. In both years we had two 2nd Rounders, in 2001 we netted Travis Henry and Aaron Schobel the following year we netted Josh Reed and Ryan Denney proving just because a guy is drafted in the 2nd Round he'll live up to the billing. IE The more picks you have the better chance you have at hitting.

  5. Halftime of Super Bowl 28...Bills up 13-6 at the half..I was going NUTS....I thought the Bills had them...


    :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:  Jimmy Johnson


    Everyone points to Thurman's fumble in the 3rd as the turning point but I feel we lost that game when we failed to score a TD just before the half, I remember saying we should of got 7 on this drive and as we know the rest was history.

  6. Fester's quest was the hardest game - ever. You got ONE life for the whole game - ONE!!!


    I had Festers Quest too (just totally forgot about it) and you're right that game was hard as hell!!!


    Blades of Steel was great too, the in game games beween periods were a nice touch too.


    Aside from Zelda, I think the longest game it took me to complete was Dragon Warrior.

  7. But, was it the version of Maniac Mansion that allowed you to put the hamster in the microwave and blow it up?  The first version of the game allowed you to do so when playing as certain characters.  This was subsequently "fixed" in later versions of the game, on orders from Nintendo.


    I'm pretty sure the characters in the NES version of the game that let you put the hamster in the microwave were Razor and Syd. I have since played this game on PC and been able to do it with all characters.

  8. my first reaction to this when i first heard it ws WTF?


    but....have the bills been a well conditioned team the past few years?  not like during the early nineties.  maybe jones has slipped a little and hasn't been doing the little things necessary to keep the players motivated to stay fit throughout the season AND offseason (ie. MW). 


    didn't we lose a lot of leads in the 4th quarter the past couple years?  maybe TD felt that the way the players were being conditioned had something to do with this.    anyway, it will be intersting to see if this roll guy takes over or if they bring in someone new.


    odd my first reaction to reading the title of this thread was....on a jet plane, Don't know when I'll be back again...

  9. using an old ninendo with my 31/2 year old nephew--just blow hard into the cartridges--across the slot--it took me a few blinking screens to remember this--but my 19 year old son clued me back in--then it works fine.


    Another trick is sliding the cartridge to the left so it sits closer to the side of the NES. Though I'm shocked no one has mentioned Maniac Mansion, this game rocked. I know it's not an original NES title but still great. Another game I remember vidvidly (but never beat) was the Adventures of Bayou Billy but the hardest game I ever played was Friday the 13th which I never beat either.

  10. hopefully its better than that AWFUL movie "Napoleon Dynomite"... wow, what a waste of time that was...


    Ironically enough I rented both these flicks on Thursday night before this thread was even posted and can say I was disappointed with both. To me H&K was more belly ache (sophmoric humor) funny where Napolean Dynomite was the shake your head and laugh funny (or dark comedy in the vain of Ghost World).


    In terms of Old School, I've watched it twice and would say it's highly overated and not all that funny. I actually found H&K and Napolean to be funnier. Granted, I wouldn't rank either in Airplane! or Holy Grail type comedies (two of my personal favorites) but both had their moments.


    My only saving grace is I also rented Fast Times At Ridgemont High which is definately better then both H&K and Napolean.

  11. From http://story.scout.com/a.z?s=93&p=2&c=346000

    (you'll need a subscription) - trust me, it says they're scouting him hard at the Senior Bowl practices.


    He can play Guard or Center, but is probably more suited to center IMO.


    I'm curious why you feel he's a better center? I feel the opposite. I know he can play both but if read his bio at MGoBlue.com he's played most of his collegiate career at LG which is where I'd put him. He should be the 2nd OG selected with the top guy likely being Elton Brown from Virginia but sadly both of which I suspect will be gone by the Bills draft but one can hope either one would fall to us.

  12. As see things now I think we're going to end up with Tampa's 3rd Round pick for Henry. Some good thoughts all around this thread but I have questions about counting on Munoz to be a LT in the NFL as a rookie. Nick Kaczur was a guy I listed as who I thought we'd take in my early draft research but he had a strong Shrine game and might have moved himself and just out of our reach. I agree with many of R. Rich's sentiments (but will toss Bob Whitfield's name as another LT that look at if lost Jennings as feel Thomas would be out of our price range) but agree that CB as a potential place to go in Round 2 if a quality guy drops. As well as McGee played, I'd rather have him at nickel and as a return specialist not to mention with Clements due to be an UFA after 2005.


    Sidenote: Ritzmann is a DE and Stevenson has been off the team for some time, last I heard he was in Washington.

  13. In 1974, the Pittsburgh Steelers picked Lynn Swann in the first, Jack Lambert in the 2nd, John Stallworth in the 4th, and Mike Webster in the 5th.  FOUR NFL Hall of Famers in 4 picks (they didn't have a 3rd) in one draft.


    BTW, the BILLS had shots at all of these players.  Instead we picked: Rueben Gant (Swann), Doug Allen (Danny White, Dave Casper, and Lambert), Gary Marangi (Mark Van Eeghen, Nat Moore, Stallworth), Charlester Crumpler , Gary Hayman, and Tim Guy (all picked before Webster).




    The 49ers 1986 draft is another that many consider one of the finest. As Walsh drafted Rathman, McKyer, Taylor in the 3rd, Haley, Wallace, Fagan in the 4th. Griffen in the 6th. Making it more impressive was Walsh's ability to trade down and get these guys. On a sidenote I think without a doubt we can all agree the Bills best draft was in 1987.

  14. fisher really turned it around this year and was solid........bills made a mistake cutting him and i'm sure they'd love to have that move back.........


    Fisher had 8.5 sacks this season (.5 sack more then Schobel but still think Aaron's a better player) and due to be an UFA. I think he'd be a nice addition as a 3rd down/pass rush specialist but imagine he'll re-sign with the Rams or go somewhere to be a starter. Although it might be tough for him to reproduce that sack total year in year out.

  15. Thinking about trying the new digital phone service that is out now. I found this compnay and it's much cheaper than Time Warner (sorry cablelady). Just curious if anyone knows anything about them or maybe they have it now.




    Vonage Digital Phone


    Just a quick note, if you own a Sony brand Tivo (or possibly any other brand) it's best you don't use a digital phone line. As I know first hand that Sony brand Tivo's are made only to use an analog phone lines, if try to use digital line with one you'll end up having to pay for a repair because digital phone lines can fry your (Sony brand) Tivo's modem.

  16. Yeah.  Then you can play Return to Zork.  Again.


    Before you stands a white house.... :rolleyes: For what it's worth I have been able to run Return to Zork on almost every PC I've ever owned (Win95.98 and even an XP machine) but didn't play the game all the way through on the XP machine as the bog maze in that game gives me a major headache, twice (to complete the game) was enough but not as much as the guy asking me "Want some rye?, course you do" :D

  17. I've got a similar one.  Our group's rule is that, if you leave your terminal unlocked, you're fair game.  Well this one guy kept leaving his terminal unlocked all week (very atypical).  By the third time, we figured we needed to have some real fun (instead of changing wallpapers, hibernation time of Windows, etc).  We had a relatively new manager of our group (a few months), three people had already quit and he was feeling very self-conscious about it (first time as a manager).  So we sent him an email with a subject line os "I quit!!!!" and in the body is said, "And it's all because of you!!!!"  I then put a bunch of cariage returns and way at the bottom (where I knew he wouldn't see unless he scrolled down) it said, "Just kidding."


    My coworker saw that we sent it and replied to all of us saying he thought it was funny.  But the manager hadn't seen it yet...


    So a few hours later, the manager (already having a bad day) sits down in his cube (right next to us).  A minute later we heard his exasperated voice say, "Aaron....  Will you come here for a minute?"  Aaron walks into his cube.  "What's the meaning of this?"  Aaron tells him that I sent it, and both myself and my other coworker just start howling with laughter.  My manager literally takes his glasses off, sets them on the desk, rubs his face and says, "That was NOT funny..."  Aaron says "I didn't send the email though," and my manager just says, "You left your termianl unlocked, it's your fault." :doh:


    Pretty funny. :doh:




    We have the same rule where I work. While I can't take credit for this one, just have to share. One day a girl left her computer unlocked and someone adjusted her desktop so that the screen was upside down. She came back and said can someone help me here? My friend (and I think same guy who set the desktop upside down because to this day he still wont admit to it) offers to help, Instead of resetting the desktop he physically turns the monitor upside down. The whole row then starts laughing which causes our sup to come and inspect the situation. He was like what the hell? and of course ends the fun by having my friend put the monitor back to normal and the girl restart her computer..

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