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The Jokeman

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Posts posted by The Jokeman

  1. I think Amos is the best bet out of all of them to become a Buffalo Bill next season.  Zereoue is familiar with (and succesful in) Mularkey's system and was drafted by TD.



    I agree he's the best fit and probably the best of those available but it's also a matter of getting him. You outline some good reasons why he should come but sometimes money and playing time could be bigger factors and both of which might be available if he returns to Oakland.

  2. They sound a lot like us when Bledsoe came here.  They are trying to force themselves into believing that Drew can get the job done.


    I don't think Vinny T was the problem in Dallas last season, I think the early injuries to Julius Jones and Terry Glenn and their defense were bigger reasons for them not making the playoffs.

  3. I like all these reports that people find but as said previously, they have little meaning without a comparison. As love to see what they say of or grade out Jonas Jennings, Rian Diem or whatever other Offensive Tackle someone wants to compare them to. JP Era was nice enough to compare some OGs to state why he felt would go after Verba in one thread, anyone want to offer some comparisons for Shelton?

  4. IF the Bills trade for Shelton and

    IF the Bills can sign Pat Williams

    THEN tagging Jennings makes a LOT of sense - not because the Bills can simply keep JJ but because then they would have the option to TRADE him.


    This scenario makes a lot of sense to me IF all this can be done under the current cap situation. I am completely in the dark (fact and opinonwise) on the Mike Williams contract plans. This will play a major role in the maneuvering room moneywise for the Bills.




    However you have to understand that once a player is franchised; the average of the top 5 players at his position will immediately count against your cap which means the Bills would "lose" $8 million of cap space. As think of the cap as a line of a credit and the players as products, if you charge something to that credit (ie franchise a player) although you have yet to pay for it with real money it still counts against that line of credit until you pay it (sign your franchse player to a contract) or return the item to the store (ie remove the franchise tag and/or trade the player).


    That's why the Bills didn't give TKO an offersheet or sign Adams until AFTER trading Peerless a few years ago.

  5. Don’t you just hate it when people but into things that they shouldn’t?

    I caught a fellow employee busting into someone else’s e-mail account. What I’m asking you fellow Bills fans is this. If you were me, what should I do to this scum bag, that broke into someone else’s personal e-mail or PRIVATE MAIL JUST TO SOOTH THEIR PREVERTED PHYSCO EGO. Sorry about the caps, it just pisses me off that someone would have thew balls to do that. At work this is my decision, and I’m looking for advice.


    I think he should be fired………

    BTW, they had no authorization to do so. Nor was it a subordinate looking at a bosses notes. Lateral nosery. :rolleyes:



    Better to be nosey than smelly :doh: but seriously, that is a total invasion of privacy, if I were you I'd email the possesor of the account that was broken into. I'd specifically put something in the subject like "For Joe Smith's Reading Pleasure" (Joe Smith being the person that you saw broke into the account's name) and then explain in the body what you saw happened and cc a copy to Joe Smith (or not if don't want to deal with him) and bcc a copy to your boss.

  6. A step that Denney will never have. I will however say ( and it pains me to) that Denney plays the run very well.  Is it just me or does it seem like everytime RD gets close to the QB he stumbles or trips on his own?


    FYI Denney had 0.5 more sack than Wiley has over the last two seasons (6.5 vs 6.0). I agree Denney is a good run stuffer.

  7. He would be perfect in the situational pass rush role if he didn't cost too much......


    I thought so too last offseason but looking at his sack total the last three seasons (12 sacks in 46 games), I'm starting to wonder if Wiley's lost a step.

  8. Jonas will easily bolt for more cash...thats one less LT on the market now.  I'm curious to see how the Bills react to that situation, hopefully Rian Diem is on his way to Buffalo to replace Jonas.


    Diem is a RT and not all that athletic, do you plan on shifting him or BIG Mike to LT?

  9. I'd still take a chance on Bannister, perhaps he just isnt in the right system?  And if you sign him for cheap (I doubt there will be a huge surge of Bannister-suitors in the NFL this offseason) what have you lost?  A few bucks.  What have you gained?  Potentially a starting 3rd WR at best and, at worst, a Pro Bowl special teams player.


    I'd give him a chance but let's be realistic again about expectations. As Bannister made the Pro Bowl because of his abilities as a coverage player and has accumulated 9 catches in 4 seasons, sounds more like a 4th or 5th WR to me.

  10. The only WR you mentioned that would actually qualify as a 3rd WR is Peter Warrick.  The rest are outrageous and would never settle for a third WR spot anywhere in the NFL.


    I'd keep an eye on Dane Looker myself...he'll come cheap, and is very productive when he has his chances.  Alex Bannister from Seattle is interesting as well...Holmgren kept him out of the WR corps, despite Bannister's demand that he get some playing time...Bannister has great size (6'5 I believe) and had soft hands in college.  Also made the Pro Bowl last year as the NFC Special Teams player.  The Bills brought him in as a free agent visiter last year when he was a RFA.  Might be worth a look.


    Bannister was a guy many on this board were calling for us to sign last offseason. Though I have questions about him this offseason, as if he was as good as some make him out to be my question would be why didn't Holmgren give him a chance last season before trading for Jerry Rice? Not to mention he hasn't been able to supplant Bobby Engram as the team's 3rd WR. I think people are too hard on Reed for his play last season, let's forget he was hurt for almost half the season. That's a BIG reason that Evans' numbers were so good. This year should be Reed (and to a lesser extend Aiken's) make or break year to see if either one will be anything more then a depth WR yet let's also remember there's only so many balls to go around so if Reed's our 3rd WR we should expect 30-50 catches and maybe 500-650 yards.

  11. Alright, I will take a looksy and see what they say. Remember this was all going into the 2004 season.


    of all OG's:


    Chris Villarial #2 behind Will shields with a 86 grade

    Marco Rivera 82

    Jermaine Mayberry 73

    Cosey Coleman 72

    Ben Hamilton 72

    Bennie Anderson 70

    Joe Andruzzi 68


    Wow! I never thought Villarial be that high.

  12. Yeah no kidding. Heres more, this is Scouts inc. scouting report on him:


    For a frame of reference they have Orlando Pace graded at 96, Will Shields (rated as #1 OG) graded at 89


    Another good frame of reference would be the rankings of our current O-line and what else is out there.

    I actually agree with all and have been a spoken fan of Andruzzi. But, I guess I tend to look at it like...pay some more money and get an absolute stud.

    Though how many studs can we afford to pay? Look no further then last offseason, Chris V didn't break our bank and demonstrated to be an upgrade to Pucillo/Sullivan and looks to be an answer at RG. If you could dig it up, I'm curious as to what Chris' #value is and if any of the expected OG available this offseason have similiar rankings?

  13. I just don't remember what happened.  The Bills were pretty high on him before the season.  Just wondering if he is done forever, or could he be a possible number two?


    He was the Colts' 3rd string QB by the end of the 2004 season, so no it was not career ending. However, if Drew is let go I'd prefer someone with more NFL playing time and preferably starting experience as by primary backup to JP ie a Gus Freorotte type.

  14. ESPN Scouts inc. rates Mike Wahle as the 5th best OG in the league.


    ESPN Insider rumors has Wahle likely to be let go considering he is set to count 11mill against the cap.


    If let go, would you pay top dollar for this guy as our new LG?


    I think the Bills two biggest priorities are to re-sign Jonas Jennings and then Pat Williams; only after both of these guys are locked up/lost would I look at outside players. Wahle is definately one of the league's best but I don't think he's worth getting over losing JJ or PW. As a result I would probably let another team spend the BIG bucks on Wahle and hope to land a lower tiered FA OG like Joe Andruzzi. As the free agent landscape for OGs is pretty large this year. That said as important an upgrade to LG is, I still think a quality player could be available with our top pick the draft to fill this position if needed.

  15. I was reading through some things I had bookmarked and ran across this in an article from a few weeks ago. Forgive me if it's been quoted before but maybe we're all too quick to think Jonas will leave....

    "I'd hate to leave my O-line. I feel it's something that I helped build. We've got some cohesion going. I've been here with different coaches, different schemes and now we're peaking and now I've got to make one of the toughest decisions of my life. That's hard. My teammates and my line coach, Jim McNally, will be big factors in what I decide. I want to be back but it's got to be fair for both parties. It's part of the business and unfortunately, I'm about to hit it." - LT Jonas Jennings, who becomes an unrestricted free agent in March.

    From USA Today.com

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