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The Jokeman

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Everything posted by The Jokeman

  1. Aldi is the best super market I've ever been to, I wish more super market's would follow their way of things yet truth be told the bigger super markets want to keep you there longer so you'll buy more stuff.
  2. At Josh Allen's current age Kelly was developing in the USFL meanwhile the Bills struggled and got better players including the BEST player in team history Bruce Smith. Say what you want but Kelly had a better squad around him and a big reason why we were one of the best teams in the late 80s/early 90s.
  3. That might because the vast majority don't watch him play week by week or see him for an entire game instead they just see Sports Center high/low lights.That's the problem with this generation of sports fans they don't see the whole picture. Instead they rely on less than qualified reports whether it be from a sports blogger or read an op ed article etc. the truth is true reporting is a thing of the past and it skews readers/viewers and they don't even know it.
  4. because of his 324 yards 5 TD game against the Dolphins. It's really inflated his numbers on the whole. Yet some of those formulas are flawed as QBR has Josh as the 31st best QB yet he has more TDs and less INTs than someone like Ryan Fitzpatrick who somehow ranks 13th and think most agree that he's not that good nor is Josh that bad.
  5. Beasley on pace to have a career year in TD receptions and his second best season in yards and receptions. I think we're utilizing him and yes it be nice to see him get a few more catches I think the biggest issue is finding a 3rd guy as mentioned in yesterday's broadcast, maybe Singletary can be that guy.
  6. McKenzie is the better player yet Foster can give you more options as he has the size to lineup outside etc. With Duke inactive am okay with both but if I have to count on one it's McKenzie.
  7. Maybe because he's not as famous but the guy who played Horace on LOST married a 16 year old when he was 51 about ten years ago.
  8. I worked or should say volunteered working for Shout's website in the latter years. It truly was a two man operation as when Mike and Larry weren't writing it was tough because I couldn't get press credentials so had to follow local news broadcasts for information etc. in order to get stuff for the page. Yet it was fun offering opinion pieces during the off-season on draft and free agency etc. Yes Bills Digest came after Shout!
  9. 4 and they came as pairs so it felt like even less. I'd blame the weather but I'm guessing I'm in an older neighborhood as we didn't have all that many last year either. Which is fine by me as like that it's quiet after dark. Yet as a diabetic that extra candy in the house going to be tough to resist as adore chocolate.
  10. Valid yet none of them turned out to be anything but depth players, who's to say we couldn't have used those picks to unearth a good player like a Milano etc.
  11. I think you forgot a few. Whaley also traded A sixth for Mike Williams A fourth for Bryce Brown A seventh for Lerentee McCray
  12. Twas a joke because we call it Pop over here where down state it's called soda.
  13. TIL that they renamed the Antarctic Ocean the Southern Ocean.
  14. You mean his dad. As Nick's dad would be Jack Nicklaus' son. ?
  15. I have a buddy that's worked at Wegmans for over a decade and had to ask him if they're going to call it W-Soda down there but he didn't have an answer for me.
  16. No, we almost brought him as OC under McDermott but he turned us down two times. Ick, that guy's resume is horrible as prior to this year been a quality control coach. I feel bad for Rivers.
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