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The Jokeman

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Everything posted by The Jokeman

  1. If he were available I wouldn't mind Andy Dalton to serve as a backup as he'd be get the royal treatment here from fans but it have to be a cap friendly deal.
  2. Bills did last week but got burned by Hurst and the Ravens got a lot of short drives due to bad punts.
  3. I'd hate to be a team competing against the Steelers for a playoff spot and see the Ravens resting their starters.
  4. No, I think that was Louis (Rick Moranis).
  5. That's what made the original so fun IMHO, Bill Murray shocking the guy even though he was the true psychic or the "he slimed me" line. All are why I fell in love with the original movie.
  6. Hopefully Josh and that WRs workout together in the offseason.
  7. Sometimes you can adjust their running stride, sometimes it's just a matter of lengthening the space between your legs when your run which means you're taking less strides and therefore faster. Yet it might not happen overnight either since once you run a certain way one develops the muscle memory is there but have to retrain it.
  8. Fair enough I usually don't focus on one on one battles live in game so trust those that analyzed it. Yet his slow gallup in to the line of scrimmage in the 4th quarter was the only memorable thing for me. Granted I never fault a guy for injury but man I wonder how things be different if he was at the line and Josh wasn't force to wait for him.
  9. I don't think anyone from coaching staff going anywhere unless we have a complete meltdown or win a Super Bowl. Yet expect I fully us to make the Wild Card round and bow out in the 2nd round.
  10. The trailer made me think this was a prequel to the female version. As that young girl (Paul Ruud's daughter?) could be a young version of Melissa McCarthey or that blond with glasses from SNL. Forgive me but I never saw the female version so not key on names. As it's obvious the time line is definitely after the OG since Ruud found the uniforms of the guys etc.
  11. Hopefully him and Jordan Palmer can work on it this offseason.
  12. Dawkins got praise? Is this sarcasm? Judon was all over Allen in that game and made two or three key hits in the backfield.
  13. 4th string they traded their 3rd string, Josh Dobbs, after Week 1 to Jacksonville.
  14. I know but if we can convince him we're close to a Super Bowl and he can player a lesser role and still contribute and win a ring he might stay.
  15. Judon be a nice replacement for LorAx as a pass rusher. We'd have flip him or Milano to Will since both at Sam now.ideally though we can sign someone to.start at LB and keep LorAx for ST, leadership and depth at pass rushing to extend his career. Why cut Murphy? He's as important as Shaq in the rotation.
  16. Ahh I remember that backfield it was Brooks, Bettis and Burris (our former CB).
  17. It's great for Christmas gifts if don't want to see a large credit card bill at the start of a new year.
  18. It basically for people that can't afford something now and pay it over time (interest free) and once it's paid off they get said item as place of purchase stored it away for them.
  19. Oh I know, I've met him. I still can't believe he liked Erik Flowers which reminds me we're playing the Steelers him and Hines86 am sure going to have a fun weekend.
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