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The Jokeman

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Everything posted by The Jokeman

  1. Unless the Titans franchise him which be smarter cap spending.
  2. Special Agent Matthews made this documentary watchable.
  3. Who's the first GM that puts his PC on autodraft and ends up taking a Kicker in Round 4? I nominate Adam Gase.
  4. Yet let's cut Trent Murphy for making $9.75 million a year and getting 5 sacks.
  5. Meh sign a veteran like Dennis Kelly from the Titans to compete, at worse he is a solid backup to both LT and RT.
  6. I just don't see Shaq significantly better than Murphy especially when comes to pass rush, therefore think waiving one for the other makes little sense especially if have to pay for the other Yet I agree adding a veteran is good for a year or two and drafting a guy a great plan.
  7. Shaq might be better than Murphy yet could the Bills get a player that could contribute enough that combined with Murphy at or less than $4 million be better than Shaq alone? That's the whole key about the cap and building a team that it's the best collection of talent. Not necessarily have great starters but best group of talent aka team. Except in the case of positions that usually only have one guy that plays almost every down.
  8. He's gotta clean up the mess after Brady leaves. The said his Dad was great at finding QBs.
  9. 18.5 sacks in 54 games. Meh, not so good considering he had 7.0 as a rookie. Give me Floyd's former Dawg teammate Jordan Jenkins and a guy like Mario Addison or Emmanuel Ogbah.
  10. Gabe earned a 61.8 in 2019 from PFF, Spain earned a 55.4 yet the latter cost $6.5 million less. To me Spain is the better value
  11. AGG runs a tad slow so he might go later but could be solid value in Round 5 or later.
  12. Benjamin was a trade yet agree Davis was a worse signing, all I know is since we added Star our defense has gotten better granted so did some of the players around him help too but think he gets a bad rap because he isn't one to show on the stat sheet.
  13. The ruling on the field was a TD. It was over ruled by the men in black.
  14. That's a much better pic which puts her more on the yes side but her mug shot would give me a no.
  15. It doesn't matter it's like when Kirk Cousins took a knee a few years ago, he intended to spike it yet he didn't as a result the refs let the clock run out and the Redskins didn't score before end of the half. To me the rules are written based on what a player does not their intent.
  16. Same as done a great job, the only way they'd go higher is if/when win a Super Bowl.
  17. Best in Buffalo no doubt, yet can't think had one anywhere else except for out of state baseball parks yet wouldn't ever call those good hot dogs even here.
  18. The Free Credit Report.com had a few good ones when had that guy singing. I really liked the one about him marrying his dream girl and then stuck living in his her mom and dad's garage the best.
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