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The Jokeman

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Everything posted by The Jokeman

  1. A shame his 45 yard run got wiped away, it was a thing of beauty.
  2. Devin is definitely quicker and more of a stutter runner than Moss.
  3. Beth Mowins and Tiki Barber, she's pretty bad and he's worse.
  4. I think the reigns to the Patriots are going to Josh McDaniels, the question is would hoodie accept a GM only role or does Kraft make him leave?
  5. Jeff Blake like Russell Wilson was on the shorter side which is why they had to "sky" it. I fear if Josh started doing that he'd be more susceptible to Interceptions as it take longer to get to his intended target or give the DB a better chance to catch that intended receiver.
  6. Honestly, I'd prefer Josh make the short throws and keep the clock moving and drives alive etc. As watching Brady and Manning to me that's how you win. Bombs are great but sustaining a long drive to me is football at it's best.
  7. BB as a HC is like most defensive minded coaches in he likes to keep his team in the game aka within one score and then count on his QB/team won it at the end or his D/team stopping you. No QB is as clutch as Brady and why they worked so well together. That said BB as a GM is really bad finding offense talent at WR and TE and when you don't have a Brady guy that makes everyone else better your offense is weakened even more. I don't know when his contract ends bit wouldn't be shocked if he walks away when it runs out.
  8. I could see 70/30 or 60/40. The thing is the hits these guys take at times are big and splitting carries keeps them fresh.
  9. Tua's small frame and inability to stay healthy and weak arm, unless he becomes the next Drew Brees, could make him out of league sooner than later.
  10. He wasn't great last year but still like him as a person. Get well soon.
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