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The Jokeman

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Everything posted by The Jokeman

  1. We could have signed him last year and either he or we passed so there's that. Kern to me sounds like best short term answer.
  2. Kern feels like the ideal fit for this year at least maybe sign him and bring a younger kid on the practice squad too.
  3. Fair but Sanders also struggled in 2019, maybe he's off in odd years.
  4. Michael Palardy is also a former Panther during the Beane/McDermott times and is a lefty. He seems to be as good a choice as any.
  5. And with questions surrounding punter ST coverage might be more important than ever.
  6. Okay Hodgins is sticking after those last 2 plays. Bye Kumerow.
  7. The biggest issue is we didn't have a true NT in those days, if we could have had a Ted Washington instead of Jeff Wright the defense would have been worlds better. That said Jim Kelly also played horrible in all 4 Super Bowls too.
  8. IF we learned anything from the 90s teams the no huddle offense wasn't a good thing for our defense all things considered. We need to find a running game to keep the clock running on offense and thus keep our defense off the field and fresh.
  9. Outside of Knox, who do we have that's better?
  10. Indeed those LOST threads were some of most deep in-depth discussions I've ever had online.
  11. I'm rooting for Blackshear but all of a sudden reading this thread and the name Marcus Murphy came into my head.
  12. And if Wyatt makes endless Pro Bowls and wins nothing but we win a Super Bowl in next few years it won't matter.
  13. If someone offers a 4th or higher for Moss I take it otherwise I say keep him.
  14. No Cam Lewis is or CB or S candidate.
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