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The Jokeman

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Everything posted by The Jokeman

  1. If we could have played players in Skittles we would have never lost Marshawn Lynch 😋
  2. As an A's fan why did you bring up 1990? It was a bad year between the A's and Bills it was a painful year for me to say the least.
  3. The slide plays a part than his decision to retire again kinda rubbed several the wrong way. I mean he was somewhat successful and felt like we had a chance to develop something and he elected not to come back which lead to Marrone to not come back etc. Ultimately it lead to us getting McDermott and Josh Allen etc. so the wound is not as deep as it was but still there.
  4. Shoulda kept Boogie, kidding. Yes, it hurts to not have him but it's still early in the season and better to lose now than later IMO.
  5. and yet we have the 2nd best offense in the league and arguably our QB is playing at his absolute best. Seriously the people that criticize Dorsey sound like they'll never be happy despite him being arguably one of the best OC's in the NFL.
  6. I blame Levy and Kelly for clock management on that final drive, everyone knows Norwood kicked worse on grass, back then 48 yard FGs weren't gimmes. Toss in so many 3 and outs and keeping the ball for less than 3 minutes put a bigger onus on our defense.
  7. Nice but scary, all I can say is don't piss her off lol
  8. Stay strong Jim, as long as you keep her in your thoughts and heart she'll always be with. My thoughts and prayers for you, your loved ones and all those that had the pleasure to know your mom.
  9. You've always got a better chance to win if you can stop someone as means your offense has to do less. It's why the old adage is that defense wins championships exists. Never truer than the year the Baltimore Ravens won with Dilfer at QB. I think the same as true today, only difference is most games now are usually won or lost by two or three plays in a given game. The reason for more athletic LBs is because the TE position has evolved too, as now it seems like every good team has a TE that can find a seam in the middle of a defense and move the chains. I mean look at our game we were struggling when we let Smythe beat us early on but once we covered him we did better on D. Toss in on the other side Kincaid was a threat against the Dolphins.
  10. Not only that but we're the first NFL team to do it after losing their season opener.
  11. It's easier to win when you have a better defense.
  12. If I'm not mistaken Kelly did a late night ads for Ponzi/Pyramid scheme back in the day.
  13. Time to see if Rapp can be his successor.
  14. It was Gailey as recall he also compared Spiller to a water bug. Dumbest draft pick ever, should have used it on Dez Bryant and kept Fred and Lynch together.
  15. It's because he is tall (6'3") not to mention he has that upright running style similar to Eddie George.
  16. Never as officials are a part time gig and am sure working at McDonalds means you gotta work weekends.
  17. Think the Jags are liking Heath now? https://www.si.com/nfl/jaguars/news/what-caused-the-jaguars-special-teams-meltdown-vs-texans-brandon-mcmanus-will-anderson Toss in Leonard Floyd a much better player than Boogie Basham.
  18. and more endorsement money het gets less of a salary he may command (see Tom Brady).
  19. I'm sure he got the same box that any other alumnus got and yet he's the only one to complain. I admit liked TKO when he was here but eh what the heck man? You got a free box and ticket to a game that most of us would love. Chose your battles, this one seems petty.
  20. Take a look at other starting right OTs in the league, Spencer's penalties and sack against are better/comparable than those of the Chiefs, 49ers, Dolphins just to name teams in the discussion as leagues best.
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