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Everything posted by PO'14

  1. Especially in the Toronto game when the pass was thrown on a wire. EJ made him fumble that ball DAMN YOU, CRAPPY QB SITUATION! LOL You mean Lynch the hit and run idiot who was being outplayed by Fred Jackson? Seattles defense won the Superbowl..not Lynchs 30 yards on 15 carries!
  2. January Jones and Pig in the same sentence sounds just about right!
  3. The real question is....What does SJ13 bring to the Bills? Pros Great route runner Very confident in his abilities Cons No Speed Loser Attitude ( go see many penalties and hands thrown in air after Tuel int.) No Clutch catches Runs 1 yard short of first down more often then not 7 million per year These of course are just my Opinions! ( even a blind squirrel can see this ) I forgot to mention...Folds like a house of cards under pressure. Go see Toronto game this year!
  4. His workout was the 1.99 Double Cheeseburger at Mickey D's. Hey ate 15 of them and pounded them back with a litre Milkshake! BTW, any links to this story?
  5. Im on the Who cares bandwagon. I first read the headline on Cbssports website and thought to myself right away...WHO Effin CARES! I didnt even open the the story. Then I come here and see there is 5 pages already. Once again..WHO CARES! I over eat. I bet ya that is a bigger problem than being gay!
  6. The pass defense was good this year. Now lets shore up on the run defense. Please draft the best defender at #9!
  7. Could be Santana with a few special guests singing! And to the Poster that said he LOVES LOVES LOVES Tom PEtty but called his SB performance sad? WTH??? Petty was one of the best performances in the History of the SB. Problem with Petty is that he is Petty! Never promoting himself. He and his band just let the music do the talking! ( Cue in an arrogant lead man named BONO who is everywhere and anywhere with his stupid sunglasses )
  8. Did Marshawn play in the Superbowl? All I saw was RW ( no not the old buffalo bills owner ) run for first downs and throw tight spirals in tight pockets. Screw Lynch. he is average at best and hyped by the media cuz the Seahawks are this years Darlings.
  9. I liked the ACDC request....but really you cant go wrong with my 2 requests....... Pearl Jam or Foo Fighters In terms of Pop I hate to say it but Taylor Swift would be good. Finally a long shot but Neil Young would be great with Pearl Jam
  10. I Read that as well and thought. There is brownnosing for a job and then there is stupidity. RAMSES is STUPID!
  11. Wouldn't it be nice for the Bills to have 1 top 20 receiver? Dude is Called MEGATRON....we have TJ, SJ, EJ, CJ...nuff said! Had the Bills just changed one initial we could have had T.Y.
  12. Bottom line for me...We shall see when Brady retires!
  13. too many small minds on the forums. Basketball has outgrown the 10 foot rim, Hockey has outgrown the small NHL rink, and Football has outgrown the wide posts. Finally Goodell phucked up the game when he changed the distance on the kickoff. Is there anything less boring than starting a game with a kick that goes in the front row?
  14. U mean the Lynch that was a major screw up off the field? U mean Lynch who had run ins with the law?. U mean Lynch who was outplayed by FJax? Hindsight is a wonderful thing isnt it?
  15. Lynch was an idiot in Buffalo, FJax outplayed him. End of story. Good for his success in Seatlle, more power to him. BUT HERE IN Buffalo he was terrible
  16. Watkins and dont need to waste a pick on a Tight End! GO see the importance of Jimmy Graham today!
  17. You talking about Brady? Can we stop sucking Billicheats jock strap! He was worthless prior to Brady and will be worthless after!
  19. Was it really a forward pass? The only problem I have with it, is how did the refs not throw the flag first. Were they not watching? To the naked eye and live, it looks so obvious that it was a forward pass. !@#$ING REFS!
  20. I beg to differ...Indy fans in the second half yesterday were very loud! What do you expect when a team is killing you in the first half? And how about yesterdays borefest, 7-6 at half and then Saints taking the lead for most of the 2nd half. What are fans supposed to do? Cartwheels. And today, Cincy was terrible for the whole game!
  21. Do you think he can fill in as WR coach?
  22. From what I saw yesterday and the other 5 or 6 bowl games I watched ( including the Buffalo games with Khali ), Watkins was the most impressive. Do it, Do it! Woods, Watkins and I know you guys keep talking TE but Chandler and Moaki will be good!
  23. Get that WATKINS Kid I watched yesterday! He was a man playing amongst boys last night!
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