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Everything posted by PO'14

  1. Cbssportline Pete Prisco wrote that CJ is the most overrated player on the Bills and that Robey is the most underrated. REad here: http://www.cbssports.com/nfl/writer/pete-prisco/24599152/the-most-overrated-and-underrated-nfl-players-team-by-team
  2. Hey mrags...Hitner called you wack!!! What is this, 1980's and Public Enemy? Who uses WACK today? MODS...please delete this..I didnt see the first thread.
  3. Enjoy! http://www.cbssports.com/nfl/eye-on-football/24600527/bills-wr-sammy-watkins-connection-with-ej-manuel-isnt-there-yet
  4. Yes, that was the problem with Rob Johnson, JP Losman, Trent Edwards, etc...
  5. F%$%^ CHILE! Go back to the Mines! AND YES..>NEYMAR DESERVES TO BE UP THERE! Also the Defender David Luiz.
  6. So I wasnt the only one to notice this? Ive mentioned it 2 times prior to your comment and no one has responded. Glad to see someone else seeing that he is one dumb idiot on the field!
  7. Depends: Am I on your Ignore list? and Can I still call you MR. Rags?
  8. the weather has been perfect here in brasil, that is a bs excuse
  9. if i wore a bills jersey biscuit would be massaging my special area and calling me a great lover! Just cuz a player is a Bill, doesnt make him a hall of famer!
  10. More Stevie Johnson talk..... And it doesnt matter who the Pats have at RB, they always seem to kill the Bills!
  11. We all want the Bills players to be the best at what they do. I agree fully with Mr.Rags here. CJ has the speed, the athletic ability and has potential. On the other hand, CJ is injury prone, has no vision and isnt Football savvy. AGAIN, Put CJ in for screens, outside runs, kick returns and put in FJAX for up the gut smashmouth football!
  12. Get CJ the ball as many times as possible in the open field, for screens, on kick returns, etc.....Give the rock to FJ for dirty yards. IMO, its not difficult to understand this, but Marrone and Co. know more than me.
  13. Didnt a Jets Defender laugh at Spiller prior to the first match up last season? SOmething like Smash Mouth football makes Spiller disappear? ANd sure enough, he sucked big balls in that game! Again,,when you run out of bounds untouched late in the half which gives the ball back to the opponent, you're game smarts sux. This is CJ! Anyone remember when he complained to Marrone and Marrone told him to man up!
  14. Anyone remember last year when Fred Jackson dropped a ball on purpose to stop the clock on the last drive against Carolina? Anyone remember CJ running out of bounds with no one around him instead of going down and running the clock late in first half which gave the ball back to Miami? This tells me everything about who I want on the field in crucial situtations!
  15. Who ran SJ out of town? The BOARD MEMBERS?
  16. Im Winded reading this thread!
  17. I dont get it with a young QB. But what the hell do I know?
  18. DC TOM doesnt know good music. Im not that concerned. I just heard Karma Chameleon on the radio and I thought of DC TOM!
  19. Im Francoeiro! That is so true about Gugny...I typed it in but got Pussinildo!
  20. Im not sure if I can post this on here...So I apoligize to the Mods from the get go. I ended up buying 2 extra tickets cuz I found four seats together 5 minutes after I purchased the first 2. September 21 at the Tampa Bay Forum Section 317, Row 1 ( A ), seats 2-3. If interested in buying please send me a PM. http://www.tampabaytimesforum.com/events/seating-charts
  21. Been losing all these years with the J's! We missed on TY hilton, instead we got TJ Graham!
  22. Enough about the States...How about that Nigeria/Iran game. Im less then 3 miles from the stadium as Im writing this. End to end action!
  23. Hope you guys are getting ready for the Big Classic in roughly two hours! Its in my city Curitiba! IRAN vs NIGERIA. I wonder if Obama sent troops down here.
  24. I love your Weekly comments and agree with most of them. ( especially about Stephon Gilmore ). However, Mario is average. His sacks and good plays come in bunches and then he goes invisible for 2-4 games. I love his height, his skills, but he is not a leader, nor worth 100 million!
  25. Im back tonight to say this....Marshawn turned out good in Seattle. However, HE WAS A POS ( Peace of Shyte ) here in Buffalo. Anyone who fails to recognize this is ignorant and a homer!
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