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Everything posted by PO'14

  1. You can stand me up at the gates of hell, but I wont back down. Gonna stand my ground!
  2. Great Movie. Then I watched Escape from Alcatraz and thought S.R. was a rip-off.
  3. He's an American Icon and a living legend and Im canadian!
  4. DC TOM keeps telling me Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers suck. What you all think?
  5. I will make a poll and we shall judge!
  6. Back in the good ole days...BLAH BLAH BLAH! His writing is perfect for todays generation. Get a grip!
  7. Well said...sometimes I wonder if posters even watch the game? 8 minute drive for a TD after halftime by San Diego. But hey, we held them to blah blah blah blah
  8. Hey, it was 19 points against GREEN BAY...and they didnt need more since GB only put up 7! So maybe the Detroit Defense is good as well!
  9. Well, what do you think? Can Bills sweep the 2 road games? I HOPE SO! If that happens, I will jizz in my pants!!!!!
  10. Playing on the road against a great Defense Playing on the road against a great Offense. IN a blink of an eye, Bills can be 2-3! This game in Houston is huge. Heading to Detroit with a 2 game losing streak wont be good!
  11. Are you sure about that??? HA HA
  12. WE LOVE OUR TEAM! But we know our team. A 3-0 start was huge. The Defense allowed San Diego to score points on every possesion until early in the 4rth quarter. The offense was in reverse. We have a young QB, we havent seen a playoff game in 14 years. WE ARE HUNGRY! I LOVE THE BILLS!
  13. You must see them live. Ive seen them 4-5 times live,...but like a craft show, seen one, seen them all. and back to the topic Song: Fooled Again Artist: Tom Petty Math Line: If 2 is 1 I might as well be 3 and this is also the official Buffalo Bills song: Here is the chorus. Looks like I've been fooled again Looks like I'm the fool again I don't like it, I don't like it
  14. Both you guys are either blind or idiots. Im saying that Superstars get the call. JP LOSMAN was a TERRIBLE QB. Gotta earn your stripes. There is a difference between 1 yard less and 5 yards. Also, EJ is staying alive to finish the game but go ask Glash Goodwin how he feels about EJ's late game throws.
  15. Nice bickering between offense and defense...BOTH WERE PUTRID LAST WEEK. Include the penalties and this was one ugly game!
  16. I regularly bet on games as well. But what does it matter if all the money is on one side or the other. Are you trying to insinuate that the NFL is in with VEGAS? If its a clean league, what does it matter if another industry loses money. And lets be honest. How much money was really put on this one game? I just find it odd that if the games were fixed, why has nothing ever been leaked. Not one Whistleblower. You cant make me believe that everyone is hush hush and nothing comes out...EVER. But who am I to know these things.
  17. Agree Fully with Dibs. Here in Brazil, Tips are 10% and included on the final bill. If you didnt like the service, you can refuse. I dont see the need to pay 20%. 10% is just about right IMO. We went to Chef Mickey last week and the bill was 300$. We were in 9 people ( 3 kids ) and 6 adults. It was a buffet breakfast bar with the waiter only serving juice and coffee. Disney said we had to pay 18% cuz we were more than 6. 35$ per adult and the kids were charged 17$. 49$ went to a tip. WAY TOO EFFIN MUCH for this kind of service especially to someone who doesnt need a degree to do the job. Its a B word, and I always tip, but we all make decisions in what we want to do in life. Most waiters dont have an education. Like my LIFE IS GOOD T-shirt says. DO WHAT YOU LIKE, LIKE WHAT YOU DO! If you dont like cheap phocks like me, change jobs!
  18. Gotta earn your stripes. JP LOSMAN was a big loser!
  19. They gave up 20 points cuz that is all the Chargers needed. After the 8 minute 3rd quarter TD, the game was over. There were only 2 possessions in that 3rd quarter. I actually thought that the first defensive stop came early in the 4rth quarter. THE DEFENSE WAS PUTRID against the Chargers. Need i mention SG24 again?
  20. The defense was not great against Chicago. They bent but didnt break. The defense was horrible against Chargers.
  21. My Top 3 5) WORD 4) HOMIE 3) BIAAAAATCH!
  22. Great cover guy. Always covering the receivers shadow!
  23. What says u now? winner! Gilmore is not fragile, nor injury prone...... He sux And has no charisma
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