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Everything posted by Bruce

  1. 1.) Could this be the second coming of Lawyer Milloy? Bills should sign him for spite. 2.) Buddy should sign him, with the a rider in his contract not to get stupid haircuts like what is on display in that article. Heck, with a haircut like that, I'd have cut 'em in the barber chair. +1
  2. Exactly. We're still talking about Peyton Manning here. The marvels of modern medicine may have him back and producing close if not at his former level. The the shoulder is more complex than the ankle joint, achilles tendon tears were career-enders not so long ago. Miami's O line is ok, and we still don't have a pass rush.
  3. That friend of yours...wouldn't happen to be a drug DEALER, by any chance, would he? Sounds all well and good. But this is an extremely simplified and exaggerated opinion on human addiction.
  4. Yeah, I agree with all of those positional needs. Dominating, GUARANTEED to get to the QB DE, an OLB, a LT, and use Chandler more than just in the red zone. Mario Williams is going to command alot of dough, but with the Giants being so deep at D-line, I wonder if they would ever consider trading one of their D linemen. If, IF Merriman can even come close to his old form we might have those 2 pass rushers answered. Big if, though. A pass rush makes our secondary better. A pass rush makes it difficult for opposing QB's. A pass rush gets us more 3-&-outs for opposing offenses. Putting Williams and Dareus on the line at the same time is a great idea. Kelsay should if nothing else, maintain the edge on that left side, and a pass rushing DE would be perfect. We need a pancaking, nasty, snot-faced LT to solidify the left side for a decade. I think using Chandler more than just in the red zone will happen now that Metzalaars is on the coaching staff. I wonder if the Colts would entertain an offer for Dallas Clark since they are now in a confirmed rebuild? But we need a healthy roster more than anything. The Bills have been especially snake-bitten with injuries these past few years. Our offense was really moving the ball, and we had so many options to choose from. The O was hitting its stride, then injuries took over. If injuries are minimal, and we add those 3-5 players and use Chandler right, the Bills could be well on their way to the playoffs.
  5. Not a bad overall post for being tired and drunk. Or drunk and tired. I would not play contract games with Bell, nor has he shown anything warranting a big investment up until now. Hairston will improve and if Bell thinks he can get more money and a better situation that what he has in Buffalo, then so be it. Nix has said that we're also going to be drafting a LT, this year, and I believe that it will be in the first 3 rounds (just a hunch). Chandler, I agree completely with Nix's assessment. He is in an ideal situation for his career right now in Buffalo. If he thinks that the grass is greener somewhere else, and if he leaves, he'll be waived and/ or out of football within 2 seasons. Same with Parrish. But he's getting older and is showing to be too injury prone. Kelsay we need to keep (did I just say that?). McGee may be done. I agree that Florence screws up with penalties and bad plays about as often as he wins. He can be a solid DB when he's on, but when he's off....he's OFF. Steve Johnson should be resigned, if possible- but not for premiere money. Fred Jackson should get priority. He's arguably our grittiest player (alongside Kyle Williams, Eric Wood, and Nick Barnett), and giving him a contract worthy of his abilities would be a huge gesture by the Bills. I'd probably lose Dwan Edwards and Spencer Johnson. Not sure what to do with Merriman. But I don't feel that we are that much off anymore. If we can get another solid draft like the 2011 one, and gain 5-6 players out of it, and sign 1-2 impact free agents, I think the Bills will be on the verge if not competing in the wild card round of the playoffs next year.
  6. The issue that also needs to be addressed is who gets to decide what is acceptable behavior? Do you really believe that people are so much cruder today? I mean let's recall, back in earlier days, Jackie Robinson was not even allowed to play baseball, solely because of his skin color. Blacks were not allowed in the same schools as whites. Or in the same restaurants. Or to drink out of the same water fountain. Or ride in the front of a bus. In certain parts of the country, blacks were lynched. This is as recent as 50 years ago. But on the other hand, do we want to live in a Gestapo-like country of WWII Germany, where whispering anything against the Fuhrer was a punishable defense of imprisonment or death? Granted, this is an extreme example, but I, for one, am not all amped up to surrender my freedom of speech to a government official, because he knows better. Some Orwellian thought-speak hell, where Big Brother controls all is not my cup of tea, and does not mix with the idea of freedom and liberty. If someone says something that you don't like, does that make it wrong? Now, I'm not condoning this type of language, and I am certainly not one who uses it. This type of crude behavior is what is partly responsible for me not wanting to bring my children to a professional sporting event (along with the prohibitive prices). I believe that the real issue here, is the tremendous lack of any sense and morals in society. I agree that these types of things should not be uttered. They are cowards and drunkards that issue such slander. But where I disagree is that we need a government, or a league, or any regulatory body to legislate speech constrictions. I place the burden of responsibility solely on the laps of the perpetrators, and think that more laws do more harm than good. If we all had a little more sense, then more laws would not be needed.
  7. ...and we should have drafted Ngata instead of Whitner, Pierre-Paul instead of Spiller, and Gronkowski. Should have kept Pat Williams, London Fletcher, and Antoine Winfield. Should have outbid Miami for Cameron Wake. Shoulda, shoulda, shoulda. Maybe we should stop 'shoulding' on ourselves, and agree that for the past decade prior to Nix and Whaley, we had a terrible scouting department, GM's, and professional scouting.
  8. I live a bit north of Richmond, and I can tell you that there is bogus speculation all over from outsiders...even if they have ESPN attached to their name. Heck, in the NFC championship game this past week, the guy with Troy Aikman stated that "this was the same end of the field where Scott Norwood missed wide right in Super Bowl 25". I looked around the room. Did I just hear that right? The Bills and Giants did not play the Super Bowl in San Francisco. They played in Pasadena. This is from the supposedly #1 broadcast team for FOX Sports?
  9. Would be awe-some.
  10. Now, THAT is the best idea I've heard, yet. People just Love to look at the car crash.
  11. STU-PID! This is similar to those Marines who were caught urinating on the dead bodies of Taliban knuckleheads and were videotaped. War is hell, and I'm sure that things like this go on all of the time..especially in a guerilla campaign like our troops fight everyday in Afghanistan. But after Abu Grahaib prison, how stupid do you have to be to allow yourself to be videotaped while doing it? Similarly, with the NFL eliminating the kickoff return because of fear of concussions, and with the new special helmets, rules changes to severely penalize helmet to helmet contact, and these idiots somehow think that is ok to advertise that they were planning to try and give an NFL player a concussion because of his history? Keep your darn mouth shut! But now that the cat is out of the bag, suspensions and fines are the only things that make sense. Especially from the Super Bowl.
  12. Can you help me out here? How does hiring a Defensive coordinator effect whether Peyton Manning returns?
  13. What? What about being responsible for your own actions? Is the NFL now responsible for telling TO's little head telling the big head to procreate to not? Is it the NFL's responsibility how to spend their money? When is the silver spoon removed? Federal law says that we are adults at age 18. You are mature enough to enlist in the military to kill people if necessary. Most laws state that we are legal to learn how to operate a motor vehicle at age 16. You are legally old enough to drink at age 21. The NFL should be ashamed? How do you figure? The NFL is a business. If anything, it's sole responsibility should be to protect its bottom line. So, if players are the bread making side of it, then they should be provided with guidance. But how is the NFL responsible? Legally speaking, once TO turned 18, he's considered an adult. I mean, how many financially illiterate 40 year old people are there? Or 50? Or 60? Somehow TO is special because he's a football player making millions? Is boxing responsible for Mike Tyson losing all of his money? Whatever happened to being responsible for your own actions? Look at the track record. Having children with 4 different women is no indicator of the lack of character and/ or intelligence?
  14. Pity? PITY!?!? Please. The guy made 10's of millions of dollars playing a game. He squandered 10's of millions. When most people struggle to make 1 million in their LIFETIME, this guy did it over, and over, and over again. And has nothing to show for it. I mean, atleast with boxers you know that so many repeated blows to the head leaves them a little...soft in the head after awhile. But a WR? Children with 4 different women? This is hardly the Travis Henry school of child rearing, but bringing a child into this world when you had no intention of being with the chick is terrible. But to do it 4 FREAKIN' TIMES!!!!?!?!?!? Ever heard of a condom? Or, maybe...marrying? This doesn't sound like a story. Just a serial "look how the mighty have fallen". People seem to get off on that. Like stupid rubberneckers on the thruway when there's an accident. TO brought some of that on himself with his lavish routine while he was playing, and how "great" he was. So some of it is self-inflicted. He built himself up to a certain level, and now that he has fallen so far down apparently we are supposed to feel sorry for it? What's the point of the article, exactly? Getting off of steroids certainly brings on depression. As does losing the celebrity status that alot of NFL players seem to encounter when they eventually retire. It is not an easy transition to "normal" life, when for the 30+ years prior you were told otherwise by anyone you came in contact with. And, oh...that buzz of playing in front of thousands of adoring fans. Imagine having your whole life pulled out from under your feet. Especially when you make a gazillion amount of dollars, and tens of thousand of people know you, chicks are crazy about you, everyone telling you how great you are....then it is all gone. Tough transition, I'll admit. But what, am I supposed to feel sorry for that success? Get in line. Welcome to the real world, "TO".
  15. Adding these guys would be cool. Pass rusher to help out, and a KR and slot receiver to replace Roscoe. Bigger, hopefully more durable, for less money. Shrewd. Would be great if it worked out that way and they both produced.
  16. WE NEED A SAMOAN!! (and this guy was pretty solid in the middle) If we were to lose Dwan Edwards and Powell, then I say open the purse strings and go get this guy.
  17. I don't know. I'd probably look back at his selections with San Diego to see if that is in fact, true. One thing that I think that you forget, is that on offense Chan likes gimmicks. And on defense, we were transitioning from a 4-3 base to a 3-4 base, and you would want players who have versatility to help ease the transition.
  18. Very interesting work, and I certainly appreciate your effort. Unfortunately, this is nothing more than fan-talk, which is basically worthless. I don't see Bell being signed for that much cash by the Bills. Hairston actually filled in admirably for a good portion of the season- and let's not forget that he was a rookie coming in to play perhaps the most difficult/ challenging position on the O-line..that of LT. AND (big 'AND')....he had NO training camp. I'm very interested to see Hairston at LT after a complete offseason of OTA's, experience of playing, and coaching. And don't forget that Buddy wants to add another LT in the draft, so I could see Bell leaving similar to that other LT we had a few years back that constantly was hurt and bolted for mucho dinero to San Fran. He was big enough, but could never get it together. He signed a big contract with the 49ers, then never contributed. I see Bell the same way. Fred Jackson, Rinehardt, Urbik, and Chandler all need to be resigned. We can't take hits on the O-line, when it took practically a decade to find atleast solid players. We were a good rushing team and allowed the fewest sacks because we finally are getting our act together on the O-line. And Chandlers value to the Bills is greater than it is to other teams- another point where I will agree with Buddy. Chandler is a star with Buffalo, but is training camp fodder with many other clubs. McGee, unfortunately is getting too old and is too injured, too often. I love the guy for all of the really spectacular seasons he put together for just really bad Bills teams. Parrish, depending on his position, is similar to Chandler, IMO. Has tremendous value to the Bills for the role he would play, but would not last on most other NFL rosters. If he wants more than the Bills will pay, then I don't see it as too great of a loss. Kelsay is an ok LDE, and I would retain him. Trying to move him to OLB was boneheaded. Powell can be cut, as $3 mil+/per is too much for him. Same with Dwan Edwards. I'd be interested in trying to get Merriman back, but $5 million/per is too much for a guy that can't be healthy unless he's 'roided up. I'd want to get Merriman for an incentive-based contract only. But losing Powell and Edwards hurts defensive line depth. I don't see Kellen Heard being much of an impact player. I like the RDE we got from the Jets. He looked like a natural pass rusher. But if we draft a RDE, and keep Kelsay, Williams, the RDE from the Jets, and Dareus, we need some depth. I wonder if the Bills should pull a Cameron Wake-esque move, and find the 2 best pass rushers from the CFL and bring them to Buffalo in the offseason.
  19. All I can say is...I could care less about AJ Hawk...Barnett is a beast and has been one of the best free agent pick-ups for us in a long, long time.
  20. I like the 4-3 and think that our personnel is more suited for success now with that alignment. Having the Wannstache running the 'D' will also be a tremendous improvement in scheme, coaching, etc, and we can finally put an end to the ridiculous experiment to use Kelsay and #91 (name escapes me) as outside LB's. I like Kelsay in his natural position as a left DE. The only thing is- I don't see this article as offering any insight into the Bills, in fact, running this scheme as its base. Just repeating what we already knew. Either way, I look forward to the day when this kind of talk and the offseason is not as exciting as the regular season and playoffs are. GO BILLS! Dude, totally. I don't know why the sports reporters play such patty-cake games with soft pitch questions.
  21. London Fletcher is getting a bit long in the tooth, but he hinted at wanting to return to Buffalo when he won his Buffalo Sports award recently. I know one thing for sure...the Bills could help themselves a tremendous amount by getting a Samoan on the defensive line. That guy from Miami or from San Fran should do fine.
  22. If the time was right, I would think this to be an ok move...but would this decision be based on results, or based upon what we HAD in Frank Reich? I think if a Jim Kelly-led ownership group were running the show, this would make great sense. But with the current staff, I don't see a former player as much of an incentive.
  23. Sorry, man. Just went back to make sure that I was not an idiot. There are 9 games with a sack. IF you are not counting 1/2 sacks, then it is 9. The game with 2.0 sacks counts as 1, as it was per GAME, and not per SACK.
  24. Agreed. Then you would always get the "I was just kidding" excuse from the debtee.
  25. It will certainly be interesting to see which team makes the playoffs first. I think that the most mirror-like team for the Bills is the Redskins, though. The only difference being that Washington has an owner that will overspend to oblivion, and the Bills have one that will underspend to oblivion. One question- do the Rams have a GM? One of Fisher's stipulations apparently in Miami was that he was not going to have the control over personnel that he wanted. Fishers teams were always tougher than most others, and after he lost McNair, and later that waste-of-space Albert Haynesworth, Tennessee lost their record.. Like any other team in the league, take away Peyton Manning, and look at the Colts. Take away Tom Brady, and I don't think the Patriots make the playoffs. The Bills have not been the same without Kelly, the Dolphins are still sinking since Marino, and the Broncos have come close but are still not the same since Elway. Was McNair as good as those guys? For Tennessee, I think that he was. Fishers Titans were always tough. That's A LOT more than we can say with our IR squad of the past decade.
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